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The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #3

September 20, 2015

August of 2007 and is

essentially an extremely large
image of our celestial
sphere made-up of
combined astronomical
surveys which, in turn, are
thousands, if not millions, of
snapshots by ground and
Earth-orbiting based cameras.
Since Planet X had been
inbound to our solar system
for many years, it would
eventually have come into
view by astronomers as seen
by the composite image to
the left. Prior to the taking of
this image, Nancy Lieder and
the Zetas of ZetaTalk
provided the incoming coIllustration 1: The Image above is taken from Google Sky which is of an apparently
ordinates (RA 6.24 Dec
incoming Planet X taken by one of the satellite cameras involved in the "Astronomical
19.16) on December 1st,
Surveys" done sometime between 1997 and 2003.
1997, which enabled the now
historical sightings of an inbound Planet X (below).

The Creeping Disclosure of Planet X

It's a fact, that there are just a few families and

individuals that hold more wealth than the entirety of
the world's population. Who they are is not meaningful,
but what is important is that they control the world's
economy. Hidden within this tiny portion of the world's
wealthy elite, are two camps with opposing views on
Planet X, and they are at war. The battle is over
whether or not to expose the truth about the existence
of Planet X. One camp, the con, wants to continue to
Illustration 2: These images of an incoming Planet X were
keep secret the truth about Planet X for fear of panic in taken by amateur astronomers months prior to Planet X
the streets that would disturb their privileged lifestyle,
settling into it's slow solar system transit near the Sun in
the other, the pro, cares more about the survival of the
late December 2003. Credit:
common man. Obviously, the con has held it's ground
Flash forward to today (June, 2015). There has been a
for many years, including the domain of the news
recent furor on the Internet about what looks like an
media, but the pro meanwhile has been providing us
image of Planet X as seen within Google Sky. On the
with vestiges of the truth and has arranged for snippets
surface, this does look like a Planet X: just leaving
of the existence of Planet X to be publicly released.
deep space, with it's moon swirls swept back as the
Of course, over the years there have been countless
corpus zooms in towards our Sun, but is the image that
leaks of information about Planet X. Other than
of Planet X?
unintended releases, there have also been an enormous
All is not what it seems, and there has been some
number of suggestive Internet reports, main stream
confusion about this purported amazing appearance
news items and even some movies that have touched
of Planet X on Google Sky, and more specifically, it's
on this subject, both pro and con. But what I am
position above the ecliptic at DEC (declination) 22+ in
referring to in this piece, is the actual planned release
Google Sky.
of a fragment of fact in the form of an image of Planet
In order to understand the full impact of this topic, let's
back up and explain a few concepts first.
..Enter Google Sky. Google Sky was launched in
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By: Chris Thomas

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #3

September 20, 2015

south and have a negative (-) number

associated with their vertical position in
the sky, whereas the opposite is true with
objects above the ecliptic, a positive
number (+) is given. Planet X had
approached our solar system from Orion
which is below the ecliptic, however,
due to our Sun's rotational arms, from
1983 to about 2003 , Planet X was seen
temporarily above the ecliptic (ref. Illus.
#4) as Planet X was seeking the easiest
way to enter our solar system. However,
since 2003, Planet X dipped below the
ecliptic in it's final approach since that is
it's normal orbital direction. Zetatalk has
been saying for over a decade and a half,
that when Planet X clears the ecliptic
zone in it's upward movement, it's exit
from our solar system will be swift,
within a matter of months, precipitating
a Pole-Shift as it passes Earth on it's way
Illustration 3: Vintage Zetatalk image. This is the straight-on view of the
out of the solar system.
inbound path of Planet X plotted against the actual relative starfield-chart
So, if this Google Sky image is that of
that an astronomer would have seen behind Planet X in the night skies. To
Planet X, how could it be seen at DEC
understand the image, imagine a single time-lapsed picture of the path of
22+ in the celestial north, since from our
Planet X as it bobs and weaves around and over our Suns powerful out-going
surges of atomic particles: the red path is the track that Planet X had to take view on Earth, Planet X has never
traversed that part of the celestial
to enter our solar system and, ultimately, to reach it's orbital foci, our Sun.
The ecliptic is essentially a plane upon which most of
The Zetas of ZetaTalk have confirmed that this Google
the planets orbit around our sun. Objects below the
Sky image is that of Planet X at the edge of deep space,
ecliptic, as viewed from Earth, are said to be in the

