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Arthurs First Day (Case Studies)-Staffing

Michael Henderson was looking forward to Arthur Duffys arrival. Mike had
not had a chance to interview Arthur because of an illness in his family,
but from all the reports Mike had received from personnel, Arthur was just
the right person to fill the hole in Mikes shop. As Mike was reviewing his
orientation program, Arthur appeared in the office. Mike greeted him and
asked him to sit down. After some brief words about the weather and the
trip to the plant, Mike got down to business.
After a few minutes of conversation, it became obvious to Mike that Arthur
knew next to nothing about the company. Mike was also surprised to find
out that Arthur had not been tested for his mechanical skills. After a
phone call to personnel, Mike discovered that the results of Arthurs
physical exam had not yet arrived. This meant that Mike could not put him
to work. Irritated, Mike decided to show Arthur around the shop anyway
and to introduce him to his co-workers. And then they go out for lunch.
When Arthur and Mike returned to Mikes office, a copy of the mechanical
aptitude test was there. Here is the test, said Mike as he handed it and a
pen to Arthur. Just sit here and do the best you can. Its no big deal, but
company policy demands that you take it before you can work in the shop.
When youre done, just give it to me and take off. Ill see you tomorrow at
start-up time, and if we have the results of your physical, Ill put you to
work in the shop.
While Arthur was taking the test, Mike returned to his pile of papers and
proceeded to turn out the work as usual. During the next two hours, Mike
entertained two visitors, took and made several phone calls, and
disciplined a worker in front of Arthur. When Arthur finally finished, it was
after 4 P.M., so Mike left the plant with him.
Say, what are the hours here anyway? asked Arthur.
We start at 8 A.M. and quit at 5 P.M., with an hour for lunch. Any more


1) What specific errors in the staffing process are evident in this

situation? What should be done to correct them?

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