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stress intensity at all points, including all other effects,

NB-3512.2 Alternative Design Rutes. A valve design

may not satisfy all of the requirements of NB-3512.1. A
design may be accepted provided it meets one of the
alternatives listed in {a), ib), [cJ, or [d) below,

shall be used for the analysis to satisfu the rules

ol NB-3200. The valve Design Specification shall provide
the loadings and operating requirements to be considered
under Level B, C, and D Service Limits [NCA-3252ta](5Jl
for which a design analysis is to be included in the Design

faj When the valve design satisfies the rules of NB-3530

through NB-3546.2 with thermal stresses neglected, the

rules of NB-3200 relative to accounting for thermal

secondary stresses and fatigue anaiysis [NB-37.22.2,


(2) ln place of using the values of S, to satisfy the

rules oF NB-3200, the allowable stress intensity values for

NB-3222,3, and NB-3222.41 shall also be satisfied.

@l When a valve is exempted from fatigue analysis by
the ruies ol NB-3222.4[d), the design is acceptable,
provided that the requirements of [1J or (2J below are

ferritic valve body and bonnet materiais shall be those

allowable stress values given in Section II, Part D, Subpart
1, Table 1A For materials in Section ll, Parr D, Subpart 1,
Tables 2A and 28, a reduced allowable stress intensity
based on applying a factor ol A,67 to the yield srrenEths
lisled in Section li, Part D, Subpart 1, Table Y-1 shall be


(1)The rules ofNB-3530 through NB-3546 shall



mel The rules of NB-3200 may be substituted for those

of NB-3545,2 for evaluating secondary stresses,


(3J The adequary of the sh.ess analysis of the body

and NB-3545,3 need not be considered.

and bonnet shall be verified by experimental stress

analysis conducted in accordance with the requirements

(Z)The rules of NB-3530 and NB:3541shall be met.

An experinrental stress analysis is periornred in accordance with Appendix ll, and the rules of NB-3200 rvith
respect to primary and secondary stresses resulting from
pressure and mechanical loads shall be mel. Uniess
otherwise specified in the Design Specifications, the pipe
reaclions shall be taken as those loads which produce a

of Il-1100 through II-1400, lndividual tests shdl be made

to verify the adequacy of the shress analysis of internal

pressure effects and pipe reaclion effects. Tests shall be

made on at least one valve model of a given configuration,
but a verified analytical procedure may then be applied to
other valves of the same configuration, although they may

stress [NB-3545,2[b]l of 0.5 times the yield srrength of the

piping in tension for the direct or axial ioad and a stress o[
1.0 times the yield strehgth of the piping in bending and
torsion, Thernral secondaty stresses shall be accounted for
by either the rules of NB-3200 or NB-3545,
(cJ When a valve design sarisfies the rules of NB-3530


and NB-3541, and when an experirnental stress analysis

has been performed upon a simiiar valve in accordance
with Appendix II, and an acceptable analytic method has
been established, the results may be used in conjunction



f5J Prior to installation, the valve shall be hydrostafically tested in accordance with NB-3531.2, For this
purpose, the prinrary pressure rating shall be determined
by interpolation in accordance with NB-35a3[cJ.

ents of NB-3200 for pressrtre and


be of different size or pressure raring. The geometrical

differences shal) be accounted for in the extrapolation
stress analysis. The analytical procedure shall have
verified capability of providing this exrrapolarion.
(4J A Design Report shall be prepared in sufficient
detail to show that the valve satisfies all applicable

mechanical ioads

lish design acceptability. Accom-

modation of thermal se-Enqgly stresses and pipe reactions shall be as given inlttXZ)f Requilements for farigue
analysis of either NB-3200 or NB-3550 shall be met.
[dJ When permitted by the Design Specification, a weld
end valve that does nol meet all of the requirements
of NB-3540 may be designed so that it meets the
requirements of NB-3200 for all pressure-retaining palts
and those parts defined by NB-3546.3[a), and shall also
meet all of the foliowing requirements,

NB-3513 Acceptabil,ity of Small. Valves

Valve designs having an inlet piping connecfion NPS 4
(DN 100) or less are acceptable when they satisfy either
the stanclard design rules or the alternalive design rules.

