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Before the observation

Discuss the task with the teacher and arrange a good time to
observe her teaching. (this could be for as little as 15 min)
During the observation, record and make notes on what the
teacher and the learners are doing.

Teacher activity

Learner activity

Teachers prepare the


The students will sing and dance

with the teacher and will learn
the alphabetical letters and they
will learn how to announce the
letter. And they will give us the
word that will start with the
letter like (a-apple)

Teachers prepare the three

sections activities 1- coloring
2-writing the letter 3- making
paintings and creative things
cutting papers and gluing
things getting the paint out
having all materials.

Students will know and

understand how will they write
the letter (m), how to use
paintings. They will imagine
what will they draw. They will be
more creativity.


20 mins

Note: This is only an example, the aim of this is to observe what is happening in
the learning environment you are in.

Find out how the teacher planned and prepared

for the section you observed.

After the observation general questions

related to planning and preparation for
Arrange a time to discuss the following points with the
teacher. It is important that you ask these questions as
they will help you with your reflection later.

How do you plan? Do you plan weekly, daily, as part of a team or


She discusses with other teacher, daily at first she plans by herself and
then they discuss with each other and take ideas.

Do you do anything you havent planned to do?


What is important to you when planning a lesson?

To make students enjoy and be successful in education.

Do you plan to do the same thing with all the children in the
classroom? (Why/Why not? No I prefer all students is the same
because nobody can fight and nobody get sad. But if they need any
extra classes the teacher will be there for them.

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