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MATH1851 (14/15 Semester 1) Assignment 3 (0%)

(Due date: 10 Oct 2014 5pm)

Please submit your solution to the assignment box located on the 4th floor
of Run Run Shaw building. DO NOT COPY. Late submission will not be
1. (M-H 2002) What is the minimum vertical distance between the graphs
of 2 + sin x and cos x?
2. Find the area bounded between the curve y = sin2 x and the straight
line y = 2 x.
3. For integer n 0, let
In = xn ex dx .
So I1 = x1 ex dx, I2 = x2 ex dx, etc. Find a reduction formula for
In , i.e., express In in terms of In1 (or In2 , In3 , . . . ). Then calculate
I3 .
4. Evaluate the integral
Z 1
x2014 sin x +

dx .
x2 + 1

5. The volume of a torus. The disk x2 + y 2 a2 is revolved about the

line x = b (b > a) to generate a solid
like a doughnut and called
R a shaped
a torus. Find its volume. (Hint: a a2 y 2 dy = a2 , since it is the
area of a semicircle of radius a.)
6. Resolve into partial fractions of
(x 2)(x2 4x + 5)2
7. Find

sec1 y dy .

8. Suppose D is the region in the xy-plane bounded by the parabola y = x2

and the line y = 2x. Find the volume of the solid generated by rotating
D about
(a) the x-axis;
(b) the y-axis.

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