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Fun Kids Elementary School

Jalan Cihanjuang
Komplek Budi Asri Blok C 6/7
Bandung Barat Telp 6610874
Middle Test

: Tuesday/11th March 2014

: English
: P2
Choose the correct answer!

1. The have worked hard the whole ....

a. day
b. week
c. term
2. We ........ to the beach to swim
a. took
b. liked
c. drove
3. It ........ fun to have holiday with my
a. is
c. was
4. We went to Coral Island by ..........
a. train
b. plane
c. ferry
5. We have to check in just after arrive
in a .........
a. garage
b. restaurant
c. hotel
6. Our family ........ to Bangkok last
a. fly
b. flew
c. flies
7. Custome
our ..........




a. money
b. clothes
c. ticket
8. We should bring ticket and passports
if we want to go by ...........
a. ferry
b. bus
c. plane
9. We should take ........... to go to the
a. sun glasses
b. tie
c. socks
10. take photographs Dan?
a. Are
b. Were
c. Did
11. Mother ....... her clothes in a
a. gave
b. bought
c. carried
12. After our lunch, Dad ....... down
a. lied
b. laid
c. lay
13. Father to the beach
a. drives
b. driven
c. drove

14. They .......... some fish this

a. catches
b. caught
c. catch

23. The pirate captain asks his friends

to ............... the ground.
a. dug
b. dig
c. dug

15. I want to ........... my grandma.

a. visit
b. visits
c. visited

24. At last the pirates ........... wooden

a. carry
b. carries
c. carried

16. Long ago, there ........ a King and a

a. was
b. were
c. is
17. They a palace with their
a. live
b. lived.
c. lives

25. When it is raining hard, we

heard .........
a. storm
b. wind
c. cloud
26. Sometimes we will see .......... after
a. rainbow
b. sun
c. snow

18. She was in love with a prince and

he ....... her, too. They will get married.
a. loves
b. loved
c. love

27. Children can make ........... in winter

a. snowball
b. ice cream
c. chocolate

19. The king s tailor ........... Robin s

wedding suit.
a. maked
b. made
c. makes

28. In fairy tale dragon burst out ...........

from its mouth.
a. water
b. fire
c. fog

20. Last week I .......... up the mountain.

a. climbed
b. climb
c. climbs

29. The mean character in fairy tale

is ........
a. a witch
b. a princsess
c. a giant

21. Once upon a time the pirates .........

on the small island
a. lands
b. landed
c. landy
22. They .......... Treasure Island
a. found
b. gave
c. took

30. The good character in fairy tale is

a. a dragon
b. a prince
c. princess


Answer the

1. How do you carry your holiday

clothes? __________________
2. What do you travel in to faraway
places? ___________________
3. What do you need to travel to
another country ? ___________
4. What do you use to take
photograps on holiday? ______
5. How do you carry your suitcases
around the airport? ___________
6. What do you do during holiday?

7. What are your favourite places for
holiday? ___________________
8. What do you prepare for having
holiday in a beach? __________
9. What do you call a person who
drive bus? _________________
10. Write a postcard to your uncle and
tell him about your holiday!

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