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Transferring table records from One Client to Another Client in

same SAP System with customer report By using ALE IDOC

Step1. Go to Tcode-Se11, create a table with data entries in client 200 (sender)
same table is available in the client 300(Receiver system), but There are no
records present in the table for the client 300.

Step2. in client 200 Go to Tcode- SALE-> Define Logical systems or tcode BD54
Create two logical systems for the client 200 and 300. (LS_200 and LS_300)
Step3.=> In client 200 Go to Tcode- SALE-> Assign Logical systems to clients or TCODE
Maintain both Logical system by clicking each client.
200 LS_200
300- LS_300
Step4 => Create rfc destination or go to tcode- SM59.
In client 200 :-ABAP connection and create RFC destn (TO_300) and click connection test.
In client 300:Step5=> SM59-> ABAP connection and create RFC destn (TO_200) and click
connection test.
Step6=>In client200 Now go to Tcode- WE21 to create port.
Select the transactional RFC line and click on the create button.
The system automatically creates a port number, provide the description and the
RFC destination (TO_300)name and save it.
Step7=>In client300 Now go to Tcode- WE21 to create port.
Select the transactional RFC line and click on the create button.
The system automatically creates a port number, provide the description and the
RFC destination (TO_200)name and save it.
Step8=>. Now in client-200 , go to Tcode- WE31 (IDOC Segments)
Provide the segment name in segment type and click on the create button.

Provide the short text, the fields of the table with data element and click on the
save button.
The system automatically creates a structure with the name of the segment in

Step9=> In client 200 Now go to Tcode- WE30 to asisgn the segment the the IDOC
Create IDOC type (basic type) and Select the Idoc type and click on the
Create button.
Provide the segment name created above. Select it as Mandatory segment and at
last click on the Continue button.
click on the Edit menu and Click Set Release .

Step10=> In client200. Now go to Tcode- SE81 to create a

message type.

Step11=>In cliet 200 Now go to Tcode- WE82(Output types and Assignment to IDOC
types) to assign message type to Idoc.
Change ->New entries
Provide the above created message type, Idoc name and release and Save it. At
last click on Back button.
Step12=>In client200

Now go to Tcode- BD64 to create Customer Distribution

click on Create Model view

Now click on Add Message Type button.
Provide the sender logical system, receiver logical system, message type and
click on Yes button.
Step13=> Select the distribution model and from the Environment menu click on
generate partner profiles.
(generate partner profiles. Tcode BD82 automatically gets open ) Execute the
It generates the partner profiles LS_300 and LS_200.
Step614=>In client 200 , Lets go to the Tcode WE20 to edit the generated partner

Under the partner type LS, select the LS_300. Click on the Add button as
highlighted under Outbound Parameters.
Provide the message type, port (created in client200) and Idoc type, save it and
click on back button
Now the message type is added under the outbound parameter.
Step15=>In client200 Go to Tcode- BD64, select the customer distribution model and
from the environment menu click on Generate Partner profile. Execute it.
There is no red line. So all teh set up is fine.
Now go to Tcode - We20 to see again the partner profile. The SYNCH message
type is automatically added to the partner profile LS_300 when it is generated.
Now double click on teh message type SYNCH.
The port and other details are automatically automatically assigned. Save it and
go back.
Step16=>In client200 . Now go to tcode- BD64, Select the Customer distribution model
Goto EDIT->Model View-> Distribute
Select the receiver model view as LS_300.
Now the distribution model is created for the target client (300).
Step17=>. Now go to Tcode- SE38.
Provide a report name and create it.
Importing params: Master IDOC Control
Import table : Master IDOC data
Exporting params : Communication IDOC Control
Step18=> All the set up with the custom report in the source client 200 is ready. Now
logon to the client 300. Go to Tcode- SE80.
Create a function group and function module (to fill up the database table with
records through idocs ) with import , export and tables, All the set up with the custom
report in the source client 200 is ready. Now logon to the client 300. Go to Tcode- SE80.




