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Bethel Home Rules and Regulations

(1) '.l'he legal title to Ute Dcthcl home is held by
the l'coples J>ulpit ilssociatior,. It is held in trust
for the Lord and his By the tcm1s of the
c11artcr and laws of the Association the Pre:;itlcnt
thereof must cont.1'01 and the home.
(2) Uulcs aml l'('.gulations ore ncc<.?SSnry to ndvi:;c
all U1c occupants what may be Jlropcrly done in thl!
home and what is improper to do. All who <levot.c<l to the Lord arc anxious to coopcrntc. Cooperation can be had only by each one faithfully observing
the rules and regulations.
(3) Every member o:f the family must read auJ
By becoming a
member of the family each one thereby 4o"'JWS to be
govemecl by such rules and regulations.
~"l'CC to the ruks and regulations.


( 4) J!'or the well-befog of U1c licthcl home the followiug is the or:,ranization: Holl.:IC lll;magcr; hou~:-
keeper; assistants to the housch~pcr; chef a11J tlR'ist.auts; dining-room attendants; laundry; and beating.
Each one performing duties in n11y part of t11c org:miz.'ltiou will be appointc1l by the P1csidcnt or bJ U1e
11ousc m:magcr, with the allvi1.'C :uul consci1t of the
President. All i-11rh )<'t'Wl1!; mni:l he ron);('1r:1t..1l

/Jclltd flume J:ul1""


P} The huu:-c 111;urngcr i:lia 11 ha rc 8C11cral clw rc;c

11f flu h1111w. H i:lmll he hi~ duly lo SL'C 1o it that
,;wh 1111t i11 C\'l'r) <lttmrlnwnt u( U1c orga11i:1.:itio11 is
JIMJK.'rly pcrfurn1i11g his or her Julici;. 1''11r tl1ispurI"'"'' the hou~ 111:.u1gcr shall regularly iu:;pcct th"
tli11i11~-ruu111,. kildtcn, hou:;<!kcPping, all the rooms,
1111' lu 11111lry, lwuting anangcmcut, un<l consult with
;11111 mll'i:<c! l'i1d1 ttml c\c1y purt of t he 01ganizatioll
c:111uc111i11g the work. Whcrc there is n11y <liITerencc
11f opi11io11 a:< to what i;hall he done, the tlecision of tl1e
huu: 111u11;1;;1'r' i;hall be furnJ, subject only to U1c
l'n'l'i1lc11l. All matters of contro,crsy must be taken
up hy the lwu:;c munagt>r antl refened to the Presid111t 0111) "htu it bct.-omC'l> 11e<.-essary.
(ti) H more 111.1so11s are required iu :my part of
the org<wizaliou 01c houi;c mnnager shall Hotify the
J'r<:-idcnt, t hut oUu:rs may I.le brought in for that
pur1>0i;c. "\11y1111e l'lrny be askeu to lcnve the Ilcthel
home 01' <Ill)' )'IUt or the organization !or caUS<'. For
;;uo<l 111111 :suflidcut cause the house manager mny, with
lhc ntl\'icc an<l c:onsc.ut of the President, remove filly
u11c from the home.
( 7 } l t i hull be the tluty of the m:rnagcr to
l.:110\r what 11er:;o11 or pcr:;ons occupics cnch nnd every
room iu !hi! hou:;c; mul 110 ouc i:hall be brought into
1hc hou:.:1 for the purpose of performing duties or
rur r1mai11i11~ mcr ni;;ht without tbc knowledge and
t1111:11t of I he hou:<e manager.
( 8) 'l'h1 hu.r ill;.! of food anti ot her ~UPJ'I ics for the
honw ,:hull 111 clone liy the 11oue manllger. Hcquisit ioni; for tlw :-11111e ::hnll Le pro111!rly mn<lu out an<l
ha1ul11l to t lw hookk1'<'1wr for n11y 11111\ 1111 such Jmr1'11:1:<1:<: :11111 1111 pcr~m of the home i::hall he j1tn11itkc1
to p111<h:1;" a11_rthi11~ on Ule act~nnt or cncl it of the
:\Mwl.'iuli.,11 1.\ l11l 011 11rOJ1l'r i-e11uii;itio11.

]Jclhr.l llomc Rules


(9) 'l'hc houookccper shall be a si11ter in the truth.

She shall ha\'c charge oi all the rooms in the home
with such exceptions ns the President may make. Slrn
shall have charge of all the linen supply for the rooms,
nn<l to this end shall sec that the linen closets arc kept
in i>roper shnpo and the supplies handed out to assis
tants as necessity inay require. 'l'he linen closets shall
be kept locked. She shnll keep a count of the quantity
of linen, towels, etc., in each closet and render nn
inventory thereof to the houec manager at any time
upon request. Whcu nny linen, towels, soap or other
supplies are needed for the rooms or bathrooms of the
house the housekeeper shall make a requisition therefor and deliver it to th~ house manager.
(10) Each assistmit for the keeping of the i'OOms
in order shall be a sister C!Onsecratcd t.o the Lord. The
bousekccpc1 shall assign each one to her respective
duties. It will be her duty to visit the rooms regularly
and see that each one of the nssi11t4nts is properly }>er
forming her duties in kcepiilg the rooms clean nn<l in
order. If she finds thnt any of the nssistmits hnve not
sufficieut work to kec11 them <><:cupi<?d, theu she l!lmll
assign such more duties in order thnt they mny be
occupied. If upon cou~ultation with the honsckccp<?r
it is {ouncl that nny o! the nasietnnt& nrc ove1burdeuc<l,
then aunmgemcuts sho.ll be made to more equitably
distribute the duties to be performed.

( 11) 'l 'he l)c1ubl> of the liallwnyi; and the wa$hing of winclowi1 sha11 l>e tloue by 11 l>rolher nssigt1cd by
the houscket!pl!l' to tbut <luty with the advice lllHl co1t
sent of the hou:;c mnnngcr. 'l 'hc other w01k in the
10011111 not douc hy the OCCUJllUtlti of the 1wn111 themsclve:i shall be douc l>y the housekL'C!Jle1 an<l lier nssis-


JJr.thcl Uome


( 12) Jl l;hull be the duty of the housekeeper to

lhnt oil rooms are kept in proper order, and to
this cllll to ~~ thnt there is no washing or laund1'Y
douc in tmy of the rooms or any of the bathtubs. !
i:he fouls ai1y one violating this rule by doing washing
or Joumhy work in of the rooms or balhroom.i,
lhl! muttc1 !ilinll Le immediately reported to the house
1111111ug'l1; uml it i;hnll l.ic his duty t.o take appl'Oprinte
u<tion to sec thot such violation of the l'egulntion has
proper attention.
( 1:'!) 'l'he housekeeper shall see that soiled linen for
th1! Jaun<lry i::1 gathered at regular intervals and clispukhe<l to the laundry. Wheu_the finished laundry
is returned to the rooms the housekeeper shall be
notified at what time it is to be delivered and shall
check over the lincu returned to sec that it has been
properly returned.
(14) No person shnll be permitted to remove from
the Hethcl home auy sheets, pillow cases, towels, linen
or uuy other supplies. 'l'he housekeeper shall see that
this is stri<:lly cu!ort.'ed, and any attempt to violate
this rule $\mil be immediately reported to the house
( 15) 'l'hc hou:;ckceper and all assistants shall be
011 <lut.y in the home during the hours of service; and
1withc1 the.? houscl.."'CC!j>Cl' nor any of the assistants shall
lt!oxe the home <luring the hours of service except by
the nd\'icc und consent of the house manager, a.nd
lhc11 011ly when JH.>eessity requires. If the housekeeper
fiudl! thnt uny ui;sii;tnnts arc shirking or neglecting
tlwi r dutits or lea\' iug the home during the hours
o( :'Cl'\'il!l~, :;he tthull Wl\l'll them l10t to do SO again, nncl
llf.OH Iurth1:1 ulte:mpt_. l'tport to the house manager;
:11111 n11y l'l!J><:ntl!tl infraction of this rule shull l.ic suffi~
citnt tuui;c fol' 1lil'l<:hargi11g auy such person from the
Hl!thcl home.

