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Issue 1, March 2016

Representing Northeast Indiana

P.O. Box 13131, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46864

News from National Audubon: all memberships will now be for one year, and cost $20. This will
(we hope) cut down on their repeated requests for renewals for those who had multi-year
memberships. Check the label on your Audubon Magazine to be sure. When you join National,
youre assigned to a local chapter based on your zip code. You can access our website and read our
newsletter on line, or pay $5 for paper copies.

Presidents Words
By Julie Henricks
I saw her again a few
days ago: the northern harrier
who feels like my bird. My
home is within her territory,
which undoubtedly
encompasses several square
miles. There must be enough
deer mice and meadow voles
among the clumps of plowed
soil to keep her interested in
hunting here. Sometimes in the
summer I take a break from
yard work to see her coursing
near the edge of the woods, or
tracing a long horizontal line
above the stubble across the
road. Last winter when I was
working from home, she caught
my eye on two different
occasions as I sat at my desk.
She would fly a mere fifty
yards from the house, then

slowly move further west and

make a number of low passes
over the neighbors yard. The
grain bin there must have
yielded many tasty rodent

When I had a bad week

a few years ago, she appeared
as I was coming home from
work one day. At that time, I
hadnt spotted her in several
months; it seemed almost
supernatural that she would
materialize just when I needed

to see her. The sighting was

indeed a good omen, because
what I had been dreading ended
up working out well after all.
I havent seen her mate,
if she still has one, for a long
time. I hope hes still around.
Theres good nesting habitat
just a short distance away:
maybe things will work out for
my friend this year. I wish her
all the best as she quietly goes
about her life, flying a path that
so often, so unexpectedly,
crosses my own.
Mark your calendars:
Sunday, March 20, 2 p.m. at
Limberlost State Historic Site,
Geneva IN
Lynnanne Fager will
give a program on Red-tailed
Hawks, with a live bird to see
up close. Everyone welcome!

Bird sightings wanted: If you

have birded the Arrowhead
Properties, belonging to Little
River Wetlands, Judy Nelsen
would like to know what you
saw. These properties are in
southwest Allen Co. along
Aboite Road. We have seen
Henslows Sparrows there,
and a bald eagle nest is visible
from the road. Contact Judy

Oct. 21-Jan. 31
By Jim Haw

Few waterfowl were found in

fall migration. Three Snow
Geese were at Roush Lake Nov.
25 (Jeff McCoy). Two
Cackling Geese were near
Orland Nov. 17 (Jim Haw,
Sandy Schacht), and two on
Lake Clare, Huntington, Jan. 19
(Haw, Schacht, Marisa
Windell). Golden Eagles were
at Salamonie Dec. 4 (McCoy)
and Pigeon River Dec. 10
(Haw, Schacht). A record
count for Pigeon River was
1348 Sandhill Cranes Nov. 9
(Mark Weldon). A Short-eared
Owl was at Limberlost Swamp
Nov. 28 (Terri Gorney, Randy

Lehman) and two there Dec. 6

(Larry Parker). A Saw-whet
Owl stopped off at the Powers
yard in Allen Co. Nov. 6
(Cynthia Powers). A Northern
Shrike was in Allen Co. Nov. 7
(Rodger Rang).
The theme of the mild fall was
late or record-late birds: Am.
Bittern 5 at Limberlost Swamp
Nov. 2, latest by 3 days (Willy
DeSmet); Great Egret 5 at ServAll ponds in Ft. Wayne Nov. 5
(Rang); 9 Black-crowned
Herons at Limberlost Nov. 7
(T. Gorney et al); Am. Avocet
at Limberlost Nov. 29-Dec. 3
(T. Gorney, Parker, Sam
Schwartz), latest by more than a
month; Killdeer at Serv-All and
Eagle Marsh Dec. 19-20 (Rang)
and 4 at their wintering
location, Fawn River Fish
Hatchery Jan. 14 (Haw,
Windell); Spotted Sandpiper at
Salamonie Dec. 5 (Haw,
Schacht, Windell), latest by 37
days; Least Sandpiper at ServAll Nov. 15-16 (Rang), latest
by one day; White-rumped
Sandpiper, numerous late
reports at Limberlost, Serv-All,
and Eagle Marsh , 3 at Eagle
Marsh Nov. 15 (Phil Wixom)
being the latest over previous
years by 27 days; Wilsons
Snipe, up to 9 at Serv-All Dec.
21-29 (Rang); Nashville
Warbler in Adams Co. Oct. 22
Lapland Longspurs at
Limberlost Nov. 29 numbered
30 (T. Gorney, Lehman). It
was not a big year for winter
finches. The best reports were
11-18 Common Redpolls at