Illustration 4: I drew-up this image to illustrate the profile of the path of Planet X in it's last 10 billion miles prior to
entering our solar system. Notice that Planet X never exceeds the declination (DEC) of 20? This is probably the reason
that the elite hierarchy choose the 22 + falsified DEC of Planet X within the released Google Sky image.

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By: Chris Thomas

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #3

September 20, 2015

but with reservations, or as said by

Nancy L.: a hypothetical.
Let's unravel this a bit. In those
early years, Planet X was a moving
target to photograph, so to have a
reliable perspective, we would have
had to know when this particular
image was taken, but that is not
possible, as Google Sky is a
patchwork of images taken over a
several year period. We can only
say it was taken sometime between
1997 to 2003 when the last of the
celestial surveys were completed.
Google Sky is simply an object, a
file, on a Google web server, and
not a live representation. Finally,
this genuine image of an incoming
Planet X was moved away from it's
predicted and proven path, to the
location where we now see it, an
impossible location. It is also
interesting to note, that the
Illustration 5: The Oudenbosch crop circle (above image) )was laid down in a field
purported location of the Google
of grass on April 28th, 2015 in the province of Brabant, Netherlands. (Photo credit:
Sky-Planet X is above it's highest Robbert Van Den Broeke) Notation by author. Credit Zetatalk (details)
true historical Declination by a few
Dutch Crop Circle is Time-Line of Planet X-to-PoleBut why bother to move a real image of Planet X, after
all, it is now publicly seen in plain sight within the
You can tell that Oudenbosch is a genuine crop circle
establishment's domain no
because it has something to say, the only exception is
less? The fly-in-the-soup for
that the listener needs to be Pole-Shift aware. Studying
the elite hierarchy is that this ZetaTalk on these crop circles makes understanding
image confirms the accuracy them much easier, but having one's own knowledge of
of ZetaTalk, and now, of
Planet X and the Pole-Shift makes it possible to discern
course, the Pole-Shift. Since
was has not been reported by ZetaTalk. Oudenbosch
the exposure of the truth of
has several levels of meaning. One is the geometric
Planet X has shifted gears in
layout which has three intersecting time-lines, another,
the last few years to a nonis the way the grass sheathes were laid down. The
official creeping disclosure,
geometric message is a broad time-line including the
the moving of this image of
approach of Planet X to our solar system, it's effects on
Planet X is part of this
Earth while here and it's exit after the Pole-Shift. This is
Illustration 6: Planet X
actually a theme that has been present in many other
how it appeared inbound
crop circles in the past.
sometime between 1997
X. However, the path of
The first time-line is the spiral. The center circle is our
and 2000.
Planet X as predicted by
Sun, the direction of the spiral matches Earth's antiZetaTalk and a verified image of Planet X on that path,
clockwise orbit. The numbers 1 to 4 designate the last
is just too much for a creeping disclosure, therefore,
four full orbits of Earth around the sun before it was
they have kept the historical path of Planet X within the halted-in-orbit on December 25th 2003. This spiral is
cover-up agenda, and placed it fictitiously above the
also significant in the fact that those four orbits were
true historical path as an added insult to ZetaTalk.
Earth's final sun-cycles of late-modern man!
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By: Chris Thomas

