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Junkyard Challenge 2008

DESCRIPTION: The participants will construct an Autonomous Device (AD) that solves a Challenge
requiring creative problem solving, experimentation and flexible design.
A TEAM OF UP TO: Up to 2
APPROXIMATE TIME: 30-50 minutes, see Challenge for exact time
IMPOUND: Yes Box containing construction materials
1. Junkyard Challenge:
1. Challenge: Regional, State, and National challenges will be posted on the national web site. They may contain:
A Description of the Challenge to be solved and the underlying science the Team will demonstrate
A list of Required Materials
A list of Prohibited Materials
A list of Supplied Materials
The Construction time allowed to build the device and penalties associated with exceeding the allotted time
Variable parameters of the device that will be clarified in the Final Directions
General scoring guidelines
2. Final Directions containing specific parameters for the Autonomous Device (AD) and scoring for the Challenge will be
given to the Teams as they enter the construction area on the day of the competition.
3. Construction Teams will construct their AD on-site at the tournament, while making adjustments to meet the
parameters of the Final Directions. Teams should plan on pre-assembling major portions of their AD in advance and
packing the components in the materials box.
4. Demonstration The Team will demonstrate the device for scoring to the Judge(s).
2. Materials:
1. 7KH7HDPVFRQVWUXFWLRQPDWHULDOVPXVWEHEURXJKWLQDER[ZLWKoutside dimensions no greater than 26cm x 31cm x
46cm when closed (standard 10 ream printer paper box). With all materials in the box, the lid must fit all the way on the
box and close completely. The box may not be modified to make it hold more materials.
2. The materials box must be measured, checked for safety and impounded before the event begins.
3. The Challenge may include a list of Required Materials. These materials must be supplied by the Team and must
clearly comply with the materials specifications given in the Challenge. The Required Materials must remain unmodified
during construction and running of the AD, unless otherwise stated in the Challenge. Failure to comply with the
Required Materials rules will result in a lower tier score.
4. The Challenge may include a list of Supplied Materials. The Event Supervisor will provide these materials when
construction begins. In some cases, the Final Directions may include a Mystery Material, supplied by the Event
Supervisor, which must be significantly incorporated in the operation of the AD. The Teams must use the supplied
materials and the materials must remain undamaged (so they may be re-used by another Team) during construction and
running of the AD, unless otherwise stated in the Challenge or Final Directions. Failure to comply with these Supplied
Materials rules will result in a lower tier score.
5. The Team must bring the Required Materials and may bring any other allowed materials needed to construct their AD.
The materials must be safe and will be screened by the Judge(s) at impound time after the materials box is measured and
approved. Materials considered unsafe will not be allowed. When there is doubt, do not bring the material. Acids, bases
and flammable liquids are not permitted unless specifically required in the Challenge. Teams will be observed to
ensure that they use the materials safely.
6. Any materials or designs not explicitly prohibited by the general rules, challenge rules, or safety constraints are fair game
for competition.
3. Tools:
1. All forms of glue are forbidden at the event site. Teams should plan to use tape, string, wire, screws and other
materials to hold parts of the AD together. Parts of the AD may be glued together before teams arrive at the tournament
site, but all materials must still fit inside the closed box as described above. Challenges may include additional
restrictions that prohibit the use of other materials.
2. Tools must be brought in a separate container, which will be inspected by the Judge(s) when the Team enters the
construction area to ensure it contains no construction materials or dangerous items. The toolbox will not be impounded.
Power tools may not be used. Once construction begins, all team members in the competition area are required to wear
OSHA-approved Safety Spectacles with Side Shields (see: at all times.
Teams without eye protection will not be allowed to compete.
4. The Competition:
1. Construction begins and ends as directed by the Event Supervisor and the challenge. Each team will receive the same
amount of time to construct their device. Only materials and tools brought by the students in their materials box and tool
kit and the mystery item, if provided by the Event Supervisor, may be used during construction. When the team is done
constructing or construction time elapses, the judging phase will begin. Exact judging procedures will be defined by the
Junkyard Challenge 2008 V6.3.Doc 9/11/2007



Event Supervisor prior to the event using the scoring guidelines outlined in the challenge description. Due to limited
should be designed with this in mind. Any team that completes construction early may be judged early.
2. Only Teams and Judges will be allowed in the event area while Teams are competing. Once Teams enter the event area
to compete, they shall not receive outside assistance, materials or communication. Teams violating this rule may be
disqualified. If a Team member leaves the event area before finishing, they may not return except as allowed by the
Event Supervisor.
3. Teams should feel free to ask the Event Supervisor about safety of their AD during the construction period. Immediately
prior to demonstrating their AD, the Judge(s) will ask the team to explain its operation. If the Judge(s) deem any part of
the operation as unsafe, the Team will be given 10 minutes to resolve all safety issues to the Judge's satisfaction. If the
AD is still considered unsafe after the 10 minutes, it will not be allowed to operate and the Team will receive
participation points only.
4. Challenges may require ADs to be confined within a specific area on a floor or tabletop during operation. The AD may
not be taped or mounted to the floor, table, or competition surface.
5. ADs will be allowed a maximum operating time to complete the Challenge as specified in the Challenge. Actions that
occur after the maximum operating time will not be included in the score. An optimal time-of-operation may also be
included as part of the Challenge and Teams may be rewarded and/RUSHQDOL]HGGHSHQGLQJXSRQWKH$'VWLPH-ofoperation. Teams will not be allowed to use stopwatches or timing devices of any kind to measure the performance of
their AD while it is being evaluated.
6. At no time may any Team member touch or influence the AD while it is operating, unless the Final Directions
specifically state that "touches" are allowed.
1. The Challenge instructions will describe the scoring system and will include tie-breaker details for each scoring tier. The
Final Directions may contain minor changes to the scoring tiers.
2. If during the operation of the AD, part of the AD accidentally breaks loose from the AD, causing a safety hazard, the AD
will be scored in the second-tier or lower. The Team will not be disqualified.
3. Scoring will be divided into four tiers:
i. Tier #1 ADs that meet all requirements and accomplish the Challenge
ii. Tier #2 ADs that meet all requirements, but do not accomplish the Challenge
iii. Tier #3 ADs that do not meet all requirements, but do accomplish the Challenge
iv. Tier #4 ADs that do not meet all requirements and do not accomplish the Challenge
4. Teams found modifying their AD after construction time has ended will be ranked one tier lower than their score would
otherwise warrant.
1. Autonomous Device Autonomous means "not controlled by others or by outside forces; independent." The AD must
actively accomplish the Challenge by itself, without any intentional outside control, outside influence or outside energy
supply of any kind. ADs must be started by a single trigger (switch, lever, button, etc.) unless otherwise specified by the
2. Unmodified Material Unmodified materials may not be painted, taped, glued, bent, cut, pierced, smashed or altered in
should be able to remove a tennis ball from its packaging tube and place it directly in the AD without doing anything to
the ball.
3. Use of Mystery Material The Mystery Material must significantly contribute to the operation of the AD. For example,
Teams may not simply tape the Mystery Material to the side of their AD and claim it is significant. The Mystery Material
should be used such that, if it were removed from the AD, the AD would cease to function as intended.

Junkyard Challenge 2008 V6.3.Doc 9/11/2007

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