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Purpose of the Handbook

A. The purpose of this handbook is to inform everyone how xVGx Gaming goes about
its community, branches of the community, and its properties.
B. This handbook can be changed at anytime, and it is your duty, to keep up with these
updates as a member of xVGx Gaming.

Code of Conduct
A. Our Code of Conduct is as follows: No Racist, Sexist, or Ethnic Comments.
Please Respect the Community Members around you. Do Not Disrespect Other
Clans/Communities (Only Self Defense). No Modding Or Hacking of any
Game/Game System. Do Not Change your rank without Official Staff Permission.
You Must Stay Exclusive to xVGx Gaming. No Religious Words, Phrases,
Symbols, etc. may be used in association with xVGx Gaming. Please
Respectively display xVGx Gaming in any form of Clantag/Emblem available.
B. Red flag rules is a punishment based system that immediately leads the staff of
xVGx Gaming to ask the perpetrator to leave the community. Breaking the rule You
Must Stay Exclusive to xVGx Gaming. is a Red Flag rule.
C. Blue Flag rules is a punishment based system that leads the staff of xVGx Gaming
to demote the perpetrator by rank or staff position. Breaking the rules
Do Not Disrespect Other Clans/Communities (Only Self Defense). Do Not
Change your rank without Official Staff Permission. No Religious Words,
Phrases, Symbols, etc. may be used in association with xVGx Gaming. Please
Respectively display xVGx Gaming in any form of Clantag/Emblem available. is
a Blue Flag rule.
D. Black Flag rules is a punishment based system that leads the staff of xVGx Gaming
to BAN the perpetrator from this community. Breaking the rules No
Racist, Sexist, or Ethnic Comments. No Modding Or Hacking of any Game/Game
System. is a Black Flag rule.

A. xVGx Gaming is ran by our Majority Rules system. This system allows certain staff
levels to vote on current issues of any kind. Which staff levels are allowed to vote on
a certain issue is decided by a Owner of xVGx Gaming. If a tie is to occur, the next
staff level is to be considered into the voting process.
B. The Owners of xVGx Gaming have complete authority to reserve issues for their
votes only.

Left/Removal From xVGx Gaming

A. Members that have left xVGx Gaming are not to be reaccepted unless during a time
of a pardon under ANY circumstances.
B. Members that have been removed from the community in conflict with a Red Flag
rule are not to be reaccepted unless during a time of a pardon under ANY
C. Members that have been removed from the community in conflict with a Blue Flag
rule are not to be reaccepted unless during a time of a pardon under ANY
D. Members that have been removed from the community in conflict with a Black Flag
rule are not to be reaccepted AT ALL under ANY circumstances.
E. Pardon Times are issued by Owners of xVGx Gaming ONLY.

Conflict of Interest
A. Members/Staff that follow under the Conflict of Interest rule are family, personal
friends, and members/staff that another staff member are romantically involved
B. If one or more of these fall in line with the Conflict of Interest rule, said
staff/member in contact with personal friends, and members/staff that another
staff member are romantically involved with. are NOT allowed to vote in

issues directly dealing with said members/staff that fall in line under the Conflict
of Interest rule.

A. Demoting/Kicking a Owner can only be voted by the other remaining Owners and
previous staff level.
B. Demoting/Kicking a Section Leader can only be voted by Owners.
C. Demoting/Kicking a Division Leader can be voted by Owners and Section Leaders.
D. Demoting/Kicking a CoDivision Leader can be voted by Owners, Section Leaders,
and superior Division Leader.
E. Demoting/Kicking a member can be voted by Owners, Section Leaders, and the
overseeing Division Leader.

A. Owners of xVGx Gaming are the ONLY ones allowed to allocate funds for xVGx
Gaming purposes.
B. Funds can ONLY be used for xVGx Gaming, and not for personal reasons.
C. Owners are REQUIRED to display, if asked, what the funds are being used for.

A. Gaining a sponsorship is decided by the Owners of xVGx Gaming.
B. Removing a sponsorship is decided by the Owners of xVGx Gaming.