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #3

The second time-line
is registered as the
small circles
surrounding the spiral.
Each circle in the
surround represents
the months of the year
prior to orbit halt
starting with
December 2002. These
circles are not
symmetrically placed,
as they also represent
the inbound progress
of Planet X during that
year. What I found that
was very interesting, is
that the field report of
Oudenbosch noted that
within the spiral, the
grass sheaves are laid
in a clock-wise
direction: this is the
opposite direction
from that of the rest of
crop formation. I
Illustration 7: A single mustard
surmise that this was a
seed plant was left standing
signal from the circlewithin the 2003-cirlce by the
makers to consider the
circle makers leaving us a
reminder that Earth is still halted spiral as representing
in orbit and is indeed retreating
the passage of time
as Planet X advances.
(clock-wise), and thus,
since the balance of the formation is an extension of
the spiral, Oudenbosch is a historical representation.
The third time-line is seen in the largest of the five
horizontal circles. From the far right, we have:
November 2003, Orbit halt at December 2003, our
current year of 2015, the Pole-Shift, and at the far left
is an exiting Planet X just after the Pole-Shift.
Some analysis of the five large circles: Size equals
the intensity of a differential-in-pressure between
Planet X and Earth. The November circle (not labeled,
far right) is the fast-growing influence of Planet X, it is
larger than 2015, as an energetic differential between
the two planets was developing at that time. The 2003
circle is largest, because Earth had just come up to a
stop against the more powerful repulsion forces of
Planet X, therefore the greatest differential is
represented: orbit halt. The 2015 circle is considerably
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September 20, 2015

smaller because Earth is now moving backwards in

orbit, thus the differential-in-pressure is deflected or
reduced by it's movement away from an advancing
Planet X.
Another interesting aspect of Oudenbosch, is that
within the The Pole-Shift-circle, which is a
combination of a super-imposed Earth over Planet X
underneath, Earth is off-center representing Earth at the
mercy of a closely-passing Planet X.
Finally, another Oudenbosch subtlety is the fact that a
single mustard seed plant was left standing, also offcenter, within the 2003 orbit-halt circle. I surmise, that
this is a reminder by the circle-makers, that we are still
halted in orbit. However, if the single upright plant was
dead center of 2003, which is isn't (blue dot), that
would imply a stilled-Earth, but we are in fact, being
pushed backwards as Planet X advances, thus the offcenter mustard seed plant represents our backwardmovement in progress.
This next article is the reason why it
has been over 4 months since my last
issue. The subject matter seems
simple: Planet X-effected Earthchanges have been (intentionally)
slowed, but when you weigh-in all the
causal factors, the scope of the article had to expand to
be complete. As I was writing the core message, the
subject kept touching on other essential concepts: a
kind of Earth-Life-influence network emerged. Of
course, I have to research each new concept to update
my understanding of it, and this takes time. The other
reason for the delay was a major factor as well: the
piece was challenging to write as there are at least 7
major Life-concepts to be explained and placed in
relation to the main theme. At over 3,200 words, this
piece could almost be an issue on it's own!
We start off with a introduction, then some generic
philosophy to set the theme beyond the mundane.
Besides Planet X and the Pole-Shift, I discuss the
nature of Soul: it's age, birth sources, purpose on Earth
and it's various orientations, Earth as a Soul herself
(Gaia), Earth's transition to a higher dimension, the
Schumann resonance frequency, the Council of
Worlds, some quantum mechanics and a conclusion. I
also wrote an article on The Photon Belt which is
also a massive piece, but I'm holding that back for
issue #4.
And so we begin.....

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By: Chris Thomas

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #3

The complete picture of Earth's geographic PoleShift, with it's history of the prior passages of Planet X,
the path of Planet X through our solar system
identified, the known effects it will have on Earth and
even with the lives of billions of people in the balance,
would not be complete without the spiritual aspects
included. Now obviously, anyone commenting on
spiritual aspects in this world is subject to the same
fog of human knowledge as the next person, yet there
are things that can be said with some confidence that
are not readily apparent. That said, the following piece
includes seven massive concepts that I am bringing
together in the most difficult piece I've ever written.
These are: Earth's spiritual hierarchy, the state of
incarnated-Soul on Earth, the transition of Earth to the
next dimension, the Pole-Shift itself, the natural
electromagnetic resonance frequency of Earth, the
concept of Earth as a spiritual persona (Gaia) and the
slow-down of the Planet X-effected earth-changes on
Earth. I will explain and/or touch on each concept with
the intention to reveal how there is a common thread
that interconnects them all to the main subject.
Let's start with some generic philosophy on natural law
(a simplified overview). All events have a cause and
all causes are constrained by their governing laws.
Natural laws are inextricable and permanentlyorganized, and are integrated with each other law. We
know that all laws are integrated because some laws
supersede other laws (the law of hierarchies), and,
eventually, every law naturally functions within the
continuum of Life. Therefore, all laws must have a
common unifying principle. The latter implies that any
microcosm is a reflection of it's wider macrocosm,
therefore, all spheres of influence are surrounded by a
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September 20, 2015

