Shoot 1 Planner

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Photoshoot planner



Project title:

Unit 2

A level photography
Shoot/draft no:

Your next steps from the previous shoot(s) how will you refine and develop your work?
Create a piece made up of many individual phtographs. Its going to be a portrait or a self portrait.

Description of aims and ideas for your shoot what do you want your photographs to communicate?
I want to combine the work of two photographers I have found who have inspired my project, to do this I will use the
idea of focusing on the most important areas (David Hockney) but using Thomas Kellners technique.




Location notes permission, studio, booking, transport and weather

Im going to either do this shoot at home in my time or at school in lesson time depending on when my mock exams
are. If Im at home I will use my phone and if Im at school I will use the equipment available.
Photographer/artist inspiration
David Hockney
Thomas Kellner
Techniques/processes you will use to achieve your aims

Equipment notes
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Camera Y/N?
Models Y/N?

Tripod Y/N?
Props Y/N?

Lighting Y/N?
Crew Y/N?

Camera checks:

Battery charged (the day before) Memory card Y/N?

File type Y/N?
Correct white balance Y/N?

He who fails to plan is planning to fail - Winston Churchill

ISO setting Y/N?

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