NB-3513.I Standard Design Rules. The design shall

be such that the requirements ol NB-3530 and NB-3541
shall be met for wall corresponding to the
applicable pressure-temperaftue rating. When the Special
Class Ratings of ASlvlE 816.34 apply, the NDE exemptions
of NB-2510 shall not be used,

fI] Pressure, thermal, artd mechanical effects, sucb as

those resulting .from earthquake, maximnm stem force,
closure force, assembly forces, and others tlut nray be
NB-35I:1.2 Atternative Design i valve design
defined in the Design Specification, shall be inclucied in thc
satisfy the requirements of NB-3512.2.
design analysis. For l"evel A Service Limits, the pipe
reaction effects are to be determined by considering that
NB-3515 Acceptabllity of Metat BeLlows and
thc maximum liber stress in the connected pipe is at
Metal Diaphragm Stem Sea[ed Valves
one-half of its
strength in
Valves using metal bellolvs or metal diaphragm stem
yielct sh'ength in torsion and in bending in the plane of the
neck and run, and also in the plane of the run perpencli- seals shall be constru*ed in accorclance with the rules of
individuai pipe reaction eifects thal rcsult in the

maxinurnt or


do not retain pressure, and





P. = generai primary membrane

2011a SETflON

stress intensify at

crotch region, calculated according



Pt, Pz = rated pressures from tables oi ASNIE 81.6.34

corresponding to Pressure RaEing Class lndices
p.1 and p,2, psi (MPa)
Qp = sum of primary plus secondary stresses at


f1111 range of pressure fluctuation associated

wtth At1, psi [MPa)
/Pi = 5ps616ed range of pressure flucruation associated with A7,, psi [MPa)
ATtr = 2 specihed step change in fluid temperature, oF

[NB-35a5.2[a]1, psi (lvlPa)

Qrt = maximum thermal srress component caused by

through-wall temperafure gradient associated

("C), where I = !,2,3, ..., n; used to determine the

fatigue acceptability of a valve body (NB-35541
ll"r = speclfied range of fluid temperarure, "F ("C),
where i = 7,7,3,..,, n; used to evaiuate normal
valve usage [N8.3553)
d?"' = maxirnum magnitude of the difference ln average wall temperafures for walis of thicknesses t
and I,, resulting from 100"F/hr (56'C/hrJ fluid
temperature change rate, "F ('C)


change rate [NB-3545.2(cJ], psi (]vlPaJ

Qrs = maximum thermal secondary membrane plus
bending stress resulting from structural discon-

tinuity and 100'F/hr (56'C/hr) fluid tempera,

ture change rate, psi (MPaJ
= mean radius of body wall at crotch region
[Fig. NB-3545.2[c)-1], in. (mm)
= inside radius of body at crotch region for
calculating Qp [NB-3545.2(a)J, in. [mmJ
= fillet radius of external surface at crotch
[NB-3545,1[aJ], in. (mmJ
= assumed maximum stress in connected pipe for
calculating the secondary stress due to pipe
reaction INB-3545.2[bJ], psi (lvlPaJ
sr = fatigue stress intensity range at crotch region
resulting from step change in fluid temperature
A?2 and pressure AP, (NB-3550), psi (MPa)
sm " design stress intensity (NB-3532), psi [MPa)
' sum of primary plus secondary stress lntenslfies

at crotch region resulting from





General Requirements for Body Wa[[


NB-3542 Minimum

WaLt Thickness of Listed

Pressure Rated Valvesz3

The lvall thickness requirements for listed pressure

rated valves apply also to integral body venturi valves. For


a valve designed to a listed pressure rating of


3545.2), psi (lvlPaJ

maximum range of sum of primary plus secondary sfress, psi (MPa)
fatigue stress intensity at inside surface in

816.34, the minirnum thickness of its body wall, including

the neck, is to be determined from ASME 816.34, except
that the inside diameter d- shall be the larger of the basic
valve body inslde dianreters in the region near the weldirrg

crotch region resulting frorn 100"F/hr

[56'C/hr) fluid temperature change rate


ends, Highly localized variations

of inside

rn. ImmJ



wlth rveld preparation\lNB-3544.8(a) and

noi be consicie'Fedfir esE#sin!-

, fatigue stress intensity at outside surface in --ifrmiffiiimT-alTlhickness f,,. ln all such cases, however, the
requiremenls ol NB-3545.2[b)(6) shall be satisfied.
crotch region resulting from 100"F/hr
(56'C/hr) fluid temperature change rare
N8-3543 Minimum Watl Thickness of Vatves of
[NB-3545.3), psi (lvlPa)
, thickness ofvalve rvall adiacent to crotch region
Nonl,isted Pressure Ratinga
for calculating 1,1 and L7y [Fig. NB-35a5.1[a)-1],
To design a valve for Design Pressure and Design
in, [mmJ
Temperature corresponding to other than one of the
maximum effective metal thickness in crotch
pressure ratings listed in the tables of ASivlE 816.34, the
region for calculating thermal stresses
procedure is the same as that of NB-3542 except that