JtdhrJ llcmtB ll11k8


(1 G) It shllll .be the duty of the housckcc1icr to lk.'t!

thnt the bntbrooms nnd toilets arc kept iu proper order

nncl aro i1ropcrly supplioo ~ith tho things needed.

(17) \Vnsbing doU1('tl or lloing any laundry in tbc
hatbroom.s or rooms is strictly prohibited. ~hould ll1c
housekce11c1 find any wutthing or doing Jaamlry in the
bathrooms or in their 1JC<1rooms, or any bedroom in the!
house, they 11hould be warned at onco not to do so; null
nny re}lCtltcd violation of this ntle 11hall be sufficicut
cause to nsk a person to leave the &thcl home.
(18) No liciuicl food shall be carried from the di11ing-1'00m to any room in the house by any of tbc members of the &mily, e.~cept the Ymc be carriro to aomc
pcm;on lrho is 11ick, and then only by advice and consent of the housekeeper or the house manager. 'l'his
rule will be strictly cnorCC?d in order that the hallways may be kept decently and in order. Any J>t!l11<1n
soiling the h4lls, stairways, elcnitor, or hia or her
rooms by ca1Tying food of any kind through the house
shall bu 1cquircd to immediately cl<>.an it up. 1.'hc
cleaning up shall not be taken as authority to violafo
the rulc ol carrying Jic1uid foods through tbc house,
l.iut ll1w.lJ. be 0011strucd ns ouc of the penalties for the
violation of the rule.

( 19) 'l'ho office and UM:tory fon.oe arc uutlcr the

1lfrcction of the office manager. Any of the force! em}Jloy<d thnc IJ<'Coming m iihaU immediately he~ re11orted to the oftkc mnnngcr, and lie i;hall hantllc! the
matkr as the <1tse RC.'<!llls to rt.iquirc. Any mcmlic!r of


o[ ihe Jlcthel family not cmployctl nt Uic

ollfoc or fllcto1y bL'<.-omiug sid: 11JU1IJ he l'l'J1ort<1I imm~li.utuJy to the hom;e mannger or hooackccpcr, and
clndm~ 11111~ IK! :-:1111m1011Nl


11~-.~.:n 1y.

llt1lltr.t Jfome /fol<'-a

(20) 'J'lw llCIUI'<! n1111u1brt'r or houi;ak<'C'fK'r mul ull

in l>Uch )utrt of the orgu.nilC'1tio11 i:hn.11 co111Hr11h! in kltt'J>ing th1! boulit! dL>nn, tidy nml 1wnt.


( tl ) 'l'h1! hou~k1tt:1~r aball give J>ro11er uttcmtiou

lo 11w111li11g ur n1mii:ing of )>Lttl Jincn, to\nlt1 or othc1
:-:upplii"' for the roomi:. For this purJIOllC 1l 11Uwi11groom i~ 11rovi1focl and all nwn<ling mu!ft he clone in the
~\1i11i.:-roon1. 'J'hc houFtbe1>er n1ay ru1$ign any of her
n~ii:t1t11t11 to thig work from time to timu as UCOOSlSity
l'l'tjllin:<. All hl'tl-liucu thttt Ui tum llO it cannot lie
f11rlhl'r u~tl tJu\11 be tun1ed ewer to the hou~kt.'t?})l!J"_.
who :<hnll l!l't! thllt tlm 11atnc iis JllOlierly launclt!1ed. 111ul
1111l uwuy lo he ut1tttl in caii;c of aicknct!ll or other nccesioity.

(ti} All gt1rh11gc fou111l in auy o! the roomd t1hall

h1 n>1nm't'<I to the i,rttrbnge et1n 1>rovidccl for that purfKl:<t'. All 1lu=<t t.~wi1 from the roomit tchaJl ho <l(}tM)lolifrtl in 11 1''<1.'Jltahlc. lt i:i mauiletdly impro1>cr lo
t-i1.-L tlu:<l 1111( of ouy winclow or to t1l1nku rugc<, carpc~.
lllOJ'" or clui:t111111i', ck, ont tl1c windows. J>ust shull
Im talwn in u clust-1><111 or otbtr n.'CCJ>laclo 1111tl r\:mm11l Iu Uw g111l11tgc room.
(:!:I) Wlll'u the ho11:<c.ketj1t'r 1ii11IK nu~ 1lnnrngu to
of tl1t! }\<1111"' llf 1\11)' O( lht! l'(Hllll1>1 lh!: S!UIC

l\lly Jl;lfl

t'hall he


i11111wcli:1tdy to the hou:;c


nuthr.l rI omc Rules


(24) 'l.'hc rh;ing gong shall be soun<lc<l ut G: 30

n. m.; b1eak!nst servecl nt 7: 00 n. m. Immediately
nt the conclusion of the br<.'llkfnst nll the houl$C 01ganizntion shall be on J.uty and slulll remain ou duty
until 5: 45 p. m., except the hour ta.ken at noon ior
lunch. The exception to this rule shall be when the
house nuwogc1 shall assign any one to pcl'form duties
that nre re<1uired at hours other than t11osc nbovu

(25) The kitchen shall be under the mnnagcmeut

of the cllef. He shall consult bom time t.o time with
the house manager as to the food supply a.nd the food
to ba SCl'Vecl. He shall have such nssista.nts 118 the
house manager may find to be ncces...qn,ry, It will be
the duty of the cl1ef to see that the food prepared and
served is wholesome. All cooling of ru1y and all kinds
of food shall be done by the chef and his assistants
under the direction of the chef. When the chef requires food or supplies for the kitchen and family he
shall make n requisition upon the house manager for
the ~lllllc. No person shnll be permitted in the kitchen
cxcc}Jt the chef and bis assistants, except the manager
n.nd sucll person or persons as the house mnMt,"'Cr may
delegate to go to the kitchen. It s11all be improper
for any pert>on or persona to visit with the cheI or
his assistants in the kitchen; and no oue sholl have
his meals scl'Vc<l in the kitchen ~cept the chef nml
his assistants. No one sho.11 take nuy !ood from the
kitchen exce11t u11ou the knowle<lgc and consent of the
chef or the l1ousc m:mngcr.