LOOP AT idoc_data.
APPEND idoc_status.
Step19=>in Client 300 Now go to Tcode- WE57 to assign the Function module to the
Idoc type and msg type. And provide direction 2 (Inbound)
Step20=>In client 300 Now go to Tcode- BD51 (Characteristics of Inbound function
Provide function module name and input type as 2 and save it
Step21=> In client 300 Now go to Tcode- WE42(Inbound Process code)
Provide a Processing Code name with description. Select the radio button from Option
ALE dialox box :---Proceesing with ALE service (choose)
--Processing w/o ALE service
And Prcessing type dialog box:--Processing by task
--Processing by function module (choose)
--Processing by process
Here provide the Inbound function module name, save it and click on Back
Now double click on the logical message in the left hand side.
Provide the message type name, save it and click on the Back button.
Step22=> In client 300
Now go to Tcode- BD64 to generate the partner profile from the Customer
distribution model.
Select the Distribution model, From the Environment menu click on Generate
Partner profile .
Execute the program.(Generate Partner Profile)
The partner profiles LS_200 and Ls_300 are generated. In client 300
Step23=>. Now go to Tcode- WE20 to see the partner profiles.

Under the Partner Type 'LS' select the partner profile LS_200. The
message type ZCNTRY_TAX_MSG is already added in the Inbound parameters
section. Now click on the Add button under the Outbound parameters section.
Provide the message type, port, basic idoc type, save it and at last click on back
Now double click on the Message type ZCNTRY_TAX_MSG under the Inbound
The generated processing code is assigned to the message type.
Step24=> Now go to Tcode- BD64 to generate the partner profile from the Customer
distribution model.
Select the Distribution model, From the Environment menu click on Generate
Partner profile . Execute the program.
There are no red lines. So all set up is done in the client 300 to receive the Idoc.
Step25=> Now go the client-200 and execute the report.
IDOC is generated
Step26=> Now go to Tcode- WE02 in the client 200 to see the Idoc details.Provide the
idoc numbers
and execute it.
Now the idoc status is 30(ready for dispatch to the port). If the status is 03 then
idoc is dispatched.
Step27=>Go to SE38 and execute the report RSEOUT00 .
Provide the Idoc numbers and execute it.
Step28=> Now again go to tcode- WE02 and provide the Idoc numbers and execute it.
Now the idoc status is 03 with green status. Double click on each idoc to
see the details of it.
Step29=> Now go to code- WE02(IDOC list) in the client 300.
Provide the Idoc type name and execute the report.
Now the idocs are with status 56 with red status.
Step30=>In client 300 Go to Tcode WE19 (Test tool for IDOC Processing) and provide
the inbound
Idoc number (with red status) and execute it.. Now click on Inbound
Function Module name

From the popup, select the Call in debugging mode check box and Select the
radio button for call transaction processing:---In background
--In foreground (choose)
--In foreground after error
then click on Continue button.
Debugger gets open.
Step31=>. Now go to SE11 and open the table and go to the contents button. Provide
the country name UK and execute it. The Record is available in the client 300.

CASE2:-IF collective IDOCS are with status 30(Ready for

Now go to Tcode- BDM2 in sender system (BDM2 is used that provides the
corresponding IDocs of the Sender and receiver system.)
Provide Partner type and Partner No of Reciever
Double click on posted Application document
The IDocs doesn't appear in the list.
If the partner profile is set as Collective IDocs processing then the IDocs have to be
processed in the Tcode- WE14(Process all selected IDOCS(EDI))

. If the IDoc set up is as Immediately Processing in the partner profile then it is

automatically sent in the Tcode- BD10 in case of MATMAS
Check in WE02
All Idocs are posted with status 53(Application Document Posted)
CASE3 :-

Extending standard IDoc

Business Scenario: Suppose we need to transfer the Material from one system to
another system but we need some extra information about the material to be captured
before sending it. To achieve this the standard material Idoc: MATMAS05 is extended.
Sender System : DEV, Client-200
Receiving System : QAS, Client-200

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