[Fig. NB-35a5.2ic)-1], in. (mrnJ

tr - thickness of bociy (run) rvall adjacent to crotch
for calculating 1,1 and Lp [Fig. NB-35a5.1(a)-1],



(NB-354s.3), psi [MPa)



The minimurn wall thickness of a valve body is to be

determined by the rules of NB-3542 or NB-3543,

(56"C/hr) temperature change rate INB-


= minimum body wall thickness adjacent to crotch

for calculating thermal stresses IFig. NB-


crotch resulting from internal pressure


- NB

fm = rninimum body wall thiclsress as determined

by NB-3541, in. (mm)
ty t2 = minimum wall thicknesses from ASME 816.34
corresponding to Listed Pressure Rating Class
Indices p71 and pr2 and inside diameter dm, itl.

psi (MPa)


35a5.2[c]-11, in. (rnm)

= Desigin Pressure, psi (MPaJ

= Pressure Rating Class Index, psi (MPa)
= standard calcuiation pressure frorn NB-3545.1,

with 100"F/hr [56'C/hr) fluid




3545.1(a), psi (MPa)









interpolation is required as foliows.

[oJ Based on the Design 'l'emperature, linear interpola-:lLoa!errUeen,thelabulttgdJe1lp_Elatqre_j11tejaAiC.sXal_bq::=.,.
used to deterrnine the iisted pressure rating pl, next





lll, DMSloN

and use

Lp =

[3J socket welding end valves greatet'than NPS 2

NB-3544,9 Openings for Auxltiary Connections.

Openings for auxiliary connections, such as for drains,
bypasses, and vents, shall meet the requirements of ASME
816.34 and the applicable reinforcement requirements
of NB-3330,

NB-3545 Body Primary and Secondary Stress

stresses are



lp, fall beyond tire valve body

IFig. NB'3545.1(a)-1 sketch (bJ], the body surface

defined by /,,1 and

established in the following subparagraphs.

becomes the proper boundary for establishin g 41 and A^,

No credit is to be taken for any area ol connected piping
which may be included within the limits of 1,4 and L,y. lf the
flange is included with An, the area of one bolt hole is to be.
subtracted for determining the net value of rl.,
[5] Except as rnodified below web or fin-like extensions of the valve body are to be credited to .4. only to an

NB-3545.1 Primary Membrane Stress Due to lnternat Pressure. For valves meeting all requirements of this
Subarticle, the most highly stressed porrion of the body
under internal pressure is at the neck to flow passage
junction and is characterized by circumierential tension
normal to the plane of center lines, wlth the maximum
value at the inside surface. The rules of this paragraph are
intended to control the general primary nrembrane stress
in this crotch region, The Standard Calculation Pressure p"
to be used for satisfoing the requiremenls of NB-3545 is
found either directly or by interpolation from the tables in
ASlvlE 815.34 as the pressure at 500oF l25A'C) for the
given Pressure Rating Class Index p^
primary mem'
[aJ ln the crotch region, the maximum
brane srress is to be deterinined by the pressure area
method in accordance with the rules of [1] through [6J
beiow using Fig. NB-3545.1[aJ-1.
IIJ From an accurately drawn layoud of the valve
body, depicting the finished section of the rotch region in
the muilal plane of the bonnet and flolv passage center
lines, deterrnine lhe fiuid area ,4/alld metal area A', Aland
An are to be based on the internal surface after complete
Ioss of metal assigned to corrosion allowance.
f?) Calculale the crotch general primary membrane
stress intensity:


where the dimensions are as shown in

Fig. NB-3545.1(a)-1,
ln establishing appropriate values for the above
parameters, some judgment may be required if the valve
body is irregular as it is for globe valves and others with
nonsymmetric shapes. ln such cases, the internal boundaries oflr.shall be the lines that trace the greatest width of
internal wetted surfaces perpendicular to the plane of the
stem and pipe ends [Fig. NB-3545.1[a)-1 skelches (b), [d),
and (eJl.
(4) lf the calcr.rlated boundaries fot' 47 and .4,,, as

50J shall not be used.