master sphere of
influence. Finally, some
cross-cultural ancient
wisdom: That which is
Below corresponds to
that which is Above, and
that which is Above
corresponds to that
which is Below Those
words were purportedly
written in Phoenician on
the legendary Emerald
Tablet, an historical
legend, yet seem to align
with this generic outlook
on the basic relationship
between the higher vibratory frequency existences and
their corresponding lower frequency existences or
dimensions, such as our physical Universe. In other
words: Life is organized.
Back to Earth. Earth is like an egg, with a shell of
hardened magma and a soft molten center. Our Eartheggshell is covered with oceans, lakes and wild flora
and fauna and is also the home of 7 billion humans.
Humans are not more important than animals, or even
plants, and some would even argue crystals, which are
naturally on a different scale, a different path, as are all
life-forms. We are part of the Earth-Life-matrix, a
component, all-be-it a destructive one at the present
time: the latter is central to my developing figure of
thought, which I will unfold throughout this piece.
All Life forms have a Soul of some kind, an arguable
point for some humans these days, but true none-theless. All of Soul exists within a master sphere and takes
up Earthly bodies to gain experience to further develop.
Aiding in Soul's growth while on Earth, are other souls
who have been gone long before us, some call these
personages spiritual guides. So it is, that Soul is
extended downwards to Earth from the master
sphere, therefore, there exists a hierarchy looking after
the billions of life forms below. Surely a spiritual
master-sphere is more refined, and is the source of the
best qualities of Earth-incarnated-life, so consider this:
who is it that cares for it's young?... And, who is it that
guides the yearling in it's first steps?... So it is, that
those who are of our Soul-family look after us, yet,
they too must follow the rules and cooperate with the
higher government of spirit. This higher government is
known by many names, but I will use the ZetaTalk
expression: The council of worlds, as it is as good as

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By: Chris Thomas

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #3

any. As all governments, they host many branches
responsible for a particular aspect of public care tasked
to them, but the one I am referring to now, is the one in
charge of Earth's best interests, and of those who live
on her at the present time, namely, The Council of
Worlds or Earth's higher spiritual government.

September 20, 2015

decided and are here to assist Earth's population at this

time. Group 3, at about 4 plus billion, are too young to
make a Soul-orientation decision. The latter would be
akin to asking a new born child-in-arms to decide
which university or college it would like to attend for
it's post-secondary education. Therefore, this group is
not involved as well. This leaves the group 1 souls, and
the further breakdown of their Soul-orientation,
according to ZetaTalk terms, is as follows: 25%
Service-to-Other orientation, 7% Service-to-Self
orientation, and 68% undecided. Yes, this means that a
young but experienced Soul can be light-oriented. So
by these numbers, we can see that it is about 700 or
900 million undecided souls that are the crux of the
matter regarding the slow-down of Planet X-effected
Earth-changes. But why? In our next step of
understanding why the Planet X-effected Earth changes
have been slowed, we are going to explore how the
undecided group of Earth-incarnated souls, group 1,
comes to bear on the subject.
Why are The Council of Worlds so concerned about the
undecided group of Souls? The answer to this question
is has several layers.
Firstly, Earth has decided
to move upwards to the
Astral dimension and
become a world for only
light-oriented souls, no
dark souls allowed
(ZetaTalk refers to this
orientation as: service to
other, or STO). ZetaTalk
has published, that it was
sometime in the 1940s,
prior to the Roswell
incident in 1947, that
Earth or Gaia, actually
voted on her future with
all earth-formed Souls.
An Earth-formed Soul, as
differentiated, say, from a
Pleiadian-born Soul (born
within the Pleiades star
system just as an
example), are born on
Illustration 9: Confirmed by
Earth as an original
ZetaTalk, this image is of the
Earth-born Soul, a.k.a. - lone survivor of the July 1947
an Earther.
UFO crash near Roswell, NM.
Now I'll explain the
I compiled this image from the
conditions of the vote.
original video here.