Pisgah Marsh Nov. 11-12 and

20 (McCoy, Eric and Mary
Helfrich, John Kendall) and one
Red Crossbill over Lindenwood
Cemetery in Ft. Wayne Nov. 26
(Don Gorney). There were
scattered Pine Siskins and a few
Purple Finches. Sam Plew
struck it rich in Lagrange Co. in
early January with 4 Tundra
Swans on Adams Lake, a Longtailed Duck on Oliver Lake, and
a Northern Shrike plus 4-5
Long-eared Owls on an Amish
farm. Two Trumpeter Swans at
the James-Jimmerson channel
in Steuben Jan. 23 (Haw,
Schacht) were unusual. A
Winter Wren was at Eagle
Marsh Jan. 16 (Ed Powers).
Do you like to read mysteries,
especially the genre known as
cozies? One series, featuring
birdwatcher Bob White
(really!), is enjoyable because
of the authentic behavior of the
birders involved. The series, by
Jan Dunlap, includes The
Boreal Owl Murder and The
Kiskadee of Death. They are
available at the Allen Co.
Public Library.

Passenger Pigeons



2015 Pigeon River CBC

Held Dec 20, 2015
Compiler: Mark Weldon
Total species found: 52
Individual birds: 4923
12 observers in 5 parties
Highlights: 1 wild turkey, 1711
Sandhill Cranes, 5 Buffleheads,
7 Hooded Mergansers, 3
Common Goldeneyes
Participants: Scott Bain, James
Haw, Dave Messmann, Sam
Plew, Ed Powers, Sandy
Schacht, John Schoust, Joe
Smith, Gary Tieben, Mark
Weldon, John Winebrenner,
Fred Wooley

Fort Wayne Christmas

Bird Count, held Dec. 19,
Compiler: Jim Haw
6:15 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; 17
observers in 6 parties, plus 5 at
feeders. Owling: 2,25 hours, all
by car. Daylight party hours
40.5, 24.5 by car, 16 by foot.
Daylight party miles 345.5, 328
by car, 17.5 by foot. 30 hours
at feeders. Water 90% open.
Canada Goose 480, Mute Swan
2, Mallard 280, N. Pintail 2,
Bufflehead 2, Hooded
Merganser 8, Wild Turkey 1,
Great Blue Heron 4, Turkey
Vulture 1, Bald Eagle 1, Sharpshinned Hawk 1, Coopers
Hawk 8, Red-shouldered Hawk
2, Red-tailed Hawk 23, Sandhill
Crane 930, Killdeer 1, Ring-

billed Gull 35, Rock Pigeon

113, Mourning Dove 44, E.
Screech Owl 1, Great Horned
Owl 1, Barred Owl 2, Belted
Kingfisher 5, Red-bellied
Woodpecker 58, Downy
Woodpecker 81, Hairy
Woodpecker 14, N. Flicker 17,
Pileated Woodpecker 2, Am.
Kestrel 11, Blue Jay 107, Am.
Crow 83, Horned Lark 78,
Carolina Chickadee 2, Blackcapped Chickadee 85, Tufted
Titmouse 48, White-breasted
Nuthatch 78, Brown Creeper 1,
Carolina Wren 3, E. Bluebird
40, Am. Robin 132, Eur.
Starling 2494, Cedar Waxwing
2, Yellow-rumped Warbler 1,
E. Towhee 1, Am. Tree
Sparrow 64, Song Sparrow 3,
White-throated Sparrow 26,
White-crowned Sparrow 7,
Dark-eyed Junco 220, N.
Cardinal 105, Red-winged
Blackbird 21, Brown-headed
Cowbird 4, House Finch 104,
Purple Finch 1, Pine Siskin 15,
Am. Goldfinch 119, House
Sparrow 381
Total 57 species, 6355
Seen count week but not count
day: Canvasback
Participants: Margit Codispoti,
Justin Emmons, Sue Eubank,
Jim Haw, Frannie Headings,
Taylor Lehman, Warren Mead,
Valerie Pelz, Ed and Cynthia
Powers, Rodger Rang, Michelle
Ravenscroft, Casey Ryan, Don
Ryan, Steve Sarratore, Sandy
Schacht, Carole Smith, Ryan
Smith, Ann and Bob Walton,
Phil Wixom, Galen Yordy