A. Promoting a Section Leader can only be voted by Owners.
B. Promoting a Division Leader can be voted by Owners and Section Leaders.
C. Promoting a CoDivision Leader can be voted by Owners and Section Leaders.
D. Promoting a member can be voted by Owners, Section Leaders, and the overseeing
Division Leader.

Certified To Recruit
A. Certified for Recruiting allows you to recruit gamers into xVGx Gaming.
B. Requirements to be Certified for Recruiting is you must have your visible gaming
name displayed with xVGx in front of display name. You must advertise xVGx
Gaming positively in your associated profile [Biography, About Me, Profile, Etc.].
C. If you display misconduct towards our Code of Conduct [Code Of Conduct: Sec. A] ,
or discontinue following the requirements in [Certified To Recruit: Sec. B] you will be
removed from your Certification of Recruiting.

Staff Positions
A. A Staff Position is the following Owner, Branch Commanders, Section Leader,
Division Leader, Codivision Leader and Certified Recruiters. Staff are required to
display role model actions when involved with xVGx Gaming and its Branches [
Branches: Sec. A]. following the Code of Conduct [Code Of Conduct: Sec. A] is held
with utmost importance.
B. Requirements to be holding a Staff Position is you must have your visible gaming
name displayed with xVGx in front of display name. You must advertise xVGx
Gaming positively in your associated profile [Biography, About Me, Profile, Etc.]

C. If you display misconduct towards our Code of Conduct [Code Of Conduct: Sec. A] ,
or discontinue following the requirements in [Staff Positions: Sec. B] you will be
removed from your Staff.
Specific Staff Roles
A. Owners control all aspects of xVGx Gaming. (
B. Branch Commanders control all aspects of xVGx Gaming that occurs ONLY in their
controlled Branch. They can be found on (
C. Section Leaders manage ALL Division Leaders! They control a total of 4 divisions
each (total of 100 Members). They are responsible for assisting their assigned
Division Leaders. They are allowed to transfer members between divisions in their
sections without approval of the Division Leaders. They are also allowed to remove
members from xVGx Gaming if they feel the member is disobeying the
Code Of Conduct [Code Of Conduct: Sec. A]. They can be found on
( ).
D. Division Leaders manage a total of 25 members each (not including themselves or
their CoDivision Leaders). They host their weekly GameNite for their sections, along
with smaller events. They are responsible to keep members active, and hold
members accountable for their actions. Division Leaders are allowed to transfer
members with approval from the other Division Leader. Divisions Leaders are NOT
allowed to remove members from their divisions unless receiving approval from their
Section Leader and/or other Section Leaders. They can be found on (
E. CoDivision Leaders have EXACTLY the same permissions as a Division Leader, but
only become active when their Division Leader is offline. They can be found on (
F. Individuals Certified to Recruit are members that are certified to recruit other
individuals into xVGx Gaming. These kind of members must be trained and certified
by their division Leader to have the appropriate permissions to recruit gamers.

Transferring System
A. The transferring system is a system used by Staff to have the ability to transfer
members between individuals for any reason.
B. Owners and Branch Commanders are allowed transfer or deny a member a transfer
approval for any reason.
C. Section Leaders are allowed to transfer members between divisions in their sections
without approval of the Division Leaders. Division Leaders, whoever, are allowed to
transfer members WITH approval from the other Division Leader the member is
being transferred too.

Ranking System
A. xVGx Gamings Ranking System is based off the NATO Phonetic Alphabet. It
displays your position in xVGx Gaming based on activity, role model skills, and
involvement The Ranking Structure gives no member Staff Position [Staff Positions:
Sec. A] abilites, only seniority.
B. xVGx Gamings Prestiging System is a ranking structure that is intertwined with the
Ranking System. [Ranking System: Sec. A ] After reaching the maxed level in the
Ranking System [Ranking System: Sec. C] you will be granted increase in Prestige
[Ranking System: Sec. D]. When a member of xVGx Gaming achieves Max
Prestige, they are promoted to Legend [Ranking System: Sec. E].
C. Ranks will be displayed from Highest to Lowest:
Alpha (Highest)

