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Autoimmune Diseases: When the Body Starts Attacking It Self

Normally, the immune system protect the body from foreign materials likes viruses
and bacteria. But, when the system failed, it starts to attack its own cells, tissues and organs.
It cant tell the diferent from it own cells and foreign materials.
There are many kinds of autoimmune diseases, which one is lupus. Lupus has three
kinds. The kinds are discoid lupus, systemic lupus and drug-induced lupus. The discoid lupus
can be identified from red marks on face or neck. But, these mark can also be a sign in
systemic lupus type. It affect any organ or organ system in the body. And the last one is druginduced lupus. It usually goes away when the patient stops using the medicines.
Another from red marks, the sign of lupus high body temperature and pain in the
elbow or knees, lack of iron in body and the person may also feel extremely tired. All of the
sign can come and go. There is no spesific test to tell someone has lupus, so it makes
identifying be difficult.
Women with lupus has a bigger risk of developing heart disease. And, between thirty
and fifty percent of lupus patient has compication with kidney disease.
Lupus disease is genetic. Scientists have identified genes they belive are linked to
lupus. But in other suppose, lupus causes include antibiotic drugs, mental or physical tension,
infections and hormones. In fact, hormones might explain why lupus affect women more
often than man. The hormones like estrogen. Another idea is that it could involve the foreign
cells left in a womans body after a pregnancy.
Currently, there is no cure for lupus. The doctors have developed ways of treating it.
Treatments are based on the condition and needs of each patient.

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