The Indiana Bicentennial

Birding Big Year is a chance
for Indiana birders to
celebrate birding in Indiana
during the course of the
state's bicentennial. In
partnership with the Indiana
DNR, National Park Service,
and Indiana Audubon
Society, birders are invited to
seek out as many species of
birds that can be found in
Indiana during 2016. This
event is a recognized
Indiana Bicentennial Legacy
The contest begins January
1 and continues through
December 11 (Indiana's
birthday). All participants
must submit their bird lists
no later than December 16
to be eligible. To play,
birders must seek out a
minimum of 100 species of
birds in Indiana during the
contest period. All birders
finding 100 species will
receive a commemorative

IBBBY sticker or decal

provided by Indiana
Audubon (see
attachment). The real
challenge will be for birders
to find and log 200 species
of birds. In the spirit of the
100th anniversary of the
Indiana State Parks and
National Park Service, 100
of the 200 species must
have been found on an
Indiana State Park (or
reservoir) or National Park
site in Indiana. State Fish
and Wildlife Areas, State
Forests, and State Nature
Preserves (not located inside
a state park) do not count
towards these criteria.

sticker or decal, but also go

into a drawing for the

Prophetstown State Park

Raccoon Lake
Salamonie Lake
Shades State Park

- 2017 DNR Annual

Entrance Pass
-$50 DNR Inns or Camp
Gift Card
-One Year Complimentary
IAS membership
-2 tickets to the 2017
Indiana Dunes Birding
- one of 3 Eagle Optics
-other prizes to come!

Shakamak State Park

The parks eligible for the

extra 100 species include:

log sightings by using the submit

observations Tab. After submitting

Spring Mill State Park

Summit Lake State Park
Tippecanoe State Park
Trine SRA
Turkey Run State Park
Versailles State Park
Whitewater State Park

To log your birds and officially enter

the contest, visit and
create a free user account. You will

your sightings, you can find your

reports listed in the My Ebird

Brookville Lake
Brown County State Park
Chain O' Lakes State Park
Charlestown State Park
Clifty Falls State Park
Falls of the Ohio State Park
Fort Harrison State Park
George Rogers Clark National Historic Park
Hardy Lake
Harmonie State Park
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
Indiana Dunes State Park
Lieber SRA

Tab. Under My Ebird, your lists will be

halfway down the page. You can click
on State/Province and then see a
number for Life and Year. By clicking
on your Year number, a new page
showing your entire bird sightings
listed in taxonomic order appears. To
download this list at the end of the
year, simply click the download (csv)
link at the top right section of the
page. You can then email this file to
be registered for the contest prizes.

Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial

Lincoln State Park

Participants reporting their

totals will be required to log
their checklists into and download
their year list (directions
provided below). All those
finding at least 200 species
will also receive the
commemorative IBBBY

McCormick's Creek State Park

Mississinewa Lake
Monroe Lake
Mounds State Park
O'Bannon State Park
Ouabache State Park
Patoka Lake
Pokagon State Park
Potato Creek State Park

For questions about

this contest or to send
your year list, contact
Brad Bumgardner,

2016 SPRING FIELD TRIPS, Stockbridge Audubon

Field trips are open to all; we welcome beginners. Keep in
--bring a picnic lunch for all trips lasting until after noon;
picnic lunch is optional for halfday trips
--arrive a few minutes early; we leave on time
--we car pool for out-of-town trips; sharing gas expenses is
appreciated; have enough gas if you can drive
--we can meet people at our destination or on the way if
arranged in advance
--return times are estimates, and are not guaranteed; you
can return early if you drive yourself
--dress for the weather. Waterproof shoes or boots are
often needed
--for further information, contact the relevant trip leader or
Jim Haw, 485-7802,
Sat. Mar. 12
Kankakee Fish & Wildlife Area; meet
at 7:30 a.m. at lamppost K, Meijer parking lot on
Lima Rd. just north of I-69; return
around 5 p.m. Leaders: Ed Powers, Steve Sarratore
Sat. Mar. 19

Pigeon River FWA; meet at 8 a.m. at

lamppost K, Meijer lot on Lima Rd.
just N of I-69 or at Pigeon River HQ
around 9:10; return by 5. Leaders: Sam
Plew, Sandy Schacht

Sun. Mar. 20

Hurshtown Reservoir; meet at reservoir

on Roth Rd. 1 mi. S of hwy. 1 (1.5 mi
N of Grabill Rd.) at 3 p.m., finish by 5.
Leaders: Steve Sarratore, John

Sat. Mar. 26

Pisgah Marsh and Tri-County FWA.

