SP Mentor Letter

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Tifani Hatcher 2658 Lemon Drive Simi Valley, CA 93063 (805) 583-2782 2 February 2016 Carol Forbes Librarian 3570 Cochran Street Simi Valley, CA 93063, Dear Mrs. Forbes: | am incredibly grateful for the two years I've gotten to spend with you, both as a library aide and a senior going through their senior project. You do so much for this school, the students, and the staff and you're always working so hard, so I'm very grateful that you've give so much of your time and energy to me. Not only have you been my mentor, you've written me countless recommendations for colleges and scholarships and I truly couldn't ask for a better person to have in my life. It was so important to have someone like you to believe in me over the course of this project. Even when | felt ike there was no way I could complete my short story collection and meet my word goal within the month of November, you knew that I could. When I told you | did it and you told me how proud you were of me, it truly meant a lot to me. ‘Again, thank you so much for giving me your time and kindness and believing in me over these past two years. Sincerely, agus athe’ Tifani Hatcher

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