The concept of the

age of Soul. Human
Earth-life is a mixing
pot of the very worst,
the very best, the very
young and those
deciding which camp
they want to attune
with. We also can say
with certainty, that the
great majority of EarthIllustration 8: The image above humans at this time are
represents the freedom of Soul.
not interested in the
Off-topic: The interlocking
higher, more refined
triangles are known as the
vibratory frequencies
mercaba, they revolve in
of living, thus our
opposite directions and provide a history of wars and the
vehicle for ascended masters to
ignoring of the billions
work in the lower worlds.
of suffering people.
Sociopaths, they seek the Earthly power of money,
political influence and self-gratification only, I call
these: dark-Souls. The light-filled Souls are opposite in
motivation, as they seek to assist the less fortunate, and
always live their lives to be better, more enlightened
Souls. There is a third group however, they are in the
dithering-zone of indecision between leaving the
darkness of selfishness behind and committing to living
oriented to the light only. Here is where we are going
with this subject: The Undecided.
Since we know there are differing soul orientations of
humans, as evidenced by their actions, we can assume
basic groups. For this article, it is important to discuss
the approximate numbers of each group to help
illustrate why there is a slow-down of Planet Xeffected Earth-changes in the first place. The
mechanics of the slow-down will be explained later.
ZetaTalk breaks down the groups into: Group 1: young,
but experienced Earth-born souls, Group 2: Star-born
souls, a.k.a. - star children and/or old Souls, and
Group 3: first life-time (baby)souls and the very young
souls. The group we are interested in is Group 1 at
about 1 billion humans, the others are not in
consideration for the following reasons: group 2, at
about 1 plus billion, are already light-oriented, fullyTo subscribe:
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By: Chris Thomas

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #3

September 20, 2015

about 100 years, still, it's

probably both beyond our
lifespans, and as incarnated
humans, we do not need to
know anyway.
Secondly, since we know that
approximately 68% of group 1
is undecided in it's soulorientation, are the rest of us
going to have to wait until they
make up their minds? Well, yes
and no. We have been waiting,
but time is running out and we
have an approaching Planet X
and a resulting Pole-Shift to
deal with. An interesting side
note: according to psychic and
author Chris Thomas (no
relation), many of those
Illustration 10: From left to right we start with dark-Souls and progress to the far right undecided Souls are living in
as a fully light-oriented Soul (note the bright heart chakra). A highly-simplified
the Western countries, and these
description: dark souls are characterized by selfishness and are usually sociopaths. The are the ones resisting the
light-filled-Soul on-the-other-hand, constantly works unselfishly for others and can be decision. But what has the Polecharacterized by a loving being. The undecideds could be represented above as the
Shift and Earth's transition to
green form at center. Earth is destined to be a home for only those who are lightthe next dimension to do with
filled Souls.
the undecideds?, and how are
Within the voting pool were about one billion Eartherthe two concepts related? Le's set the transition aside
Souls, where the weight of the individual vote was
for a moment. It's probably true, that the Pole-Shift will
scaled to the number of lifetimes sustained by each
occur sometime within the next 6 years (2021), but
Earther-Soul. For example: an older earth-formed
there is at least one thing we now know that needs to
Soul with 1000 lives, would carry more weight with
happen before that: this is a critical mass of the
their one vote than a young Earther with only 5
undecideds to finally attune to their chosen Soullifetimes to their credit. It did not matter if the Earther
orientation, and the tool being used to urge that along,
was not-incarnated at the time of the vote, they still had is a dramatic rise in Earth's natural frequency, the
a vote. An interesting additional condition, was that
Schumann resonance frequency, this is what is being
regardless of the amount of lifetimes behind them, as used to drive the decision. A variation on the
it were, if any voting Soul was light-oriented, they then expression: If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the
had the same weight of vote as any other light-oriented kitchen. Since it is predicted that the Pole-Shift will
Earther. In other words, all light-oriented Earthers,
initially kill 90% of Earth's (unprepared) population,
regardless of age or lifetimes sustained, had the same
compassion for the undecideds by The Council of
level of weight on their vote. Earth subsequently voted
Worlds is at base for the slow-down: better to die
to become a planet of greatness through kindness to her decided, than undecided, and what better time to make
fellow beings.
that decision, than in the presence of light-oriented
Just for clarity, some sources say Earth is moving to the Souls? All must decide regardless of who they are,
5th dimension: it's just a matter of viewpoint, semantics, this is directed from Gaia. A Soul without a decision
Earth is moving up to the next level, the next
must needs a body to affect that decision, otherwise
dimension. So, when is Earth going to make the move? great inconvenience must be bourne. As an aside,
We don't know for sure, and why would we? Our
ZetaTalk has also indicated that another reason for the
business is to simply live our Lives. However, the
Planet X-effected earth-change slow-down is also to
Zetas of ZetaTalk say that the move will take place in
give the United States President Barack Obama
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By: Chris Thomas