November Nvbr
Zulu (Lowest)
D. Prestiges will be displayed from Lowest to Highest:
One I
Two II
Three III
Four IV
Five V
Six VI
Seven VII
Eight VIII
Nine IX
Ten X
E. Legend is a honorary rank in xVGx Gaming. Reaching this milestone displays a
devoted member to xVGx Gaming who has given their time, their activity, and their
patience. Reaching this rank also guarantees such member a spot in our Hall of
Fame [Ranking System: Sec. F].
F. The Hall of Fame is a honorary bulletin that displays devoted members of xVGx
Gaming, whether they have came and passed. These members are held with
highest respect to Owners of xVGx Gaming, as they have helped lead the dream of
this community.

A. GameNite is a long standing tradition in xVGx Gaming. It has been held every
weekend since the start in 2011. A weekly event, hosted on a popular game in xVGx
Gaming, that allows members to join up and play gamemodes together as a friendly
B. By attending GameNite [GameNite: Sec. A] and participating throughout the full
event appropriately, members will receive 10 Ranks [Ranking System: Sec. A & C]
for attending, and helping bring the community closer together.
C. Only certain individuals may host GameNite. Owners, Section Leaders, Division
Leaders, and CoDivision Leaders are allowed to host GameNite. The hoster of
GameNite is allowed to manage what game, gamemodes, and moderate the
event AS LONG as there are not specific instructions from a superior. The hoster
is allowed to moderate the event by force if necessary. By force may contain
the member(s) Removal from GameNite, Denial of Rank Increase, and/or further
discipline if Code of Conduct [Code Of Conduct: Sec. A] was broken.

A. Events/Tournaments are global community events other than GameNite. These are
for special occasions in xVGx Gaming, and do not occur on a regular basis.
B. For Events/Tournaments, we initiate a specific Code of Sportsmanship attached to
the current Code of Conduct [Code Of Conduct: Sec. A]. During
Events/Tournaments, both Codes are held with higher authority, and breaking
them will commit a harsher punishment.
C. The Code of Sportsmanship is a special code only initiated during an Official
Event/Tournament of xVGx Gaming. This code contains specific rules to events so
that xVGx Gaming can keep a Fair Gaming Environment.

D. Our Code of Sportsmanship is as follows: Please conduct yourself in a respectful

manner towards the opposing team. Please do not use modded controllers. Please
refrain from vulgar language. Please follow host orders, and instructions. Activity
A. We expect all Member/Staff to be active in xVGx Gaming. Only certain
circumstances can grant you immunity from Inactivity. Immunity of a
Members/Staffs inactivity is only granted by the Superiors Decision.
B. To remain Active, Members/Staff MUST participate in an xVGx Gaming sanctioned
event, play/speak with Staff in the Members Branch, and/or refer an individual to
join xVGx Gaming.
C. If the Member is not Active within 7 days after the Members last Activity, then they
are issued a Inactivity Notice [Member/Staff Inactivity: Sec. AB ]. An Inactivity
Notice is a friendly reminder to let recipients know they need to be active.
Recipients are given 3 days to respond to the Inactivity Notice. If Recipients
responds, they are Active. If Recipients failed to respond within the 4 days, they
are removed from xVGx Gaming.
D. If a Member receives TWO Inactivity Notices in a row, their 3rd issued Inactivity
Notice is an automatic removal from xVGx Gaming.

Member/Staff Inactivity
A. Inactivity is determined if Member/Staff is Offline for 7 days, not responsive to
inquiries, and/or unresponsive to Inactivity Notices.
B. Members/Staff are REQUIRED to notify their superior if they are to go On Leave.
On Leave states Member/Staff will be inactive for 7+ days. Not informing a superior
may result in the Members/Staffs removal or demotion.
C. If Staff become inactive WITHOUT notifying their superior, they will gain the title
MIA or Missing in Action. A Staff may be MIA until superiors see fit. If superiors
decide that the Staff has been MIA too long, they may call for their Removal or
Demotion [Demoting/Kicking: Sec. AE ].

