Anti Soda Machine Rant

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Pop Machine Nightmare | recently experienced a truly disappointing trip to one of my favorite Sioux Falls restaurants. On this occasion i was as excited as ever to get through the line and get my delicious Qdoba burrito into my belly. | could titerally not get the food in my mouth fast enough. The reason for this visit being 50 disappointing is not because of the food, which always seems better than the time before. It wasn’t because of poor service or a tude member of the staff. No, the fault is completely on the gad forsaken soda machine that us Qdoba lovers are forced to endure on a daily basis. Therefore, | am taking the time to write this letter to spell out all of the reasons why this pop machine was the worst invention in the history of the world. First ofall, Lam not one to complain about trivial things such as the vessel that delivers me my tasty beverage. But as many of you know, this pop machine is the mechanical equivalent of being stuck ina room listening to Rebecca Black's Friday on repeat. The main reason for the machine being so ungodly awful is because 97% of the people who use it have no idea what they are doing, although it is literally as easy as pressing a button with a picture of what kind of soda you want. On the specific visit that !am referencing in this letter, | happened to get stuck behind a lady who was fresh off the Titanic. ‘The amount of time spent figuring out how to get her sprite to dispense was nauseating, The entire time all | could think about was how my delicious burrito was in my little tin bowl was just waiting to be devoured. it seemed lke an eternity Now not only is the logistics of tall totally asinine, but the taste of your beverage is completely ruined by the mixture of obscure flavors that you can get in your drink. You think you got a plain coke? You're wrong. You got Coke with a mixture of vanilla, ime, raspberry, pineapple, dirt, and whatever other crazy concoctions are available. Forget the good old days when your Coke tasted like coke, they are in the rear view. You just wanted to get water? HAHAHAHA good one! More like a water-ish solutions of nasty flavors. Not to mention the fact you have to wait 15 minutes behind the field tip of 7" graders who have never been more excited for cherry Coke in their life. ‘Therefore | am writing this as a call of action to all other Qdoba lovers who continue to frequent a place with the world’s worst soda machine because you simply cannot let go of the tastiest food this little town of ours has to offer. | am not asking you to give up this deliciousness, 1 am only asking that ‘you stop buying soda, This Qdoba soda boycott is not only for you, but it is for your children and your children’s children and on and on until the end of time. Make Qdoba see that we will not drink their soda until this wrong is righted. Let Coke know that this pop machine idea was absolutely terrible idea, and that it’s ok to admit you made a mistake. For if we can band together and eat our burritos without beverage, maybe, just maybe, they will see our despair and make it right. Sincerely, Disappointed Burrito Boy

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