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From: donotreply2@valleyhealthlink.

Subject: Bravo Gram for Summer Spiva: CC4
Date: May 28, 2013 at 12:57 AM

Your received a BRAVO GRAM from: VHS1\yhughes Department: CC2
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Compassion Innovation Integrity Collaboration Courage Excellence
It always makes my night when I know I am working with Summer. She shows compassion and commitment to the patients under her care.
She is always willing to help not only her unit but anyone in need of assistance. Summer does the right thing when working alone or in a group
and encourages others to do the same. She consults coworkers with problem solving and brainstorming, and takes suggestions under
advisement. Summer is not afraid to speak up to coworkers that may not be working up to par or to make observations regarding patient care.
Summer thinks outside the box and gets the job done whatever it takes. She puts in the extra effort in order to satisfy her patients, the nurses
that depend on her and her coworkers. She takes her job seriously and works to the best of her ability, going above and beyond the call of
duty on a daily basis.

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