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Name: Doan Thi Nhu Na

Group: 3
Class: 13SPA02

Activity: Snake-word
Time: 15 minutes
Level of student: Grade 9
Aim: The aim of this activity is to check how rich the students' vocabulary is and
to help them try to brainstorm and memorize their new vocabulary better

1.Divide class into 3 or 4 groups, each group has from 6 to 8 students
2. Introduce students the rule of this game
RULE: Each group stands in a line. Teacher writes a letter on blackboard and the
first student of each group has to write a word beginning with that letter, the
following student writes a word beginning with the last letter of the previous
For example: D Data Amount Tomato On Narrow What........
Students should write the words so that they make a snake like
They have 3 minutes to make a snake-word. After 3 minutes, the group has the
longest snake (writes more words than others) will be the winner.
3. Check students comprehension after giving introduction
4. Ask each group to stand in a line
5. Say Start and time

6. After 3 minutes, say Time is up. Stop, please! and check the answers

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