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Unit 1 Evaluation Rubrics

L = Listening
R = Reading

S = Speaking
W = Writing

Unit Objectives and Key Competences
Competence in Linguistic


Identifies and produces

little or none of the
electronic gadgets

Identifies and produces

some of the electronic
gadgets vocabulary.

Identifies and produces

most of the electronic
gadgets vocabulary.

Identifies and produces all

of the electronic gadgets

Listens and does a vocabulary quiz (L, S)

Has great difficulty or

is unable to understand
the quiz or answer the

Understands some of the

quiz, but encounters some
difficulty answering the

Understands most of the

quiz without difficulty and
can answer a lot of the
questions correctly.

Understands the quiz

without any difficulty and
answers the questions

Learns, understands and uses the

grammar for Unit 1 (adverbs of frequency)
(L, S, R, W)

Has great difficulty or

is unable to use the
grammar correctly.

Is able to use the grammar,

but with difficulty or

Is able to use the grammar

correctly, but with some
difficulty or prompting.

Is able to use the grammar

correctly without any
difficulty or prompting.

Talks about what people do (S)

Has great difficulty or is

Is able to talk about
unable to talk about what what people do, but with
people do.
difficulty or prompting.

Is able to talk about what

people do, but with some
difficulty or prompting.

Is able to talk about what

people do without any
difficulty or prompting.

Listens and uses everyday language in

the Everyday chit-chat section (L, S, R, W)

Has great difficulty or

is unable to understand
or use the everyday
language in context.
Requires a lot of support.

Understands and uses

some of the everyday
language in context, but
with difficulty and requires

Understands and uses

the everyday language in
context, but with some
difficulties and requires
some support.

Understands and uses

the everyday language in
context with minimal or no
difficulty or support.

Competence in Mathematics,
Science and Technology


Demonstrates some
comprehension of the
text, but requires a lot of
support. Completes the
Activity Book activities, but
with some difficulty.

Demonstrates good
comprehension of the text,
but requires some support.
Completes the Activity
Book activities, but with a
little difficulty.

Names and describes electronic gadgets

(L, S, R, W)

Reads an advertisement (L, S, R, W)

Demonstrates little or
no comprehension of
the text. Struggles to
complete the Activity
Book activities.



Demonstrates good
comprehension of the
text with minimal or no
support. Completes the
Activity Book activities
without difficulty.


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Unit 1 Evaluation Rubrics

Asks and says how often he/she and other

people do things (L, S, W)

4 and 5

Talks about the gadgets people use (S, R)

Reads the report of a survey on electronic

gadgets (L, R)
Digital Competence


S = Speaking
W = Writing

Has great difficulty or

is unable to put this
grammar point into

Is able to put this grammar Is able to put this grammar

point into practice, but with point into practice, but
difficulty or prompting.
with some difficulty or

Is able to put this grammar

point into practice without
any difficulty or prompting.

Has great difficulty or is

unable to understand or
talk about the gadgets
people use.

Is able to understand and

talk about the gadgets
people use, but with
difficulty or prompting.

Is able to understand and

talk about the gadgets
people use, but with some
difficulty or prompting.

Is able to understand and

talk about the gadgets
people use without any
difficulty or prompting.

Has great difficulty or is

Understands some of the
unable to understand any information in the report,
of the information in the
but with difficulty.

Understands most of the

information in the report,
but with difficulty at times.

Understands all of the

information in the report
with little or no difficulty.


Has great difficulty or is

unable to use the Pupils
Online Materials.

Uses the Pupils Online

Materials, but has difficulty
completing the activities
and requires support.

Uses the Pupils Online

Materials largely
independently. Completes
the activities, but with some
difficulties and errors.


Shows little or no
interest in predicting the
story from the title and
pictures, and makes no
effort to imagine what
might happen.

Shows some interest in

predicting the story from
the title and pictures.
Requires a lot of support
to imagine what might

Usually shows interest in

predicting the story from
the title and pictures. Can
imagine what might happen
with some support.

Shows interest and

enthusiasm in predicting
the story from the title and
pictures. Enjoys imagining
what might happen.

Has great difficulty

distinguishing between /
t/ and /d / and cannot
pronounce the sounds

Is sometimes able to
distinguish between /t/
and /d / and pronounce
the sounds, but encounters
difficulties and requires
support. Makes frequent

Is usually able to distinguish

between /t/ and /d / and
pronounce the sounds
correctly, but encounters
difficulties at times. Makes
some mistakes.

Is able to distinguish
between /t/ and /d / and
pronounce the sounds
correctly and without
difficulty, making very few
or no mistakes.

Uses the Pupil's Online Materials

(L, S, R, W)

Learning to Learn

L = Listening
R = Reading

Predicts what happens in the story (S, R)

Practises pronunciation: /t/ and /d /

(L, S, R, W)


Uses the Pupils Online

Materials independently.
Completes the activities
with minimal or no
difficulties or errors.


