Dark Knight Task Sheet 2016

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How does the director, Christopher Nolan, use filmic techniques
to (pick one)

Stage 1 English
Semester 1, 2016

Create the dark underworld of Gotham

Explore the issue of morality (good vs. evil)
Build effective characters through symbolism
Subvert the superhero genre
Establish a symbiotic relationship between batman and the joker
Explore chaos vs order

Assessment: Written response: eg essay up

Design to
Responding to texts: Task
800 words, oral presentation of up toGrade
5 mins
or multimodal equivalent.
Knowledge &
Knowledge and understanding of ideas and perspectives
Draft: Friday Week 4
Weighting: 25%
explored in texts.
Due date: Friday Week 5
Knowledge and understanding of language features, stylistic
features, and conventions to make meaning.
Knowledge and understanding of ways in which texts are
created for a range of purposes and audiences.
Analysis of the relationship between purpose, audience, and
context, and how they shape meaning.
Analysis of how language features, stylistic features, and
conventions are interpreted by readers.
Analysis of intertextual connections.
Precision, fluency, and coherence of writing and speaking.
Use of appropriate language features, stylistic features, and
conventions for a range of audiences and purposes.
Use of evidence from texts to support conclusions, with textual
references incorporated in responses.

Overall Assessment Result

Word count:____________

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