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8 Section 4 Worksheet

Using pages 447-453 of your text as a guide, answer the following questions in complete

1. What day was the armistice signed?

2. Describe the intended purpose of the League of Nations.

3. In the chart below, list the major participants in the Paris Peace Conference and
summarize the aims of each.
Major Aims at Conference

4. Read the opposing viewpoints information on page 450-451. Then write a quote of
your own that reflects your views on which nation caused World War I. Support
your quote with passages from the text.

5. Define reparations

6. Which country in the Big Four was considered the smallest or weakest player?

7. How many separate treaties were written at the Paris Peace Conference?

8. When was the Treaty of Versailles signed? Where was it signed?

9. What is Article 231?

10. What were the military provisions of the Treaty of Versailles (what did the German
military have to give up)?

11. What were the territorial provisions of the Treaty of Versailles (what territories did
Germany have to give up)?

12. Name the 8 new nations that were created out of the Treaty of Versailles

13. What two major empires were broken up as a result of the treaty?

14. What mandates did France take over?

15. What mandates did Britain take over?

16. Why was World War I considered a total war?

Now use the information given below to answer the following questions.
On 28th June 1919, German government officials were forced to sign the Treaty of
Versailles. If they refused then Germany would face invasion. It was signed in the Palace
of Versailles, near Paris. The German government did not want to sign the treaty because
it was so harsh. They hated the fact that they had had no say in the Treaty negotiations,
so they called it the DIKTAT, the dictated peace.

When the German public got to hear about the treaty they simply could not believe that
their government had signed it. The public didnt understand, or could not believe, that
the new government had no say during the negotiations. They felt the government had let
them down badly, so many Germans referred to it as THE STAB IN THE BACK. The
government had ended the war and given in to ally demands without a fight surely the
German Army could have fought on and eventually won the war! It was felt that the
treaty dishonoured the soldiers and that the government had betrayed the people of
Germany. In truth, many Germans never forgave the government for signing the treaty,
and often referred to Weimar politicians as THE NOVEMBER CRIMINALS.

17. Explain why the German government felt that they had to sign the Treaty of
Versailles. How did the German public react to this?

18. Do you feel that the German public were justified in calling the members of the
government criminals who had stabbed Germany in the back?

19. After what you have learned, do you think it might have been a good idea to treat
Germany more leniently (less harsh) when drawing up the peace treaty? Why or
Why not?

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