Tvrdí Chlapci "Ze" Ziliny - Interview KFN

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KMS Family


Vedeli ste, e mesto ilina m od roku 2010 vlastn tm, ktor hrva americk futbal?
O novinkch v klube a o tom, ak zpas ich v najbliej dobe ak nm porozprval Jozef
Dube, n kolega z motorrne.

m Vs oslovil americk futbal? Ako dlho

sa mu u venujete?

foto: Miska Badkov

Mme sa m pochvli. V roku 2014 sme sa

stali vicemajstrami Slovenska v sedmikovom futbale, kde sme nle prehrali a poslednou akciou v zpase. Minul seznu sme
skonili v seminle, kde ns porazil neskor
vaz Bratislava Monarchs.
Je v ilinskom regine o americk futbal zujem?
Stle pribdaj nov hri, s ktormi sa sname pracova a da im zklady americkho
futbalu. Je u potom na nich, i sa im to zapi lebo nie.

Americk futbal sledujem u asi osem rokov.

m ma oslovil? Americk futbal je in ako
ostatn porty. Je to vemi rozmanit port,
v ktorom nikdy neviete, ak hra bude nasledova. Je to port pre vetkch, i ste pomal,
i rchly, nzky alebo vysok. Je dokonca aj
pre takch, o maj nejak to kileko navye,
svalnatch berieme automaticky

rom s aj dievat, hr bezkontaktn verziu

americkho futbalu a pozostva z 12 lenov.

Akm spsobom zskavate novch lenov?

Novch lenov zskavame prostrednctvom
nborov. Aj tento rok organizujeme nbor,
treba sledova nau facebookov strnku ilina Warriors, kde s podrobnejie informcie
o nbore, ale aj inch novinkch z tmu. S
tam informcie o tom, kedy sa nbor kon,
miesto a as. Momentlne s to piatky, ale to
sa me zmeni, take je potrebn sledova
to na strnke. Kto sa neboj troku kontaktu,
alebo by rozdal pr rn, nech kudne prde
a vyska. Hlavne nech sa neboj :-)

Ako sa vmu klubu dar v rmci Slovenskej

ligy americkho futbalu?

Kedy Vm zana sezna a ako sa na u ako

tm pripravujete?

Je americk futbal na Slovensku rozren?

Na Slovensku sa hr len jedna liga, ale m
oraz viac fanikov. Vznikaj nov kluby
a dokonca v Bratislave sa bude hra rakska
liga a v Trnave esk prv liga.
Ako dlho ste lenom klubu ilina Warriors?
V strunosti nm ho predstavte.
lenom som tvrt rok. Klub vznikol v roku
2010. Seniorsk tm m okolo 35 lenov vo
veku od 17 rokov a tento rok mme v tme aj
40-ronho warriora. Juniorsk tm, v kto-


foto: Mat Kelemen

KMS Family

Sezna nm zana posledn aprlov vkend

sbojom vo Zvolene. Prprava je v plnom prde, trnujeme v utorok a v piatok kondinou
prpravou v telocvini. Od februra, ak nm to
poasie dovol, pjdeme aj von nacvii taktick a hern veci. Hlavnou udalosou v naom klube je aj vstavba ihriska, pecilne
pre americk futbal v priestoroch Gymnzia
na Varavskej ulici.


Zastnte sa tento rok nejakej sae

v rmci Slovenska?
no, bude sa hra liga, od aprla a do 4. jla,
kedy sa bude hra nle. A tento rok mme
najvyie ciele a to je vyhra ju!

ow did the American football draw

your attention? How long have you
been doing it?
I have been interested in the American football for 8 years. How did it draw my attention? American football is different compared
to other sports. It is very diverse and you
never know what sort of play will follow. Its
a sport for everybody whether you are slow,
fast, short or tall. It is even for those who
are a little bit on the heavier side (), the
muscular ones are accepted immediately
Is the American football common in Slovakia?
Only one league is played in Slovakia, but

foto: Mat Kelemen

age of 17 and up and this year we also have

a 40-years old warrior. The junior team which
includes girls as well has 12 members it
represents a non-contact version of the sport.
Is your club successful within the Slovak
American football league?
There is a lot to be proud of We became
the Slovak Vice-champion in the 7-player
game in 2014, when we failed the nals due
to the lost last attempt in the game.

How do you recruit new members?

We organize recruitment in order to nd new
members. We organize recruitment also in
this year. You have to follow our Zilina Warriors Facebook page, where detailed information can be found, but also some news about
our club. There you can nd information on
when and where the recruitment will be held.
Nowadays we organize them on Fridays, but
it can be changed so you should follow it.
Everybody who is not scared of contact or
is willing to ght a little bit can come and try.
Dont be afraid
When does you season start and how do you
prepare for it?
Our season starts on the last April weekend
with a match held in Zvolen. Preparation is
in full swing, we train on Tuesdays and Fridays (stamina training in the gym). We are
going to train outside to enhance our tactics
in February if the weather allows us to do it.
The main event in our club is building of our
playing eld prepared exclusively for American football on the premises of High school
on Varsavska street.

foto: Mat Kelemen

has more and more fans. New clubs are established and even the Austrian league will
be played in Bratislava and the rst Czech
league in Trnava.
How long have you been a member of the
Zilina Warriors club? Introduce it to us briey.
I have been a member of this club for four
years. The club was established in 2010.
The senior team has 35 members from the

Are people from Zilina interested in the

American football?
New players are still coming whom we try to
work with and teach them American football
basics. Its up to them later if they like it or not.

Will you participate in some competition held

in Slovakia?
Yes, the league will be played from April to
July 4, when the nals will be played. This
year we have the highest goals to win it

Did you know that Zilina has had its own American football club since 2010? Jozef
Duben, our colleague from the Engine shop has informed us about the news related to
the club as well as the nearest match.

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