Bethel llome llules

( 2G) '!'he hmlcr or other supply room shnll be un1hr I he coutrol o! the house manager. lie mny make
lhc HL~S$nry nrrnngcments fo1 U1c chef to remove what
he l'l'(JUire:i therefrom; but no other person in the
tli11i11g-room or nny other part of the house slia11 have
authority to l'<!movc !ood or other supplfos from the
lunler uml give to nny person in the house.
( 27) No iicrsou shall be pern1ittell to mnke camly
nlmut the l1ouec at any time, whether the same be
ma<lc wilh the Society's supplies 01 other supplies.
'l'hc houl!<? is 11ot to be messed up by candy-making.

(:l8) 'l'he dining-room shall be under the superYii;io11 and control of the house manager. It shall be
the duty of the house man8t,<>cr to provide the diningroom with the necessary brethren to keep it in order
nnd serve the tables. 'fo this end he shall appoint
i.:omcouc as head waiter whose duty it shall be to
"ol'k in ll1lm1011y with the chef to have the food conYeycd from the kitchen to the dining-room and prop1rl y scnc the snmc. 'l'hc house manager shall require
the tli11i11g-1oom force to keep the dining-room in
proper or<lcr aud to report to him any violation of
the rnlcs liy the dining-room force or any member of
U1c famil~ who \'ioJatcs the rules of the dining-room.
No 111cmLcr of the dining-room sl1nll dispense food
f) m1mbcrs of the house to be carried to their rooms
cxc:tpt upon thl? ndvic1: and consent of the house manag1r or i.he housclfocp1!l', and the latter in case of sick11cs~. No womnn shnll be permitted in the kitchen for
auv 1n11po~c! whntsoc\'el' unless it be the housekeeper,
wl;o gots tlwrc for food for some one who is ill. Un1kr 110 circumst:mC<'s i;hall ony i;ister cook nny food
in the kitchen.


J:ctltr.l Ilu111e Uules


(2!>) ]lrc.'ak!ast shall be ~nc<l at 7 o'clock i11 uu~

moruiug- r.:xccpt on Hmuln~. \rhC'n it shall be i;errc<l al
8 o'clock. All mC'mbCls of the family arc cxpcdctl to
he 1n-ci;c11t at the morning worship ancl hrcaklai;t.
'l'ho!'C scni11g in the dining-room or kitchen who arc
l'etjuind to ~nc in any otl1cr part of the house during
breakfast or other meal hours runy l>c scrwd ot t he
sce:onu tnhlc. No otl1er pC'rron shall be S('T\cd at Uu
se<-011tl table. Any pcrsou who o,crsl~J!i or foiLi to
come to lirt! shall not be pcnnitk'l.l to come t<i
the diuiug-room or kitcl1e11 :mu ~t food.

Exception to this rule will be where uny one is

employc<l o;; nigl1t watchman or otl1crwi:sc cngagc1l
during meal hours in servire at the office, factory or
in any capacity !or lhe Society and therchy prcvcnt<.><l
from attending the J'eb'lll.n.r meal. 'l'lt~ may Jum~
their meals at the second table or when it is convenient
for them to be present.
( 30) 'l'he noon meal shall be serrcu ot 12: 15, nu<l
the evl!Uiug meal sl1all be served at Q_p. m. All iicrsons who nrc 11ot required to be on duty cluring thcs<!
meal hours shull take tl1cir mcnls at the hours named
in the dining-room. No l)(>tSOn sl1nll be served at the
' second table who could he served at the first table.

(31) 'l'he brethren scn-i11g at the raclio station

WllBR, ancl who arc rcq11i ~l to kavc the home l.ieforc
flu l'\'l'Hi11g llll'al, may llarn tlwir t1wuls i:;c1v<'<l in tlw under snch comlili011,; :is the ltousckrq)(!r
mny arrange \\ ith the d1ef.

JJcthel Home



pi) l\Jr lhc 11111po:;c of at.'t:om111oJati 11g brclluc11

who ;.11c r1.'IJUi1t.'tl to be out late i11 lhc e\mtiug, uml
"ho 111;.1y 11t.-ccl food ;.1fkr they return lo 1.hc home, a
lal1I, iu the i-car o{ the tfo1i11g-room will be supplied
" it h tlrlai11 t.-ol<l foods. 'l'his fooll may Le eaten at
JI i;.;hl l1y lho:-:e wlw :11c rcquirctl lo rcmaiu out late,
a,; uuorc lllCllliouctl; Lut each OllC i;hall
to it that
Ill' ilcw:: 11ot litfo1 llJ> the dining-room. '!'his rule docs
1wt J1t~rn1it any 11ciso11 who is out ut night merely
011 t of <:h.,icc, u1ul uot for the pu rposc of serving, to
~" tu the 11i11i11g-romn. 'l'hc purpoi;c of this table is
1,1 l'llJl)lly only those who 1u-e engaged in the service
of 1111~ ~o<:idy <luring hours that require them to e<>mc
in hill-. Ti.Jr. only loo<l U1at shall Le placed upon this
lalilc !<hall he what is ldt a111.l on hand during the
cvc:uing. No food sl1:ill be placed on the, an<l
110 011c shall cat at the counter at nighl 'l'his is for
the purpose of h:idng tJ1e rounter clean in the morning and ready for the service. No person shnll be ~r111iltcu l) cat at uigltt nt the other tables that have
ltt.~n prcpa1e1l for A1ly violation of this
rule h~ any nwmbcr of the household or any pcrsou
l'lrnll be immediately reported to the house m:wnger,
a11d may ,iolation of rule sl1all be subject to such
di~iJ>linc a:; may be clccmed pro1icr. Everyone should
coo111.rilte lo kLoep the dining-room in proper order
;1111l 11ot nwkc unnccc..~ work for th~ who serve it.
Kinl"C the chd a11d his assistants and the diniug-room
force ;arc t'lfllirctl to lJc 011 duty earlier than other
1111:111IKr:; of the family, may take such time off
i11 th1: afternoon as they i\1ay desire, so that their
hour,; of s1nicc arc c11u:il to thnt of others serving
i11 lh1: honw. 'J'his ru le will apply to Uio:;c who s1:rrc
i11 the hcatiug dl'Jlilrl111e11t or any oUmr tlc11artmcnt
of thtl home.



Z:1:tltr.l Ilomc llules


(33) The l1omc provides o. launtlry for the bcnelit

of those who are in the home. All the house laundry
and all the laundry of the members of the house donl:
by the Society must be doue at the regulnr luundry
provided for thnt purpose. 'fhis shnll lie under the
direction of the house mnuahrcr, who sbnll assign sucl1
persons as may be required to do the laWldry.