Leave at 8 a.m. from lamppost K,
Meijer lot on Lima Rd. just N of I-69;
return 4-4:30 p.m. Leaders: John
Winebrenner, Sandy Schacht

Sun. Apr. 3

Hurshtown Reservoir; meet at reservoir

on Roth Rd. 1 mi. S of hwy 1 (1.5 mi N
of Grabill Rd.) at 3 p.m.; finish by 5.
Leaders: Rodger Rang, John

Sat. Apr. 9

Limberlost Swamp. Leave at 8:10 a.m.

from E side of Wal-Mart lot (behind
Wendys) at Southtown Centre, W side
of US 27, just S of Tillman RD., or
meet us at Limberlost Historic Site in
Geneva at 9 a.m.; return around 4.
Leaders: Ed Powers, Sandy Schacht

Sat. Apr. 16

Chain O Lakes State Park; Meet at 8

a.m. at lamppost K, Meijer lot on Lima
Rd. just N of I-69, or meet us at
Miller/Norman Lakes lot at Chain O
Lakes at 8:30; return at 4. Leaders: Ed
Powers, John Winebrenner

Sat. Apr. 23

Franke Park; meet at BMX lot at Franke Park at 8 a.m., finish by

noon. Leaders: Margit Codispoti, John Winebrenner

Sat. Apr. 30

Salamonie Reservoir. Leave at 7:30 a.m. from NE corner of

Rural King parking lot, Village at Coventry, US 24 just W of I69, or meet us at 8 a.m. at Forks of the Wabash, SW corner of US
24 and IN 9 in Huntington; return around 5 p.m. Leaders: Ed
Powers, Sandy Schacht.

Sat. May 7

Fox Island. Meet at Dulin Wildlife Observation Bldg. lot at Fox

Is., 7324 Yohne Rd., at 8 a.m., finish by noon. Leaders: Ed
Powers, Rodger Rang

Sat. May14

Big May Day Count; details later

Sat. May 21

Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Ohio. Leave at 6:30 a.m. from

lamppost K, Meijer lot on Maysville Rd. just W of I-469 at IN 37;
return around 6-7 p.m. Leaders: Margit Codispoti, Ed Powers.

Sat. May 28

Willow Slough FWA/Kankakee Sands; leave at 6:30 a.m. from

Scotts, NW side of jct. IN 14 west and Scott Rd.; return about
6:30-7 p.m. Leaders: Ed Powers, Steve Sarratore

Sun.. May 29

Evening trip to Eagle Marsh; meet at 7 pm at Boy Scout Bldg lot

at end of frontage rd. on E side of I-69; finish at dark. Leaders:
Ed Powers, Rodger Rang

Fri. June 3 or Sat. June 4-Sun. June 5 Overnight trip to Goose Pond. For
information, contact Stephanie Wagner,
or 260-348-6855

P.O. Box 13131, Fort Wayne, IN 46867

Return Service Requested

Stockbridge Directors and Officers

Julie Henricks,
Margit Codispoti, Director
Margit Codispoti, Vice
Spring Field Trips
Indiana Bicentennial
Eric Helfrich,
Birding Contest
Mark Weldon, Director Mark Weldon,
Jim Haws bird notes
Ballot for new officers
Sandy Schacht,
And lots of other neat stuff!
Cynthia Powers, Secretary and Newsletter
Editor ...638-4291
Jim Haw, Field Trip
Ed Powers,
Membership ... 638-4291
Dave Reichlinger, Director and Treasurer.
. ...432-9431
Alexandra Forsythe, Webmaster

Terri Gorney, Director, Program

John Winebrenner,
Stephanie Wagner,
Steve Sarratore,
We welcome new members using the form below. To speed your service and save us postage, mail renewals directly to
National Audubon, using the form that they provide. Any questions relating to membership? Ed Powers, Membership Chair,
will be glad to help!
National Audubon Society/Stockbridge Audubon Chapter Membership Application
I want to join Audubon! Enclosed is my check payable to the National Audubon Society.



Address ________________________________
Mail to: National Audubon Society, P. O. Box 422250, Palm Coast FL 321422250

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