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #3

enough time to
make an
announcement of
the presence of
Planet X in our
solar system. In
my opinion,
whether this will
happen during
Obama's final
presidential term
Illustration 11: The Schuman
or not, is not
resonance frequency is thought to be
a combination of the Earth
The rising
ionosphere cavity and the
electromagnetic waves from
lightening strikes.
influence. The Schumann resonance frequency was
predicted by Winfried Otto Schumann in 1952 and is
simply Earth's atmospheric electromagnetic resonance
cavity. The cavity is between Earth's surface and the
outer ionosphere limit, or, the ionosphere cavity. Let's
jump to an analogy: The effect is akin to blowing
across the mouth of a bottle to make it sing. The
resulting tone is the sound-pitch frequency that is
natural to the shape and size of the bottle. Earth's
bottle pitch was at 7.83 Hz (cycles per second) up
until 2010 ,and prior to that was probably at that
frequency for millennia, but according to the
aforementioned Chris Thomas (C.T.), since 2010 the
Schumann has increased to 14Hz with pulses up to 50
Hz. The latter was written sometime during the year
2013, since then, C.T. goes on to say that the
Schumann will be up to 100 Hz by the end of 2013.
So, understanding that the rise in the base Schumann
frequency is permanent, what does it mean to a human
to have the Schumann raised? It means that our
behaviour must also rise in it's quality, that selfishness
must be replaced with un-selfishness, that, as the
broader result of a society of Souls, we must cooperate
with each other to assist the poor, the elderly and the
sick, with no exceptions. What does it mean then, to
resist the rise in the Schumann? A rising Schumann
against a resisting Soul creates Soul-heat that will
likely manifest as Soul-anger or Soul-rage. It also
means that those particular humans will have to leave
planet Earth (soon) for more suited living conditions
where those who wish to remain selfish and who wish
to dominate others for personal gain, can further
explore the lower Universes. As a side note, ZetaTalk
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September 20, 2015

has oft-mentioned prison planets as the destination

for these resisting Souls leaving Earth at this time.
So this is why the Schumann was increased by Gaia.
Just like young adults, sometimes it's necessary to be
put under pressure to learn to respond appropriately to
society's (moral) laws and expectations before
becoming a productive member of that society. Or, one
could think of the dried, green clay in the shape of
something practical going through the firing process to
become a useful object. In any case, pressure is deftly
applied in order to spur the required transition of the
undecideds to their chosen orientation.
So how are the Council of Worlds actually slowing
down the Planet X-effected earth-changes? Before we
go there, let's look at what is at play here. How does
Planet X actually cause earthquakes, volcanoes to erupt
and the Earth's 20 plus mile thick crust to move and
shift? A brief description of the kind of forces and how
they are applied is in order here:
Magnetism. When two bar-shaped magnets are held in
each hand and passed near each other, there is an
amazing force of either attraction or repulsion between
the two depending on which magnetic-poles are
involved. Now imagine two planet-sized magnets near
each other. Near, in this case, translates to tens of
million miles apart. Earth's main magnetic source is it's
9,752 Farenhite semi-solid inner core composed of
nickel and iron at about 70% the size of the Moon. The
magnetics of Planet X are far larger and more complex.