{34) 'l'wo tuus are i1rovi<led iu a 1wm ucar the

laundry wherein the sisters or others may do such private washing or lnundry ns they may require from
time to time. There shnll be no wo.slling of laundry
and no laundry done in any pnrt of the house except
the regular laundry and in these tubs. No person
shall be permitted to wnsh socks, underwear or other
apP4fCl in any bathrooms or rooms in tl1e house or in
any washbowl iu the house ; and any person f ouu<l
violating this rule shall be immediately reported to
the house manager, who shall tnke proper action to
see that it is not repeated.
( 85) On Monday morning each uwmbcr or the
family shall deposit his laundry in recci>tnclcs in the
hallway provided for that imrpose. It shall oo in a
bag marked with his room number ancl name on thu
bag. His finished lawidry s11nll !JC returned in the
same bag. No foundry sl1all be rctun1ed wet to tbc

(36) One or mol'C JK'rsons shall be Mt!iguecl to look

after the heating of the l1onec. 'l'his shnll lie uncll'l'
the supervision of tllc house ma.11ah"<!l". 'l'hc 110111411 Rhnll
never h<! lt(':ited nbovc 70 dl!i:,IYTC(.'9 Fohrcnllcit. 'l'h~

JJcthcl 11ome llulcs


fumn1~ i:liull be fired in the most economical mllnner

co11sistcnt with the comfort of tbc home. All rcqufremcnb; for fuel for heating shall Ix! reported to the
houre m1111ugcr, who shnU purchase the Bllme ns required.

(37) No }ICl't!Oll 11hall be pcrmittcu ill tho !unuH.-c

room or hnvu anything to do with the firing o! tl1e
iumncu <.:xcc)>t UJ>on the direction of the houl)e mnungcr. Any person viola.ting this rule "111 be expelled
from the hom~. 'l 'his is made drastic in onle1 to protcct the home from damage or destruction hy the improper use of the fon1ace. No one shall be pcnnitted
to fire the !umncc unless he is qualific<l to llo so, and
his qunlificlltio11s mui:t be known to the house manager
before he is nssigucd to that duty. One haviug cluuge
of the furnace may from time to time yisit any part
of the ho\lse or any rooms to nsccrtnin whether it is
I.icing heated i>ropedy.

(38) 'l'he hou~ liball be kept in icpair. 'l'o thfa

end the house manager shall assign some one to thnt
duty as n~sity may require. 'l'his will include the
plumbing, the l>ninting, and tlccorating the houre,
nntl such otl1er things as ruay be l'Cquircd.

( 3!1) No JX!rs<>n sh:ill become a mamber of the

Bethel l!'amily who docs not profess full conscerntion
to do God's will. Each one applyiug for membership
!:hall fill out and sign n. questionnaire provided by U10
Assoc:intion for i.hut purpose. 1~nch one o( the questioni; }>ro1>0umlcu shall be answered.
( ~ 0)

Whf!11 :my pcn;o11 l~porfa to 1\cth~l home to

a uw111bcr thcn.'<>f his or her first duty ~luill

Ix. to 1"<'.ml t;anfully the rults :u11l rcgulatio11=<. 'l'o lliis
111<l lhc hou::c ni;uw:.,~r l'hall pro\itlc i:uch willi ml~~
,' copit'i;. .A ,:upply of the ruks shllll lie kl!pt hy
the hou~ maun~cr for tl1is pnrpo$!. falry JK'l":'Oll
Ll<.-oming n mt>mb1r o{ the family 01:,;rccs to ,:11li!'l:ril1:!
h> <llld l':lrdully oh~rw all the rule:; :11111 n'~11latio11:.:.
'J'hii; is J\CC<'!'Fnry for the mll-bciug of th1 ho111c a111I
for the comfort of its 111cmbcrs.
(-11) No pcr:;on UL'Cvlllt.':i u mcmL!!r of the l~dh1J
home llll(I n:mai11:; there ll.'i a matter of right, but is
there by the gtu<:e of the Lord. He muy be l'Ct111in... 1
tu lca\"c the home .it auy timc for ju:;t tau:;1. All
JK!r~1us bct<.m1ing memlll'r:i of the family <1gm! that
they arc in harmony with illc (foine plan a.s i;et forth
iu the lliulc au<l il:s lwl<l and taught uy the Society.
:-\hould a11y one l>t-ctimc <1n opponent of U1e 8ocict~.
that will be 1:111lil'icmt c:uu:;c for his illm1t.'<liatc removal
from the home. }:wry mcml>t-r of the family occupies
n c.-011fickntial idutio11shi1> to the Society ancl to every
othcr member of the fumilv. Ile or she therefore will
folly coo1K:rate in carrying out the 11urposcs of tl11!

(J2) 'f hc mcm~r:; of the family will IJC a::;:;i;,'1tl'<I

to their re:pccli\"C room;; or qnartcrs by the housc1\<.'tpcr wiU1 tl1c D(hfoc nu<l L-Onscut of the house
111<11Ulbrcr, aucl may he nmo,ctl from one room to anoflwr at nuy time that th1! house! man:iger or housckt'tJ)Cr mny <k-cm lll'l."<':>:::ilry.

pa) 'fhc rooms sh;11l be kc11t ucat a11tl in ortlcr.

Any one who 11lfllet:; or n11y of the furnitun
or the walls or otlur imrt of the lmih.li11g shall be hclcl
rc:-,.:ponsihlc the1-cfor. Jt is ne<.-CS$.'lry for two or more
pcr.:ons to occ1111y n room. E:1C'l1 0111! thcrdort! will
;;hc tlu1~ l.-Ollt=i<l11;1tim1 to the ollll'r ;11ul while in the
rooms be onlcrly u11d 11uiet.

] [i

( 11) 1\o w1il,: i::hall lic <lrinn into the \lulls for tfo:
JlllrJ.IOR' of h1111gi11g pictures, c-;1Jc11tlim; 01 otlwr t hin~::.
Tiu: walls will h1! kc1it frC1! from 11111rki:. No 0111 will
pul nn~ f11rnil11r<! of any kind into a room wiilwut
1hc c1111l'<!11t of the hou~ mauagt>r or ho11:<tk1't'J><'r.
'l'hl're ~ha ll l1c no visiting by 01w JK'r:<011 in 1111otlwr::
room 1111lcss the visitor is invit11l. J-:11ch 011l''s ruom
~h:ill Ix! liJll~i1l1rc<l his Jffirntc home, 1111tl his pri,;11_
nut lo l>e intrn<l11 d upon by a11yo11c cb. ExNpt io11 lo
this n1lt! is that. the houschtJtt'r or the hous.~ 111u11agf'f
11111y ,isil u11y room at any time 111.'L'C:;llit~ 11!1111in::.
{-l5) 'l'lwrc i;hilll lie no vi:-itinc; i11 roo111s lwtwecJI
U1c Oj>posih! ::ex. JC a hroU1cr <lc:;irc.-; to r:<>C il l'i:ilt-1'.
or a si:;tcr a l>rolhcr_. they shall llll.>t~t i11 tlu! ~111C'ntl
(-lG) Au~ one "ho l)t'COlllL':i a mc111Jxr uf llw Hdlwl
home ~houl1l c."Onsid1r that the Li<ml lw:; 11lu11'tl him
llll'rc :iml io not withchaw from the honu! u111l from
I he! .l'l'tricc 1111l<~s it i:; manife.4h the will of the Loni.
:\uy Olll'. who is c11g-11gcu nt the. home or factory, m1el
who uctcn11i111s lo ~vcr his (.1JJllll~tiou. l'hull give
thirty dayl! notice of the intention :::o lo 110.

