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Biology Ecology Write up

The effect trampling has on the number and size of earthworms
situated in two different locations (Old Boys Football Pitch and the
grass in the Cloisters). I predict there will be a larger number in the
cloisters due to the ground being less disturbed by people, however
I believe the mass of the worms should remain constant.
The investigation was conducted on Hampton School Field, Hampton, Middlesex
(British National Grid Reference TQ 127 713). This is an area of closely mown
playing fields, surrounded by hedge and some rough grass with some relatively
mature trees. This investigation will contribute to the understanding of the ecology of
this area.
The lobworm, Lumbricus terrestris, is Britains largest earthworm, with the biggest
individuals measuring at around 35 cm1. They live in deep vertical burrows, however
unlike other worms they tend to burrow up to the surface in order to retrieve food
instead of burrowing through the soil in order to1. The worms generally feed on
decaying plant matter, however commonly only at night2 . Up to 40 of the species can
be found per square meter in the typical garden lawn.
The ecological principal I am studying is to see whether trampling has an effect on
worm population size and their mass. I am studying this matter as previously I have
seen a report titled Earthworm populations in soils disturbed by
, which suggests that increased human/ cattle trampling does have a negative effect on
worm population and therefore I thought it would be useful to conduct my own
investigation to see whether this report was right or wrong as previously I had
different conceptions.
For my sampling method I am using random sampling in order to remove bias. I set
up two transects in each location and used a random number generator in order to
generate a grid reference. I used a 0.5m by 0.5m quadrat at each point as I felt this
would give me a clear representation of the number of worms within the transects.

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