Illustration 12: ZetaTalk says that Planet X is 4 times the

size of Earth and 27 times the mass. This is the same as
having a smart phone with the weight of a 12" iron frying
pan. This size-to-weight differential is a good indicator as
to why Planet X can effect Earth at such a distance.

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The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #3

It is a cooled star accompanied by many moons that
swirl about it that form two tails; it is also surrounded
by a 5 million long tail of rock-debris and iron oxide
dust: these planetary accretions strongly suggest it's
massive magnetic power. Being a brown dwarf, this
means it is an extremely dense planet, plus, it is much
larger than Earth at 4 times the diameter and 27 times
more dense as Earth. Therefore, Planet X is hugely
magnetic, in fact, as of about 2014, it now domineers
Earth's magnetic field, whereas before it's arrival in our
solar system, our Sun was (naturally) the dominate
magnet over Earth.
Earth's magnetics are also dramatically enhanced by it's
10,000 mile long S curve underwater Mid-Atlantic
Ridge, the longest mountain range in the world.
Referred to as Earth's third magnet by ZetaTalk, and
at right angles to Earth's rotation, provides a magnetic
(grappling) source almost the full distance from poleto-pole. Additionally, since this third magnet is on the
surface of Earth, this makes it an ideal mechanizm as a
magnetic-grapple: this is exactly what is happening
with the magnetic field of Planet X: as Earth rotates,
the Mid-Atlantic Ridge faces Sun-ward every day at
approximately -3 to +1 UTC, and thus Planet X. This is
when the magnetic field of Planet X temporarily takes
hold of our third magnet for a few seconds, or minutes,
causing a hold-back (against rotation) that slams the
continents together to the west of the Atlantic, and
simultaneously spreading the fault-lines to the east of
the Atlantic. This has the effect of laterallycompressing the entire patchwork of Earth's global
tectonic continental structure as a westward-moving
compression-wave. Since 2003, this has been
accelerating world-wide earthquakes, exposing the subcontinental magma pool to new pressures, opening old
geological fissures and re-activating old volcanoes.
The mechanics of the Planet X-effected earthchange slow-down.
Quantum geophysical atomic particle-converters
(QGAP) is my name for the humming boxes that were
initially found on Oregon beaches in early 2012.
Obviously, geophysical stress in fault-line areas is
being converted and released into various other kinds
of atomic particles since physical (vibration-humming),
photons of light (glowing) and sound (screeching) has
been noted by people who have seen and reported
them. Think of it this way: as emotional beings, we
also translate, and thereby release, emotional/mental
stress by using physical work and/or shouting,
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September 20, 2015

groaning or
weeping/crying. The
alien QGAP's are just
working on a
different scale. These
boxes are obviously
4th dimensional ET
technology, and as
noted by ZetaTalk,
some of the boxes
were inadvertently
put down unshrouded in haste,
thus visible.
According to ET
Illustration 14: The metal boxes
appeared near Bray's Point, ORE.
channeler Alma
Guthrie in February, on February 8th, 2012.
2012: ET devices
(were) put (down) from Alaska to Mexico to even out
the pressure of earth changes, discharge plate energy
else the volcanoes and terrain would be devastating
and devastated.
The QGAP converters are so indestructible that they
can halt a tunnel boring machine (a.k.a. a TBM or a
mole). On December 6, 2013, the U.S. State of
Washington's Department of Transportation was boring
a tunnel about 60 feet below ground when the
Japanese-made TBM (named by Seattle as: Big
Bertha) was halted on that day by an unexpected
impediment - (wikipedia).