( l 'i) 'l'Jic d crn.tor in the JICW uuilJing is )ll'O\i1hd

fur tJ1<' licnclit of those who arc uot phyi;ically uh),~
lo <-liinli the ~tilirway antl pnrti<:nJarly for tho~ who
::hall ()('(11)1)' th1: upper floors. u~ of the clt:rntor J,y
:ill pc1~11s rooming on the third lloor ancl hdow th:1l
lloor i:; 111vhibitc1l. In the u:;c of the <'h!rntor l'llch
oil<' ::ho11l1l 1:1: t.url'ful. When lt:t \iu~ tllC' d1~v11l11 r th:
s11li1l tloor lllll);t he Un<l1r 11<1 circurn,..f;111(t'"
::lwll lllC' c1lmal111 h< l<fl OJ1<'11. (!:ire ;:hall 111 t:1kl'11 ;l l
:ill I i11w.-; 11ut lo unrc-r11w1I tlll' 1l1,;1lor l11\11wl it::


/Jill1r.l llumc llules

(Hi) 'fh.~ ltu11s1! 111u11uger i;hall lie iu d1ar~l: of nil
kcys lo the c:utnlllC(!. One urn~ be 111ovich1l to l':ll'h
nwml.icr of the hou!'C wh1l mak1-:; n1111lic:nlion thcrl'fm,
i( iu the jull~mc11t or the hou:sc 1111u111gt'r he 01 t:h! i::
1~11tillccl to :i kl')" 'l'hc house 11u111ag11 i:hnll keep a
n'Co11l of e\e1y person who 1ins a key. If the key is
lost hy CUl'tlcsmcss, the hou~ mn1111ger sh11ll 11ot n~ni11
l'll ]>ply n key to such J>t~l'$Oll. l>uc cnre l'houlcl lie tnktJI
by nil 111.rron~ \1~il1g the front cloo1s to S~! that thc!y
:I I'\' i;ecmcly luckctl after ]Jn,;sing through. Cnrn shoultl
h11 t'XCrcii.;ed t1> !;4.'C that the glass it1 not brokln nt m1y
time. Any one who Lrcuks the glass will be rcqui1-cd tu
11plnce it ot his own cx11<'n:;c. Any person who SCYCl'>l
Iii" c-omwct ion with tltr. l\dhcl home shnll immcclintdy
itncler his or lwr key to the bou~~ manager. 'l'he k<'ys
to the linen closds shall be in the posi;cssion of the
hou::ckl'CJ>cl'. 'fhe manager i;hnll have a master kt!y.

( .J!J) 'l'hc Jll'llll'l home i11 u pl'ivnte a111l 11ol n 1i11blic:

Jllact. ~'or the protection oC thr. home nud thoi>e who
n:;iclc there i,irit:t rull'S must be hall nud he c11Cofl.'l!1l
1ont.'Crni11g \'ic;itt.n:;. lk-e:mre of the uumlM in the
home the t ulc h1~rl'ivforeob,;crved which pcnniHctl :my
mtmbc1 oI the hou!'C to invile some one to rcmai 11
o\c1 nighl shnll no lc.>ugcr be iu force. Any menilier
o! th<.' family <lrsiring to cntcrtniu 11. pc1son in the
home or wl10 i11vitl'S a pcrron to the 11omc lo rem11i11
11,c1 night shnll fir:.1 i:1..~ the house mnnnger, nml i11
his nbl'lcncc the houi.;kccpor, a11<l receive consc11t so
lo <hi. '.l'hc house: mnnagcr l'hnll Ul!tiign a \'h;ito1 to n
room ii then! i:; tll )' vntant. 'l'hc homo nm11ng1r mni<t
know cnch 11i;.!hl whnt \'i~itu1,; lll'C i11 the 11011w a111l
whnt 100111:-1 tltt) oc111py. 'J'o this 1:1111 he tihall kt<?JI
a rcc.'Or<l of the t'l.Xllll:<, which r1'l'orll i:linll i;how who

was occ11pyi11g cnch nml cv<'t'y room in t ltc 110\1se.
Jt will nut be! t'011vcnic11t to invite uny 011c to make n
prolongl.'<l ,.ii<il nt the J\cthd. 'fhe Hdhcl i~ not n
pince for r i:;itiug, hut n }>Ince for scrvi<..'C to tlrn 1..orcl.
( aO) Auy mNHhcr of the 11ouse inviting another
per::on to dine in the llcthd home sl10ll firi<t obto.iu
lhe coureut of the house manager. 'l'his is uccr>si:nry in or1ll'l" to mnke proper provision for those who
m11::t lln,c thcil' meals in the llethel. 'l'hc spncc is
Jimitccl, 111111 the ln-cthreu who hn,c to work i-:ho11lcl
uot be cromkd out o{ their plac:cs at the tuhlc!. Visitors will lie 1ntcrtnined nt meals ns t11e i;pnce will 11e1mit. F'or thi:! rcnron tl1e house manngl'f mn~t kilo\\'
who tlwy urc nncl when they nre visiting nncl whm
taking mcnls.
(al) lt !!hall be improJX?r for any mnn 1csicli11g
in the home to invite any girl or woman to vhiit him
in the home. Any Eingle girl cnlling nt the Jl<-thd
home, or vii:;iting, will not be admitted tmlci:ll i:he i:>
1teeom1inniccl by one of her pn1-cnts or unll'ss ht'l' 11arcmts arc nlreucly residing in the home.
A11y one rnlling at the Jk'thel for the purpose or
:<t-cing m1otlic1 person shall be sent to the parlor, n11tl
all vh;iti11g will he hnd there. No persons not lhing in
Ihe l1omc 1<h:tll lie pennittCi.l to go nhout the home exl-CJJt tlwy 01~ occompnnicd by the house mnung<'r or
:;(mtc 0111 n>'si:;ncd by him to accompany them.
On ~muluys m<'nh; ore scr,cd only !or the
uf the {11mily, ond it will 11ot lie couv<'uient to cnt<'rtnin oul.:itl<'ri< nt meals on Sundnys. It will he pro11tr
Io1 uny rncmll<'r of the family to inform n11y ,ii;itor
of tl1is rnle.

(lit) 'J'hc liousc mnn11g1r will ll.'<::sig11 i;um1~ 11i~tcr

lo Le i11 the foyer or c11tra11cc from 8 u'ch1k i11 the


11torni11g 11111 ii Ci i 11 t lw t!\'tui 11~. Pt-rl"flll!l tu 11 iII).{ :ii

tlw 1101111 for 1111~ Jllll'jl(>JI<! ~lutll h~ """'i\'l'tl i11lt1 llw
fo.nir ht tlw cloorkt'l'l"'r; mul on 11i:<1rtui11i11~ hill or
lwr lm1:111111111 h1! or i<lw i:hnll he rt'lllll'"htl to wuit. in th1
fo~c!r until th1 11111-ly lw or "h1! wi:<hl':< to ll('l! h11ie n rl'i\'1'11.
( :J) All }1t!rt<01111 who l11ll for the 1mrpvi:c! of i111'J11'l:t ing tlu! ht111~ or 1111,\' 111111. tllt'l't'llC or Ill\~' or it.;
1'111111mm11t l:'holl hu 11f1ri-1!<l to tho h111t1<t! 111111111~1r.
l: 111l1r 1111 ti l't'Ullll'tn 11<.oe1:1 11h111l 11b1111g1r:' 111 1111m it h'tl
to gu nliont the houl!C u11at'l'Olll}>11J1iml.



