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Nombre: Cuevas Ramrez Dayana Michel

Matricula: A01377201

Insecurity in Mexico
Throughout this essay we will analyze the main factors who is generating
insecurity in the country, we will also find out why Mexico is one of the most
insecure countries in the world and finally we give some of the events that marked
the country and have made of the violence a very hard reality of combating.
Insecurity is one of the great problems of Mexico, in fact, crime among the
population generates an expenditure of 215.200 million pesos, equivalent to 1.34%
of GDP. The perception of the insecurity that is related with the violence in Mexico
rose to 72.3% of the population between March and April, the first months of the
administration of President Enrique Pea Nieto, a survey showed the National
Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).
According to the National Survey of Victimization and Perception of Public INEGI
Security, in 2012 they were committed 105 682 kidnappings, a figure that far
exceeds the official record of 1,317 cases reported in the national public security
system that were registred in that year.
This has to do with the "dark figure" of crimes that go unreported and reached
92.1% in 2012, said Adrian Franco, director of government statistics, public safety
and justice INEGI.
It is the first time that INEGI take into account abductions and enforced
disappearances , so there are no comparative data with 2011, he said. According to
the survey, in 2012, 4.007 people disappeared. The survey also showed that one
third of the 95,810 households that were conducted interviews had at least one
victim of a crime.
One of the most significant examples of how insecurity has controlled the country
is what happened in 2015 with 43 normalistas, this was an event that triggered the
discontent of many Mexicans and brought consequences of great magnitude, so
great that the Mexican government has made decisions that have put in doubt on

the effectiveness of his government, such as, let the government of other countries
intervened in the security of Mexico to get results.
To conclude, we can ensure that violence is and unfortunately will remain almost
ineradicable problem, however the government has taken strict measures on the

Desconocido. (2014). Aumenta percepcin de inseguridad en Mxico.
06 de febrero de 2016, de FORBES Sitio web:

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