Document 30 - Good Doc Search For Roberta Philadelphia Inquirer 1-3-1910

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GLUE 10 HEIRESS AND COWEN FOUNE NEAR LANCASTER Father of of Girl ar and De- — tectives Searching Suburbs of That City COUPLE ARE TRACED IN SEVERAL TOWNS_ Police. Hope to Bring Waiter and Miss De Janon Back-to Phila- delphia Today . ~ 5 Ahss Roberta de Janon, granddaughter of Robert Buist, the wealthy seed man. and Ferdinand Cohen, 2 waiter in the Bellevue-Stratford, who disappeared £: multaneously last Wednesday morning are believed to be im hiding in a smal town five miles from Lancaster, Pa. Finkerton and City Hall detectives, with Ferdinand de Janon, ‘the girl’s father, a New York stock broker, and Frank Earl, business representative a Mr. Buist, are now in the vicinity o their supposed hiding place. Their apprehension before today noor is expected, and it is believed by the grandfather, who lives at the Bellevue Stratford, that his granddaughter, whor he legally adopted only two days beforc her departire, and the waiter, will bt brought back to this cty before night- fall. The couple, since Saturday noon, have been traced through several towns in Lancaster county, including Atglen, where the firet clue was unearthed; antl Gap, Finally, the detectives, by the re- eeipt of information that two persons, whose descriptions tally with that of the heiress and the waiter, had ‘beem seen, finally traced them to Lancaster, Father in Lancaster The detectives and the father of the girl arrived af, Lancaster late~xesterday afternoon. After threg _Aatirs’ -sebtch of hotels, boarding plates “gud restaurants, they finally secured information which apsured them the couple were in a smal! dwelling on the outekirts of the city. They atrived there just an hour after the persons believed to beMliss de Janon and Cohen had aieparted hurriedly. The two, the detectiges were informed, were extremely nervous and excited and anx- ieudly, inquired for a quiet boarding house or hotel in a town near Lancaster, One of the most puzzling developmenta ultimately to the’ apptehension of the two is the claim that*a woman is travel- ing with them. W. Atlee Burpee, a personal friend. of Mr, Buist, who ia acting as spokesman for him, sard last night: “Mr. Buist and I cannet account for this strange woman xho is with the couple, “The companion of Miss de Janon and Cohen is a woman about 23 or 26 years old. She has blonde hair and is not well dressed. She is described as remainirg at all times cloze to the side of Miss de Janon. Doubts Love Theory “fattle Roberta was unquestionably lnred away,” said Mr. Burpee last night, atthe Union League. “She was 2 girl of fine character. I do not think that she, has fallen in love with the waiter. We’ have had no evidence of this at all, and we cat only remain convinced that her disappearance is the outeome of a lot to secure money from Mr. Buist, her grandfather.’’ Letters purporting to have beta writ- ten by the girl were found in CVohen'a rooms at a house at 1613 street are believed ta be forgeries. Coben Teas FEerbuBee aheacg ap Se FEHO FHPCES GPOAPPR BEaRgQEeHe Continued on 2d ‘Page, 2d Column of the clues which are supposed to lepiy' CLUE TO HEIRESS AND COHEN FOUND NEAR LANCASTER se eye eters ae + a cele FRE ae te te Tet ot Ar hi gz i § greens Rahal ell Saimin, MiSS ROBERTA DE JANON Continued Fréem First Page Ne ee ee ly supposed tu lie the author ot them and te have lett them at the house. It was solely through these letters, ad- dressed to “Dearest Father.” ‘‘Desresit Papa” and “Ms Darling,” that the de Janon rirl is depited us writing to the waiter and expressmg ber lore tor him. In one, an elopement wa> planued, while m several others it is said that she wrote that she wanted to Jeave the city in bis company. If the letters are forgeries and Cohen wrote-them as a bhnd for the pobee and the grandfather, to make them beheve the hemets had become madly infatuated with the waiter and had eloped with lum, then, the detectives say, there is basi. for the belief that Cohen couspired to abduct her with an object of muleting Alr, Bust of money. Tells of Cohen's Alias Matthew White, head water of the Iiotc} Walton, where Cuhen was at va- rtous umes employed as a waiter, }cster- day told of the character of the mirvs- ug man, He threw much hight upon the gambhuz propensities of the Water, whom he suid traveled under