Illustration 13: This is Big Bertha the tunneling machine

that was halted (and damaged) under Seattle WA. on Dec.
6th, 2013 by a QGAP.

Page 9

By: Chris Thomas

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #3

These TBM's have several iterations, but Big Bertha
was capable of grinding through hard rock, and even
the odd unexpected metal sewer pipe, since these
would be expected anyway when boring a tunnel 57
feet wide, blind, under a city. Of course, along with
whimsy, the typical excuse by the elite hierarchy was
used: a forgotten steel pipe, but we know that Big
Bertha was stopped by a QGAP as reported by
Thousands of these QGAP's have been placed along
the coastline from Alaska to Mexico in strategic
locations to suspend, lesson or otherwise slow the
Planet X-effected earth-changes to discharge plate
energy else the volcanoes and terrain would be
devastating and devastated.. This is the exact method
being employed by the Council of World's ET
handymen to slow down the Planet X-effected earthchanges and not a magic wand.
Conclusion of the Planet X-effected Earth-changes
The average human viewpoint on the chain of causes
that bring events into action, or things into existence, is
enhanced or limited to the culture, education and
intelligence of the observer. In this case of the Planet
X-effected Earth-changes slow-down, the critical
reasons are now seen to be precipitated beyond our 3rd
dimensional existence. The motives of such a superexistence, as the Council of Worlds has, is beyond the
human mind to completely ascertain, yet we do now
see how they have been implemented and why: that the
spiritual prospects of Earth are managed, with all
possible kindness and foresight, using all natural and
super-natural phenomena as utensils to bring about the
best possible scenarios for Earth's now brighter future.
Heavenly City Mash-up.
Whenever some truth about Planet X is found or
revealed, it is always blended with disinformation, and
in the case of the Heavenly City at the edge of the
Universe, the deceit involves the cover-up cabal
looking after it's own. An image circulating on the
Internet recently shows what looks like a city floating
in space, but as aways with NASA, there is a selfinterested component.
Back in late December of 1983, NASA discovered the
incoming Planet X complex, consequently it was
studied as much as possible in those years prior to it's
arrival in 2003. During this period of time, the coverup of Planet X was not quite as intense as it is now,
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September 20, 2015

Illustration 15: Left - NASA mash-up. Middle -Planet X

isolated. Right-Real image of Planet X for comparison.
Click on image to see the full-sized NASA mash-up.

consequently, some astronomers and NASA employees

were found talking about Planet X publicly. Even then,
as in the case of the assassination of the chief
astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory Richard
Harrington, astronomers were routinely killed for
openly discussing the existence of planet X. These
events were preceded by the elite hierarchy having
adjustments made to the Hubble telescope to be able to
observe objects relatively close-in, as Hubble was
originally designed to image objects in deep space. Of
course, the upgrade work done to Hubble was
surreptitiously done to capture images of Planet X. It
was in June of 1990 I remember hearing about
Hubble's 94.5-inch primary mirror being ground to the
wrong shape and had to be replaced. Even then, I
thought to myself: How could such an error be made
in such an exacting business of constructing a space
telescope, let alone satellite building? It's my opinion
that this was the public excuse for the adjustments to
be made to Hubble.
Now, what to do with the astonished NASA
employees who inadvertently blurted-out the truth of
Planet X? This was a death sentence. Remember, they
were looking at a crisp, real-time close-up image of
Planet X and knowing it was incoming.... So the NASA
art department got down to work and concocted a
mash-up: including the original Hubble image of Planet
X, a distant image of galaxy and a sky-view of a few
city blocks and call it a Heavenly City as a way to
protect their employees against assassination.
My writing in this NewsLetter series is
mainly a blend of proven human material
science, ZetaTalk and my own independent
thinking and commonsense. Also included, is
my 8 years of Planet X-aware viewpoints,
debunking elite hierarchy lies, a little
channeling, the observation of Earth-Change events and
wide topic research for article preparation. Chris Thomas.

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By: Chris Thomas

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