of th1i Hctlll'I hu1111:

1101 the 8ocict~ h11,: uuy tltsirc or tlit1JIOl4itio11 to put
1111.r f\l't r idio1111 on J~l'i<01111 n111~inJ!. lt hc'l'<llllt.,.
llt'l'l'l!-'!Ury_. howcwr,. to hn\'c t'OllW rult?ll ;\'t!fllill;! tlu:
marrinb"tl of t110~1 \\ho lire in thll home, in or1l1r thnt
the ~i~tr mil\' hnn 11lili\1lutt1 l'Ontrol oC the h1>11tc!
nntl th~ \,:110_'1't!l!itll! 1lw1v. Auy Jll!l'llOU rt'r:icliug i11
thu J~tlwl homu muy i.;tt mur1i11l tu unotlwr pl!t'lillll
Ill'. 1111r time hl! 01 !!ht! mur de11il"t'. With thi11 tltll' m1111i1g1111~nt of thu honll! hna 11othi11g to do. Whcth\!t or
nut :<tll'h JJtr11011 n111ni11s n nwmlicr of thu fumily will
h1 111fo1ly al clilfl!1111t mntt<'r. lt will he out oC ortltr
for u11y hrotltt!r l'l'l!iding in thl! houi'O to m1u1y i!<llll '
onu 1uul tiring lwr into the hollll! unk-s:i tht! l'Ot1:1e11t
or tht' ]>1'('11idr11t ht lil':<l hucl n11d ob1uimtl.
( 'lii)) Wtw1\" 1t hrutlwr n1111 n 1iia:h1 IUl\'t! hwo rc-,.i1l111ti; o{ tlw H1:tlwl h1111w t'(11tti1111u1111l) for 1l IM'l'i111I
lfoitlll't' the

or fhl! ~'l'l\l'rl or mmi~ 111ul iltll'h hl'ollll'r Ullll 11h:h1

agaw to 111111'1'~. tlwy nuay tfo ~ 11111l c-tmtilmu nt. tlwil
11111i11i of ~nit1 in 1ht 1l1tlll'I h1111w pro\'iclt>tl tlw 11>11<(11t of' tlw P11:<i1h11t he lir:<t. h11tl 111111 ol1t11i1w1I. 11
t:hnll nut. hl' 111""".::-:111\ for IHI\' to ol1t11i11 th1 11111:<111L
of tlw 1'1't 11itlt111 a:-: to wlwth~l' 01 1111t Ill' or ,:he~ ta 11
1111111s i lint tlw \'tlll:<l'lll ur l h1 l 1 l'l'1'id111l li r,:l 11111,.:l

IK! ohlui1ll'il 1111 111 whctlwr or 11ul Uwv eirn '''11111i11 in

I h<' hemw 111111 "intit111l! 1111 nwml11.rl4 t>f thei fumih or
ufliei.1 forl'C.'.

( i'iCi) F11elcr 110 tin111111;tum"'" will a 1111imh11 oC

the Jlc-thC'I r11111il~ R'!;iclin;.t in tll\~ homu h1' p1nnilti'{I
to 11111rr~ 1111<1 hriug 11 wire or 11 h11~hn11d iulo tlw honll'.
\II Jl!!ri;o1i:s h<'t'Oming llltitlllKri& of tlw Bctlwl fomily
mu11t tlu l!U 11 fte1 Jil'l'l h1l\'i111;; fnllv Juul nnel t1ig1ll'cl n
<jllc>l!tio11n11h't 111111 lllt.'tl tht! ~tllltl \dth the l't'l'llident
nnel the11 only UJ>tlll the imitutiou of tlm 1'11~itlc11t.
'l1Jll! JlllrtKll't' 11 1hiic ntfo i:4 to Jllll the! 1'11/l)llllh<ihil i1y
rol' nwm 1tr1ilii11 in the Jwllwl homo wlll'ro th1? l'11t1rtl!r
111111 h~-luw:c or tlm .:\i<...:ociation 11111<-u it.


(G'I) J.'he minute; hc!ol"t? l!t'rdng the rt~ulur nwnls

1hc i:oug 11hull ht! l'-Ountlt..'tl. lfomll(>rd ur the liunils
will }U'\k''d inmtl'<lintdy nml in un ordcrJ~ 11111111ttr
to thu dining-room 11ucl occ1111~ 11t11t11 Jll't'\'it11111ly 11:::;ig11<el liy tlu~ hour!C 1mu111gc1. \\'hen iw11t(tl. nil 11h111l
l'l?1Uui11 e1ufot until tht! umi Jll't!1:1itli11g 11lmll 11111M1u 1111tl
take hi6 e<>ut.
(fit!) It 11h11ll Ill! th1! lluty uC thu 1rttt;itl111t tu lll'll
:o:idt? ul ull nwul11 wbtm be iM )lrt'lSl'ut. Ju hi:1 ult~m't!
:'Umc other hroUter who ii; au t!ltlcr of tlm t'Ollgl'e'~ll1ion 11l111ll t1Ct1t~1y the plnl'C 0j11,l!l(fi1!if itt lht! 't11hl11,
JL11tl mu~ ht 1111:<1!(111'<1 to 1hnt pllll't' hy l'ltlwr tlw l'l'l:ti1lc11t or the! h1111>'t n11u111g1r. Jn thu mo111i11/,! imnwlliukl~ jll'\'l:C'lli11ir tlw 1" 1'\ing or ht't'llkh14 \\'lll'l'hip l'hull
h11 l11ul. 'l'hil! :<hull lousi:-1 of 11 11e111g. 1tt. till' t...i111h111io11
ur whit:h II p 111~cr 2!-hllll fullow1 tu Im lwltl hy 1111 one
who 1111,:itlw 111 1111m1~ mm UJKlll whom lw nrn~ 11111.
'1'111'11 the l1le11"i 11~ i<hn II In! u"k<'cl 1111011 Hu foucl. 1>111i11;r tlw ::11\:it1g or llw 11\C'tll tlw lllOl'llill~ IN:l ::hull ht!
r111el 1111el duh t:m1:o:i1l1 1't"ILnnel eli"""""''cl. :\t tlw 110011
1111'11 I tlw ::uuie: 1111lcr 11hnfl he? oh."<'l'\'1d i 11 Ill ki II;! prnfi1


