Document 12 - Death Notice of Rob SR Jul 13 1880 in Philadelphia Inquirer Valuable Life Info

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Death of Habert Budet, ar —Yesterday morning Robert Bust, the well-knowa florist and horticulturist, died at his reaideaca, '*Rove- dale," at Sixty eeventh and Elmwood avenue, iu the seventy fifth year of his age, after an illness of about three months, Mr. Buist was born at Cupar, near Edinburg, Scotland, in 1805, He learned bls profession in the Hoyal Botanic Gardens, Edinburg, and was after- ward foreman at Klraston Castle. Hoe came to Philadelphia in 1828, and was gardener for Henry Pratt, at Lemon Hil, Fairmount Park. Eubsequently be went into buslocsa for bimsalf at Twelfth and Lombard streets, and met with marked suzcesa, His bualnesa [ncreasot from year to year unctil his name and repiuta- tion asa borticulturist aud seedman became koown allover the country, Mr, Buiat mada Lorticulture bis entire atudy, and wrote a nun- ber of works on that subject, among tuem *Buist's Rose Maoual," “Bulet'a Flower Gardon Directory," and “Bulst’s Family Kitchen Uac- den," allof which are still popular vorke Mr. Buiet retired from the seed business some fifteen years ago, and the management fell to hie only con, Robert bulst, Jr, out be retafred bis interest fa the garden and nursery at his bome, Roaedale. He was for many years vice president of the Horticultural So- clety,a memberof the St Andrew's Socioty and one of the ownere of Mount Vernon Cemea tery. He leaves a wife acd one son and two daughters to mourn his loss, Thirty years have now prered since Rse- dale wae Jaid of off ase nursery of troce, plants and flowere, and millions of these have bien developed from seeds and seedilugs to perfect growth,and eold to purchasers. [t was the varllest establishment of its kind 10 all the dis- trict south of Philadetphia, aad probably the targeat known in this part of the State,

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