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High frequency GRE words

1.Abate: subside , or moderate

With object: abate a tax, abate ones enthusiasm , to abate nuisance
Without object : We waited for the wind to abate., the pain abated , stress levels abated
interest in the author's home abated as her novels waned in popularity
The flood abated slowly

tax abatement
there's been a significant abatement in noise from the floor above since the upstairs neighbors
installed carpets

the abatement of a nuisance

2. Aberrant: abnormal, or deviant
a year of aberrant weather
aberrant behaviour
an aberrant group, individual, or structured
Once my nephew started using drugs, he began to behave in an aberrant fashion
3. Abeyance : Suspended action , put on hold
our weekend plans were held in abeyance until we could get a weather forecast
Abeyant : temporarily suspended , inactive

her feelings of affection are abeyant but easily awakened

4.Absteminous : sparing in eating and drinking

Absteminous life
an abstemious diet>
She is known as an abstemious eater and drinker.
being abstemious diners, they avoid restaurants with all-you-can-eat buffets>
He lived abstemiously for his entire life, eschewing pleasure for purity
5.Admonish :
to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses disapproval or criticism

: to tell or urge (someone) to do something

They were admonished to take advantage of the opportunity.
my physician is always admonishing me to eat more healthy foods
to criticize or warn gently but seriously
The principal admonished a student for talking.
to give friendly advice or encouragement
I admonished them to keep trying
6.Alacrity : eagerness
accepted the invitation with alacrity
having just acquired his driver's license that morning, the teen agreed with alacrity to drive his
cousin to the airport
He accepted the challenge with alacrity
7. Alleviate : reduce the pain or trouble
her sympathy alleviated his distress
measures taken to alleviate a labor shortage
finding ways to alleviate stress
A good long rest alleviated her headache

a lotion to alleviate itching

8. Ameliorate-to make (something, such as a problem) better, less painful, etc.
ransitive verb
: to make better or more tolerable
intransitive verb
: to grow better

trying to ameliorate the suffering of people who have lost their jobs


This medicine should help ameliorate the pain.

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