J:etltd llome


I iuw; i n tlu: 1li11i11g-room. 'l'he 0111: p1i.:1 itl i11~ shull

t he lil1-:::<i11g of the Lcml to lx! u:1L:1.. I, lhc:n Uu:
mral i<N\"Ccl. During tlw 8'rrice of the meal matkrs
of iukr\!$l m:iy be report.rd anll llible c111~t io11s C"lll i-i<lc1'C<l mul cli:;cus~'lL :\11:<Wl'r:> to ull Hihlc c111c:<liu11:<
1iropou1111t..1 11111)" bc gi,cu Liy auy tllle nt the tuhh. All
au:;wen; tihoulcl l>c l>rid nu<l to the JOi1tL 'l'hl 0111:
prc~~ icling- ~hall ~um up the CJlll~tion in u. l>ricC and
i-u<:cind 111:11111cr. 'L'hc <.-ommeut upon the text for tlw
1lay ns it. a ppen rs in the printc<l book lllIY be 1cntl
cithcr bdorc or nft<!l the :1wnmi11g up.
( 59) Onkr :;hall bc JIR>senecl throughout. lhe mc;.i L
:tllll j11~.:gjmi1111tc CQ.l.U:.~tion shall uot be incl11lgr<I
iu. It !: wll be l'Htircly imJ1ro1)Cr aml out of or1lcr for
lllY pcr:;on to ari:;c from the table ancl with<lraw from
the tlinin~-room <luring tl1e services of the mral 1111k~ tir::t 0Lh1ini11g pcnu~ion so to <lo from the one
prt"Siding, nnd this only when it is ncccsl:nry. At the
conclusion of cnch meal the one }>residing will 1xpr~s
th11uks to Ho1l for his gracious provisiou. Mcmbc1-s
of th<? fam ily will then onll-rl_y withdraw from the
1lining-100111. At the conclusion o! the l?\ening meal
members of the family will a~sist in clearing away
the t.ublc. 1-'or this J>Urpo~ th1! hou!'.C manager shall
pubfo:h from time to time a fo,-t or tho:;c who ar~ assi~ncd to :is::i:.-t the rc:,'lll:ir dining-room for<.."'


(f;tl) !<'or tl11 JlllfJ~ of <.."Oni;tming <'lt'Clric:ity 111111

for the order :11111 comfort of those iu the liomi:, :ill
JH!r,:011:1 will Iii! l'XJK'Clc1L to l'ctire nut Inter limn 10 : 30
p. m., 111111 all lil!'ht:; in the rooml; to Im turned out
:it tltnt hour. 'J'hc l'X('i'Jlfio11 will he! lhnt :nry p1r::o11
who l11!ca11::e of lc:ntli11g :t mccli11g- or i;cn-ing nt Uw
r;ul io sl;1ti1111 is lwjlt. out or is iiot :1Ll1! to tclul"ll to
the ho111c priM lo JU: :;o 1' 111. Persons l'11t.cri11g the

hu111c a!frr th;it hour will do so :is c1uictly ;is pussililc n111l turn on the light unly 1011~ c11ou~h to c:nalJk
them lo gl1 f.., lx'CI. If U1is rule is faithfully oh~rn-tl
Uu~ clt'C:lric cum11l will not be cut olf <luring lhc
ui;;ht, Lut :l 1icni!'tc11t \'iolation of it by nny m1mlJn
of persons will make it ucccs~ary lo swikh ulf the
cutirc c:urrent niter JO: 30 p. m.

(Gl ) 'fhc ld1:11ho1ws in the hou!iC arc !or.11>'(! in malk rs Of lll'<.'C:'~ity to the home 1111cl the
!-'ocidy"s int<-rc~t. It wiJl not IJc iu or<lcr for u11~ 0111.'
lo ure the~ ]hones for prirnte c.~me1-..~;itio11. }l'or all
irnch c.-om<rs;ition a pny telephone is pruri1leJ; hut
until tlrnt time nil)' one using the oth:r phonl!S Cor
prinitc purpose i:h:ill IJc required to Jcpo:;it lire <-cuts
or ten ttnl:i, <1s the c:i::c may IJc with th1! hou!;Ckl.-cper
01 hou:"C 111an:iger or the one in charge of the tchpho11c.

(G:!) The mui11 Jiarlor i:; ior U1c purpo~ of :-:u1ial

lllL'C'ling- by the 111cmLcr:; of the house and ,isiti11g
frilntl~. A 11ia110 is J>ro,idc<l there_. to he u:;cd fly tlio,:c
1rho :ire rom1ictcnt to uro it; but nobody will LH: JH'r111itlc1l lo drum on the piaJ10 mercJy lo make :1 uoilil.
The pinuos in U1c l1ousc arc provi<lt..1 for the 111!<.,s:-.iry prad ice of t.110:-:c who snvc al the raJ io l'lati111
1r el:'!:\\ l1erc in the iutc:rcsL of 01c Society's work. All
1m1cti:;i11g upun any a111] all kin<ls of nmsit:al in"lrunwub; in any part of the houre shall not t-011ti1111c
;ifter 9: :\0 o'cl0< k Ji. m. This rule is Hl'ct::;~a1J in
ortlcr nol lo i11terf1rc with those who tle.~irc lo !;k'l.!J'
(li:l) A g-cne1al library or rcndin~- room i:.: p10rid1!4l, 111111 il' for the (-Ollnmicm.-c of 1111:1111Jrrs of f he
family who d1i:il-c to ;;11 io lhnt 100111 fur 1p1id i<lutly.
Al all li11ws i:ilencc must Lie mai11lai11,,<l in this l'QOtH

/lr//1 rl I fo1111

/.' 11/r.~

"{) that H111~ "hu 111,;io t.1 n111l 11r i<l ntl\" 111;1\" 11111 IK
int 1r111 f1i1.-<1.

( lil) 'fl11: 1:o:t-c11ti n ollll""" ,,r 1111' :-\11til"f y an h;u I

;11111m11i11tni1111l1111 th1 ~th Jloor of 1111' 111w l111ilrli11i!.
Xo J>~r:'Oll will hll\'l' <K1ni<io11 t.> IK' 011 that lloor 1~c-,j11
lh1)>:(. who nn! l'll\J1loy<'1l tllt'r1 m who a11 1\1::i;!1111ti1!
Ir.' llw 1'1'1:<ich11t lo h1! tlll'I\'.


( liii) .\II,\' Jll'l'SClllP: 1111\'ill" Ol"llll~C Ill" l1lllUll (Kd j 11;.!"

or otlwr frn it ::k iu:; iu tlwir roum:o; or ut h11 ;.rn 1ha;..'l

:<h111l J1hu..'t lht :<nmc ill a :<11itithlc l\'t.,'jlluhl1'. ;mil I h111
h1k1 llwm tu \114. ;.::1t:lll1;;1 rnum. 'Liic \\:t::lc 1111,.:l\l't:;
uf t h1 r.10mi; 11 ni uol tu ht t.'tllli<itlcrt>tl 1~ JlrO}K'r rt't''I'
l11t:lt~ for e,'1HiJ11g1. J:nl'l1 ruo111 i:; Jl""i1l1cl with <111
11111111d J1l11tc in whi1h to diJ"'"it :111 fruit-:<ki11,; o:1ikt g1ll'l111;.:1" ll will he out of ortft>I' for 1111~ 11111 h1
rimow clii<lll'~ (1.1' \"C'!l.:t'I:; ftum th~ cli11i11;:-roo111 tn Iii,
111om u 1111 lturn th1.m th1r1. l<'o>r thi~ 1n11111:<e llu:
hon::.! m11nug1r ::h11U pro\icl1 for 111111 ii,10111 1>111; 111;111111 plutc! nnl onr tlriukiug ;,!In::,: fur 1mh 0<.'1.11111111t 11f
cwh u111l c\cry room.