Property of xVGx Gaming

A. The name xVGx Gaming and Vexxum Gaming are only allowed to be used by
permission of a Owner of xVGx Gaming.
B. The logo of xVGx Gaming is to only be used by permission from a Owner of xVGx
C. Impersonation of a xVGx Gaming Owner and/or Staff member is HIGHLY forbidden
and will result in your removal from xVGx Gaming and Ban from the community and

A. Specific individuals of xVGx Gaming are only allowed to recruit for xVGx Gaming [
Staff Positions: Sec. AC]. This would include Owners, Branch Commanders,
Section Leaders, Division Leaders, and individuals Certified to Recruit.
B. Individuals with the clearance to recruit are given permission to recruit certain
individuals. When recruiting, Staff should look for maturity of individual, his/her ability
to follow directions, and sportsmanship. If for any reason the Staff feels the
individual will not, or cannot follow the code of conduct [Code Of Conduct: Sec. A] ,
they are allowed to revoke their ability to recruit the individual.
C. Requirements: [Staff Positions: Sec. B]
D. There are certain topics to cover when a Staff member is recruiting an individual.
What xVGx Gaming is about, and that we are a Community.
Code Of Conduct
Twitter & Youtube
Register them on the Community Roster
Issue them a Rank
Place them in a Division
Issue them a Timestamp for their Biography or profile areas.
Welcome them to the Community

A. Staff professionality is held with the highest standards in xVGx Gaming. If any
member/Staff has a issue with another member/staff they are EXPECTED to contact
a superior. You may also Submit A Ticket on the website ( of
any issues you may have with a member/staff.
B. To contact a superior please read this section of the HandBook [Staff Positions: Sec.
C. Please give staff time to handle issues you may have. If you take it upon yourself to
retaliate, you will also be punished to the full extent of our Code Of Conduct [Code
Of Conduct: Sec. A]

A. Branches are system based communities inside xVGx Gaming. A Branch is divided
by the gaming system the members play.
B. xVGx Gaming is open to branching to any system, but must first receive approval
from an Owner of xVGx Gaming.
C. Current Branches for xVGx Gaming are Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. We are
currently establishing on Playstation 4 and will be accepting members soon.

Abuse of Power
A. Abuse of Power is a punishable offense that applies to staff only. It may be
punishable by demotion, and can result to the individuals removal from xVGx

B. Abuse of Power falls into line through any of these types of actions.
Offering rank upgrades to members for personal gain
Allowing members information on confidential staff knowledge
Removing members from xVGx Gaming without proper authority Presenting yourself as a Staff position you are not positioned at.

Holding Multiple Staff Positions

A. Staff are allowed to hold multiple staff positions on DIFFERENT branches only!
They must remain fully active on ALL Staff Positions to hold them. All rules still
apply to staff that hold multiple staff positions and are expected to follow the
correct line of authority.

A. Breaking a rule that is classified as a Black Flag Rule commits you to the Blacklist.
This is a list of individuals not welcome in xVGx Gaming UNLESS they present a
contribution to xVGx Gaming.
B. Individuals are also subjected to the Blacklist if voted on by the Owners of xVGx
Gaming. This vote can occur without any reason, BUT the Owners of xVGx
Gaming, if questioned, must state their reasoning.
C. A suitable contribution to receive a pardon from the Blacklist is a $20 USD Online
Game Card* OR $10 USD to the xVGx Gaming Paypal.
D. *This game card must be on the system you were banned on, or requested by an
Owner of xVGx Gaming. If a game card is not available on a certain system, then an
Owner xVGx Gaming can permit another product of the same value of %20 USD.
E. To be eligible for this pardon from the Blacklist, you must first seek counsel with the
Owners of xVGx Gaming BEFORE purchasing anything for this pardon. This will
allow allotted time for any discussion of products, questions about requirements, and
what the individual is permitted to do when allowed back.

This Handbook covers everything you need to know about xVGx Gaming. If you
feel this handbook is missing something, please contact an Owner of xVGx
Gaming. Thank you for reading, and Happy Gaming!
Written by Cullen xVGxCharlyBravo Baker
Founder & an Owner of xVGx Gaming

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