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Unit 1 Evaluation Rubrics

Reviews, assesses and plans his/her own

learning (L, R, W)

Social and Civic Competences



Understands and thinks about the Tiger

Track value: the importance of following
your interests at home and at school (S, R)

Reads and writes about the pros and cons

of using electronic gadgets (L, R, W)

Sense of Initiative and

Plays the games (S, R)


S = Speaking
W = Writing

Has great difficulty or is

unable to review, assess
or plan his/her own

Reviews, assesses and

plans his/her own learning,
but with difficulty and
requires support. Makes a
lot of mistakes.

Reviews, assesses and

plans his/her own learning
largely independently.
Encounters some
difficulties and makes some

Reviews, assesses and

plans his/her own learning
independently and without
difficulty. Makes very few
or no mistakes.

Has great difficulty or

is unable to understand
this value. Rarely
or never behaves

Understands this value,

but with some difficulty.
Behaves accordingly some
of the time.

Understands this value and

behaves accordingly most
of the time.

Understands this value

and behaves accordingly
all of the time.

Has great difficulty or

is unable to understand
the text. Does not
understand the concept
of pros and cons.

Understands some of the

text, but with difficulty.
Understands a little of the
concept of pros and cons,
but applies it with difficulty.

Understands most of the

text, but with difficulty at
times. Understands the
concept of pros and cons
and applies it correctly
some of the time.

Understands all of the text

with little or no difficulty.
Understands the concept
of pros and cons and
applies it correctly.

Plays the games, but

encounters communication
difficulties and requires

Plays the games, but

encounters some
communication difficulties
and requires some support.

Plays the games

with minimal or no
communication difficulties
or support.

Has great difficulty or

is unable to do the role
play. Requires a lot of

Does the role play, but

encounters communication
difficulties and requires a
lot of support.

Does the role play,

but encounters some
communication difficulties
and requires some support.

Does the role play

with minimal or no
communication difficulties
or support.


Has great difficulty or is

unable to plan his/her
project, and makes few
or no notes.

Has difficulty planning his/ Plans his/her project quite

her project, and requires a well, and makes notes with
lot of support when making some support.

Has great difficulty or

is unable to play the
2, 5 and8
games. Requires a lot of

Does a role play (how to buy an electronic

gadget) (L, S, R)

Prepares and plans his/her project (R, W)

L = Listening
R = Reading



Plans his/her project

well and makes good
notes without difficulty or


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Unit 1 Evaluation Rubrics

Writes and presents his/her project (W)

Cultural Awareness and Expression



L = Listening
R = Reading

Has great difficulty

or is unable to write
and present a project.
Uses little or no target
language, and rarely
produces complete and
accurate sentences.

S = Speaking
W = Writing

Is able to write and present

a project, but needs a lot
of support. Uses some
target language, and
produces complete and
accurate sentences some
of the time.

Is able to write and

present a project largely
independently, but requires
support at times. Uses
target language, and
produces complete and
accurate sentences a lot of
the time.

Is able to write and present

a project independently
with minimal or no
support. Uses a lot of
target language, and
almost always produces
complete and accurate

Understands little or
none of the story and
finds it very difficult or
impossible to review it.

Understands some of the

story and is able to review
it, but with difficulty.

Understands most of the

story and is able to review
it, but with some difficulty
at times.

Understands all of the

story and is able to review
it with minimal or no

Has great difficulty or

is unable to understand
this cultural aspect or
answer questions about

Understands this cultural

aspect and answers
questions about it, but with
some difficulty.

Understands this cultural

aspect and answers
questions about it, but with
a little difficulty.

Understands this cultural

aspect and answers
questions about it without
any difficulty.

Has great difficulty or is

unable to do the quiz or
understand its cultural

Does some of the quiz, but

encounters some difficulty.
Loosely understands its
cultural aspect.

Does most of the quiz

without difficulty and
understands its cultural
aspect quite well.

Does the quiz and

understands its cultural
aspect without any

Listens and finds out about shopping in

English towns (L, R)

Shows little or no interest Shows a slight interest and

enjoyment in finding out
or enjoyment in finding
about this cultural aspect.
out about this cultural

Shows interest and

enjoyment in finding out
about this cultural aspect.

Shows keen interest and

enjoyment in finding out
about this cultural aspect.

Watches a video clip about buying an

electronic gadget (L)

Has great difficulty or is

unable to understand the

Understands most of the

video, but with difficulty at

Understands the video

with little or no difficulty.

Listens, reads and understands the story

(L, S, R, W)

Listens and reads about two famous

cities in England (L, R)

Does a culture quiz about England (L, S, R)

Understands some of the

video, but with difficulty.



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