( Uli)

lt will IK tlw clutr

of llw lauu~: ma1111~1r l"'

:'(''that 111111111:: or till' hoi1w ""' ,:lriclly tnfon11I illlil

to fake llJIJll"OJll'i11h adicm t.1 "'"' tlml ihi~ i" clo111

.\It nwmlicr.; uf th1! fnmily nti! l'l':-'JM't:iinIJ fl~flll'i<l1il
lo l't1111111nl1 with llw l\OU:<t' Ul",.!Ut1i:i.niii>11 n111l to <"i1r1y
lluir l,'1'ic\"llllW:'~ if 1111~. to tll1~ h1111,;1 111111111gn. \\"lll'r
1;wh nncl cnry 0111 in the ho11,:1 1111111ifo::I:; lh1! :<pirit
111' thl' J..ortl 111111 :<lrin:: to "'"'t11111h. flw hc':'I 11:<1111...:
will II\. h111I. 'l'hl':<t: rule~ a111l "'J!Hlnl i1111i; nl'a ::uhj1'll
1.1 1..1111litio11 111 1hnll;!" al 1111) I i1111 h.r I h1 l'rc,:i1l1111
witlioul uul ic:t.
{Iii) Wh111 a hu~li:1111l a111l wif1 0t-t111J 11 ru11111 it

1Jdl11l llu1111



i::hall lie ll1lir tlufy lo kt't'JI lh1.l rou111 in onhr. Wlw1e

l'OOlllS nrl! otl'U}1icll uy i:i::ll'l'S it :-:hull be thlir duty
to kl'C}I th1! 1'001\\ ill orti11, l'X<.-t'Jlt the chnn,:{illg or
hll-li11<11 ut 1"~ul11 r inkrral::. Whrrc Ilic 1w111;; are
occ1111itrl liy hrdhrc11, llwy an l'l'l(tt<'!;k1l <w:h mo1ni11~
wlu.:11 uri,.iug to li1ly up their l>ttli1 111111 to ph111! 1111.r
t rn:1h or w;i:;fc )lll}ll'I" in tlw )Hoper }1lut~! to he r1~
mowd. 'l'h1i li11t11 i 11 their 1oom;:; will ltt! duin~ld l1y
lhc n1<,:hl1111t:-: of the holl!'lk1c11er ot rtgulnr i11tc1rnl~.
Eu<:h n11<l ertr.' 011c utl11pyi11/! 11 r11om i'honld OOJll'I'
ah in k1111i11~ llw 1w111ina1l!llll 111Hl licly l'Oll<lilion.
l-:\'C'ry lm1th11 11t11pyi11;! a h11l in thti ho11:11 r:hall t11r11
owr hi:! mnlt1l':'" m111 l'llcl1 \\'lck lhut llw ~i,..tpr:; mur
h:~ 111ien:1l from tlw. work o( lifting 11111U1c,;,.:1.,~. 'J'his
turni11~ 0\'11 shall IJI! 011 lhc tiny to IJ1! cl1,.:i;..:11:1lcd h.r
th<' hou:<1kl'l'}K'I'. whid1 ,.:hall IR the :!tlllll' <l11y that tlw
linen is chnn;!<'cl. Hd111e turni11~ 0\"<'1' th1 11111U ,,."'"":;
1111' li11l'll l'lll>ll l>i l'l'lllO\'t1l, foldrd 11JI, l:licl 011 II ch;1ir,
"1111 t Ill! m11U 11:;s left 1mcowrcll.
(li8) 'l'hc houi;l'kc<'Jl<!I' shall ck::ignutu :<111111~ 11111 or
more u:<sii.:l:111t:: \1JHll1 1111 1li1pd io11 to 110 llu: iru11i11~
or ll11! lirollwrs' :<hi1ts, 111~11 to do 1mch llll'lltli11;! ii~
111l' ::hirt:1 nml 11111k1wl llr may m1uirl'. :--111'11 111c11cli11:;
:!hall Ix: d11111! in th1~ scwing-roum.
(li!I) l'ru,i,.:ion for l'<1l11nln~ c:n11it1;! 1u11l ;-;111111a~
a11d h11li1lay~: Snhll'll:iy cw11i11;; f11llcl will IJ,. pruri1l<-tl
Ii~ IK'ill;! J'lacnl 1111 the 11111il1:r or lh1! table in the
nu1. Eaih 0111 will ::crn: lii111::<'I( or hcr::clf. 111111 Lhu::~
cloi11~ :<O ::hull c-lca11 11)1 llll'ir di:<h1s 11fl1r th1!)' :w:
lhrnngh. :-;1111clay 111orni11;! lin.-ak(a,:t will 111: !incd
at~ o'd111k. 1"vr ~1111lla\ 11111111 :11111 S1111cla\' 1r111i11;:::
1111~ :-:11'\'il'! :-:hnll uls.1 Iii: ,.;1r.. tc1i:1 :-:l\'11. '1'111' ,111111 111lc
will uhf1ti11 11111111 hulicl;c\,.:.

(iO) It ,:hull h1 l!Htit:dy 11111. ul' urd1r f11r a11~hud\

lo ill\'ilc c111l :<i1lcol':\ IA1 l'al :d l\dhd 1111S1111chl\<11r h11li1l:1y:-:. 011 lh1::c 1lay:; Ll1c h111t;-1 is 11ul p1~p:t1c'tl t11 1110


tArloiu vi11itorl!, antl 11one will he c11tlrtni11l'tl. 'l'he

mcn1bcni of the !mnily are entitled lo their rest on
Stmcluys and holidays; nncl 110 one will he pcnnitted
to entertain 1my vii:itors nt mN11s 011 Suuclays an<l 011
holidays either with or without the conscut ol thoJ
hom;o man~r. It tihnll bu 01c duty of the J1ousc
mtmager to mform nil ,isitors that it is ngnini;t tl1e
1ulf's to entertain visitQrs nt mc111a on Sun<111y11 and
holi<lny11. '!'bis is in onfor to givu the mcmhcrs of the
family 11 full tlny1s l'Crl. Any visiting nt t11u llctbcl
home must fin;t obtain the conitent of the house manogt>r, itiul must be nccompnnicd through the homo by
the houro mann~r or somu pel'l30n clcsignuk><l by him.
Unuer uo circumi.-tnncrs will Tisitol'S be permitted on
the seventh floor ";thout first a11plying to the Presic1cnt's FCCrctnry nnd receiving pc~sion from him.

( 71) person, whether a member ol tbo.!amily

or uot, dcah'ing to have an appointment with the
I>rcsitle11t must first 11.pply to tho 1'1-csidcnt's private
secretary. If it becomes 11CCC881U.'y for nny one to sec
tht: President in au emergency, hu may eommunicnto
with tho l>rcsidcut's inivnte scc1-ct11ry by telephone
~oing to the secretary's office.

( 72) li in t~ opinion of the? houi;c mnuoger nu

cmurgcncy regulation must be imt iuto operation 11.n<l

the l 1J'ellidcut is absent, the hoUllu manager may make
nnd enforce a regulation uutil such time ns the l>rcsident muy h11vc 01>110rtuuity to consider it. All peri:ons should coopc!rntc wjth t11t1 houec munllbrcr. Any
opp1~!ll;ion on the i:ll't o! the houl!O mn11ager, thl! one
con1Jidering it n mi!'<!Onclud; may c11ll tho l'?('si<lc11t's
nltcut io11 lo it hy or through tlm i>",;iclcmt'.; 8CCl'l.'1:4ry.
(.Signed) J. }I'; ltUTllHRPOlW.

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