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Notes from 2.9.

16 Meeting
| Meeting called by Kelly Shields @ 6:33 pm
Attending Board members: 4
Kelly Shields, President | Krislyn Holaday-Wondrachek, Vice-President | Kimberly Sherwood, Treasurer | Sarah
Nygard, Secretary |
Total Number of


Welcome and Introductions



Old Business


A. Past Events/On-going
1. Movie Night was well attended. There are some soda and candy left
over from the event and will be used for other upcoming events.
2. Volunteer positions
a. President still looking for this position
b. Vice President-still looking for this position
c. Pickle Pond-still looking into this position
B. Journey Into the Arts-contract has been signed for this event for 2016-2017
event. Spring fundraiser hopefully will fund this event. The Spring fundraiser
goal is $4,000.

New Business


A. SIT Topic Review-March is Dave Funk (Love & Logic), April is (Race to
Nowhere) facilitated by Krislyn and May (voting in for the PFC and this
tends to be longer meeting so we will not have a SIT topic)
B. Upcoming Events
1. Box Tops 1/4 -2/12
2. Friendship Party/Class pics- February 12th
3. Applebees- February 15th (Near Ridge Cinema)
4. Talent Show- February 26th
5. School Board Meeting- February 22nd 7:00 pm
6. Lock In- March 4th
7. Staff Appreciation- March 9th
8. Parents Night Out March 18th, 7:00 pm Cleveland Pub (Food,
Drinks, and Fun)

Treasurers Report



Principals Report-Friday was the 100th celebration there was activities in the
classrooms, and math problems for the kids. There were activites that was
included into the classrooms.

Larry Lueck

We finished our MATH window and scores will be sent home this Friday.
No school on Monday for teacher day.

Open Forum-We would like to do something for Mrs. Fare-we have decided to
send her a plant. We will also revisit ways to increase attendance: having
meetings via teleconference and also have childcare.





Total Number of

Next meeting- March 8th

SIT Topic- Love and Logic with Dave Funk

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