the name of “ler- dinand Cook™® wile at the hotel. “Cohen, oi Cooh,* said Wiite, “would work only ter a short time. He told me he was a boohinak: and that he wa~ one of the best “*bookx .” around Acw York. He edeclared that he went to shee p-head Lay trach every summer and that he coukl clean uy much money there “TI pard intitle attention to huw, for he Wan a good waiter and very punctual 1n appearms tor duty. Once a detective from a Long Island randtoad came to the hotel ahout x years age, when Cohen Was working for me the second tine, and asked’ if 1 Lnew a waiter named ‘Cook ” T ashed for the man’s deseripuon and the one the detecthhe gave me tallied with that of Coheuw. 1 asked what Cohen had dene. The detective rephed he had hled a clann aganet the railroad for a Jost. trunk. ‘ "EP asked Cohen why he lad twe naine-. He cad he had adopted the name of "Cook? because Lis other was Jearh and nught hinder him in securmg emplovment. Cohen was Jast bere about six scars ago. Onee when he eft be sail that he lad inheited a large sum of money. T hnow that he and_-bis wite lived at the W aldorf- aA~toria tor several months.” “We ate all the more cogvinced,” said Me. Barfu, last mght, “that litttle Nob- erta was abducted mpetead of eloping with the waiter, as was fit believed, by the presence: ot the woman with the cou- ple. me flere is just one pomt that has not heen eared up dry the search through Lancaster county today. avhen the blonde woman joined Miss De- Janon and Cohen, Ties has not been cotablizhed.’ Grandfather Collapses Mr. Burt collapsed Jast might from Woliiment over the disappearance of Ins grand daughter. ler mother, Mis. Mio- nha VeJanon died on December 2, from an inuuable discase after several months jut suffering. . “Mr. Ruist is net seriously il,” said Mr. Butpee,’ but I thought it best that he should seek rest. He lay remamed lalmost covstantly awake since Ins daught- er was first reported to be missing. T insisted that he should retire at 38 o'ctuch and for the first time he 1s eleep- ‘mig soundly since the girl went away.” ‘Lhe tust clue to the fact that the couple had gone to Lancaster county fiom (this aty was recened carly ‘esterday moeimag wneapectedly by Mr. Buist. and the detectives Shortly after 1 o’dock, | | trom Ube photographs which were pub- b-hed in the Inquirer. He gave such a |therough descmption of the two that the (dtectives and Mr. Buret were convinced | that at last they had received authentic | mformation leading to the whereabouts | ot the misung girl and water. A trun to Attglen could not be seeured i until 7.15 yesterday morning, At that’ time the detectives, the girl's father and Mr, Earle were there. They traced the two from the hotel to the railroad sta- tion ard then to az oyster saloon, where they had a meal. Then the couple re- traced their steps to the station and went by train to Gap, a small town. ‘They arrived there about Saturday noon and remained over might until yesterday morning, When they went to Lancaster, & Close on Trall Mr. Burpee said that the detectives had refused ta reveal all the clues they had col.vcted 31 Lancaster, but that the waiter, Mis de Janon and the strange iblonde woman Jeft that aty some time yesterday afterncon or early last evening and went presumabh to a small town about five miles away. Mr, Burpee, when told there was a rumor that Mr. Burst would not prose- eute Cohen, declared vigorously that the girl's grandfather had only said a tew immnutes before that the waiter would be tried on all charges po--ible. It was aimouneed last nicht that the letter Miss de Janon is said to have writ- ten to her grandfather the morning she divappeared and m which ehe hinted at suicide was matled from the sub-post- office at Eighteenth and Chnstian streets. I'This 15 within several squares of the house where Cohen and his wife lived. $e ‘That was just | | i a son of a hotel proprieter at Altglen, tuhich mw on the maim line of the Pennsy1- vanla Railroad, came to the Bellevue- Stratford to set Mi, Bust. At first, he nas detaired trom secing the grandfath- er but after he went to the Detective Bureau at City Hall and mformed Detee- tne Emanuel that he believed the couple had been m Attglen Friday night and Saturday morning, he was taken to the hotel, The hotel man’s son asserted that he and his father had recognized the couple E

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