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COHEN CONFIDENT: SECURES POSITION { Waiter, Still in Prison, Ex- pects That He Will Be Released Attorney Begins Fight to Secure Letters Written by Miss de Janon Concerning Elopement Maurice J. Speiser and Benjamin -F. Glazer, attorneys for Frederick Cohen, the former Jellevue-Stratford waiter, who 316 held at Moyamensing Prson on a chatge of kidnapping in connection with the disappearance of Roberta de Janon, held several conferences yester- day with Mrs. Cohen’, after which they announted they had secured important evidente for the defense. “We are centreing all our efforts,” eaid Mr. Speiser, “to secure the letters which Miss de Janon ia alleged to have written to Cohey. We will possibly secure a writ of certirorari tomorrow morning in order to force Assistant Su- perintendent of Police Timothy OQ’Leary to turn ovér the letters addressed to Cohen, which were confiscated by the Chicago police, when the couple were apprehended in that city. “Mrs. Cohen also has many letters, written to her husband by the girl. She is taking an active part in the de- fense and today she gave us much in- formation.” O’Leary and former Speaker of the House of Representative Henry F. Wal- ton, who was engaged as counsel by Robert Buist, the “wealthy seed man, who is the grandfather of Musa de Janon, made it plain yesterday that they would viggrously combat the move of the defense to secure the letters. The prosecution will endeavor to prove that Cohen forced Miss de Janon to white the letters at his dictation, particularly the one in which the girl absolves him of any blame in connection with her iight from the city. _ Miss de Janon 1s still in a private ward at St. Agnes’ Hospital, where she was taken by her grandfather in a taxt- cab late Thursday night, following the arrival of Cohen and the, girl at City Hall. Carefully Guard Girl WWer grandfather is a .daily visitor’ at the hospital. Yesterday he Tort rigorous instructions with the management, that no outsider should be permittcd to sze his granddaughter, whom he made hi ward ant heir two days before her dis- appearance on December 29. The defense believes that Mr. Buist and others interested in the prosecution are endairoring to persuade Muss de Jan- on to take the stand against Coben on next ‘Thorsday* morning, when, in re- sponse to a writ of habeas corpus se- eured by his attorneys on Saturday he will be produced in court before Judge Staake, who will review the evidence of the police and determine if. he has been iNlegally held. Because of the publicity which the case has ineited, Mr. Buist has given up his apartments at the HBellevue-Stratford and has gone to another hotel in the centre of the city. Information ag to his present abode 1s beme refused by hig friends. ding“to Mr. & en, according ‘to Mr. Speiser, is confident of his acquittal on any charge so much so that he is arranging to se- cure 4 position in the future. A hotel manager, the attorney said, had offered Cohen a position .as a walter,

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