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Amber Barlow

Annotations #4
February 17, 2016
How Listening to Students Can Help Students Improve

The idea of having students involved in decision making would be very beneficial; a lot
of research suggest that students succeed more if they have a realm of decision making
with their assignments. But I feel this idea is a pipe dream since most school boards
would only want these decisions made by professionals, how could we make this


On page 207 the author references standardized tests and how most teachers are not
supportive of the idea. Although I do find it pretty stressful for students and teachers that
in order for them to graduate they have to pass a test, but the whole point of school is to
education their students. One could be said that no teachers should assign finals if they

already passed the previous tests.

A lot of students have opinions and ideas on how to run a school, dole out punishments,
etc. There should be a student council of some sorts where they can meet with the
principal and hash out ideas like how they can make their school greener.


On page 207 the author states that more students feel that the teacher knows them well in
smaller schools. I went to a high school with a class of 180, most of the students I knew
since kindergarten. My teachers had my older sister and my younger brothers after me so

they knew us very personally and it felt more of a stronger connection with my teachers
and my education.

On page 208 it states how students with clear goals and ideas of their future enhances
their success; if a student knows what is expected of them and they helped create that;
theyd feel more empowered and in control of their education and future.


For a long time I wanted an activity where my students all made a Class Constitution
where they all deliberate on rules and rights students have in my classroom.

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