Multimedia Design Project Assessment (MDPA) Report Template: Product URL: Analysis

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Multimedia Design Project Assessment (MDPA) Report Template

Product URL:

In this Multimedia Design Project, the context is based on the Life Cycle of
Butterflies as well as how they differ from moths. During this project the students
will study butterfly life cycles using various technology resources that include,
Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, as well as the use of a printer. This lesson may
pose some difficulties and constraints as there is only 3 computers in the
classroom. Due to this, the project will be developed as part of station rotation
and/or as individual work that can be done when class work has been completed.
Learner Analysis
This webquest was developed for 2nd grade students but could easily be
adapted for younger or older students. (PSC 2.5, 2.6)
Context Analysis
There are approximately 23-25 students in the classroom. This webquest
was developed to be used and implemented into the science portion of the
classroom lesson. The students will have an opportunity to rotate during
class to complete the webquest. The time frame for this webquest is
unknown at this time and may take longer than expected. (PSC 2.5)
Each page of the webquest includes an audio of instructions for each step
of the project. This will assist those that are unable to read at grade-level
or higher. (PSC 3.4)
Most of the teachers have had prior experience with computers as well as
the software that they will be using such as Microsoft Word and using a
Standards S2L1. Students will investigate the life cycles of
different living organisms. SC2S5. Students will
communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly.
ELACC2W2. Write informative/explanatory texts in which
they introduce a topic, use of facts and definitions to
develop points, and provide a concluding statement or
section. NETS-S- 6 Technology Operations and Concepts
Task Analysis

Learning Objectives The students should walk away from this project
with the knowledge of butterfly life cycles, how they differ from moths,
and how to correctly compose a 4-5 sentence document about what they
have learned. The students should also have a better understanding of
technology use and how it can be used to research, explore, and document.
Through this webquest you will learn the stages of a butterfly's life cycle. You
will use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate through each page. The next
page in the webquest is Task, which will describe what you will learn and skills
that you will use. Resources will provide a list of things you will need for the
webquest along with other resources that you may use but are not required. Next
is process, where you will find a list of activities to complete. There will be
various links in each activity that will assist you in completing that activity. Under
evaluation you will find a rubric that will be used to evaluate the completion of
the webquest. Conclusion gives you the opportunity to share your experience or
provide feedback. Teacher's Page is a list of Georgia Performance Standards and
NETS-S used in this webquest. Lastly, credits gives a huge shout-out (or thanks)
to the resources used in this webquest.
As stated above, audio has been included in the webquest to assist those students
who suffer from auditory disabilities. Other students will be able to assist their
peers if needed. Also, there is an opportunity for the students to work on the
project in groups of 2 but each must still complete the 4-5 sentences task
independently to receive full credit. If a student is unable to type due to a physical
disability, a peer will be selected to either type for them or record their assignment
on a recording device.
This project was designed for station rotation or individual work. This project
could be done either way. The students will be given the opportunity to work on it
once other class work has been completed.
To address students with auditory disabilities, the webquest includes audio on
each page that tells what is on the page and what is expected next in the project.

I developed the project by using I was able to use this website
easily, but the time it took to create lasted longer than expected. I had to learn how
to use Wix as well as how to convert documents into images and convert audio
from audacity into MP3. During the development, I would save my
document/webpage each time I added something new or changed something. I
would then preview my work to be sure that every Internet Link used was

working properly. I also double-checked to be sure that the audio was embedded
correctly and working properly.

Technical support with be available at all times in the event that a website link or
printer or computer is not working properly. Also, if the teacher chooses to
implement this project as whole group, the computer lab will need to be
accessible. The students will complete the webquest during time after other class
work has been completed as well as during some class time using a station
rotation process in which the teacher will direct and monitor. The teacher may
choose to use the webquest station rotation as part of his/her lesson. Some
students may be able to complete the webquest within a couple of days depending
on what they choose to work on at home and what they choose to work on at
school. The students will have an opportunity to work on it daily unless
unexpected problems arise. The students will be able to access the webquest at
home, if they have computer and Internet access. The goal is for the students to do
as much at school as possible so that they will have the resources and coaching
available as needed. The students will be provided with the websites and videos
they will need in order to complete the webquest, but the teacher will be
monitoring the use of the computers and Internet as students complete their work.

Student Learning
The students will be required to present a Microsoft Word document that consists
of 4-5 sentences describing what they have learned about one of the following; 1)
egg 2)caterpillar 3)chrysalis 4)adult butterfly. The students will also be required to
complete a venn diagram showing the differences as well as the similarities
between moths and butterflies. The students will be graded using a Rubric based
on basic technology knowledge and use, writing text, butterfly life cycle and
being able to communicate ideas. Students will be able to observe the work of
their peers and offer advice, suggestions, and/or celebration of the webquest
activities. There will be assessing through-out the project with note-taking and
then the final result will be graded by Rubric.
Product Design
I feel that I will know as students go through webquests whether it is welldesigned or not. I will take notes on how easily students are able to navigate the
webquest and if there are any changes that need to be made to make it more kidfriendly and accessible. There is an opportunity for students and other teachers,
who may use the webquest in their classrooms, to leave feedback. They can

complete the form on the conclusion page of the webquest and it will be sent to
my email in which I can take the feedback given to make changes.

Developing this project has been like walking into a whole new
world for me. I love the idea of using technology more in the
classroom and chose to receive my Masters in ITEC for that
reason, but not having the resources in my current school system
to incorporate some things or learn about new technology has
hindered me from learning more. While creating this project I was
able to collaborate with peers in this class to receive feedback
and advice. I also learned about new websites and technology
resources that I had no clue were even out there. I am so excited
that I have learned about all of these cool websites, resources,
etc and will be looking for ways to incorporate them into my
classroom. I have learned through this process that I am not as
skilled and knowledgeable of technology as I thought I was
coming into the Master's Program. I have also learned that I can
do anything that I put my mind and heart and soul into. I have
really worked hard this semester and am excited about the new
website, webquest, videos, etc that I have created and can share
with my peers. I look forward to taking what I have learned from
this class, including creating the webquest, and implementing
into my classroom and using it to coach my peers.

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