,^ =(+


Le =7,


ol primary and secondary



[eJ For socket welding ends, valves NPS Z IDN 50J and
smaller for which the body cavity consists of rylindrically
bored sections shall meet all of the following:
fIJ d. shall be the port drill diameter;
[2J the requiremenr of NB'3542 shall be satisfied;

The limits

effective length from the wall equal to the average

thickness of the redited portion, The remaining web area
is to be added to + [Fig. NB-35a5.1[a)-1 sketch (bJ],

However, to the extent that additional area wili pass the

following tesq


may also be included in

A-. A


perpendicular to the plane oflhe stem and pipe ends from

any poitrts in r4. does not break out of the wetted surface
but passes through a continuum of metal until it breaks
through the outer surface oi the body.
[6J ln.most cases, it is expected that the portions

defined by

A^ in the

several illustrations



NB-3545.1(a)-1 rvill be most highly stressed. However,

in the case of highly irregular

valve bodies,



recommended that all sections of the crotch be checked

to ensure that the largest value of P. has been established
considering both open and fully closed condifions.
than the crotch, while the value ol
flrJ ln regions
be the highest value of body
P, calculated

general primary


all normal


possible higher stress regions. Suspected regions
be checked by the pressure area method applied to thti
particular local .body contours. I'he aliolvabie vaiue of this
stress intensily is S,n lor the valve body material at 500'F
(26O'Cl as given in Seclion Il, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A
and 28.

The allolvable value of lhis sEress intensity is S. for

the vaive body material at 500"F (250"C) as given in

Section Il, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2P,
(3) The distances L1 and Lp which provide bottnds on
thc fluid and metal areas are determined as follows, Use
the larger value of:



salis- .*t7

NB-3545,2 Secondarv Stresses. In addition to


L1 =0.5d-76


body shall also satisfy the crlterion that the range of



( ,*?;;

fri,s,;tr i



tu -20







These requirements for the acceptability of a valve design are not intended to ensure the functional adequary oithe
valve. However, for pressure relief valves the Designer is cautioned that the requirements of NB-7000 relafive to set
pressure, lift, blowdown, and ciosure shall be meL

| CAUTTON: Fertain types of double seated valves have tire capabillty of trapping liquid ln the body or bonnet cavlty in the closed
position, If such a carrity accunrulates liquid and ls ln the closed position at a time wlren adjacent system piping ls lncreasing ln
temperature, a substantial and uncontrolled increase In pres.sure ln the body or bonnet cavlty may result. Where such a condltlon
is posslble, lt i.s the responsibllity of the Owncr or the Orvner's dcsignee to provlde, or require to be proulded, protection agalnst
harmfirl overpressure ln such valves.


The severity and frequency of specified fluid temperarure variations may be such that the period of calculated
pressure integrity is less than plant design life. In such cases it is the responsibility of the Certiflcate Holder to state
these conditions in the Design Report (NB-3550).


Special feahrres such as wear surfaces or seating surfaces may demand special alloys or proprietary lreaments. The
absence ofsuch materials from Section II, Par"t D, Subpart 1, Tables 2A and 2B shall notbe construed to prohibit their
use and such nraterials do not require approval under Appendix IV [NB-z121),

23 r\ listecl pressrlre rated valve

is one listed in the tables of ASIvIE 815.34. A nonlisted pressrrre rated valve is one whose
Design Pressure and Temperarure do not specifically appear in those tables [NB-3543J.


For all listed pressure ralings except Class 150, the Pressure Rafing Class lndex is the same as the pressure rating
ciass designation. For Class 150 use 115 for the Pressure Rating Class lndex.


Adjacent poirrfs are defined as points which are spaced less than the distance ZJF| from each other, where R and t are
the mean radius and thickness, respectively, of the vessel, nozzle, flange, or other component in which the points are

26 For piping products,

such as tees and branch connections, the second term of eqs. NB-3652[9), NB-3553.1(a)tf0),
&16 is ro be calculated as referred to in NB-3583.1(d).

and NB-3653.2(aJ(11), namely that containing


Socket welds shall not be used where the existence of crevices could accelerate corrosion.

28 The flexibility of a curved pipe or welding elbow is reduced by end effects, provided either by the adjacent stralght
pipe or by the proximity of other relatively stiff members which inhibit ovalizalion of the cross section. in certain
cases, these end effects may aiso reduce the stress.


c equals


Welds that are exposed to corrosive acbion should have a resistance to corrosion that is not substarrtialty less than
that oF the cladding. Thc use of filler metal that will deposit weld metal which is similar to the composition of the
cladding material is reconrmended. lf weld metal ol different composition is used, it should have properties
compatible lvith the applicahon.

nominal wall thickness,

31 An interntediate

postweld heat treatntenr lor this purpose is defined as a poslweld heat lreatment performed on a
weld wilhin a temperature range not lower than the rninimum holding temperature range to whrch the weld shall be
subjected during the final postweld heat rreatment.

32 A radioglaphic

examination [NB-5111(a)] is required; a preservice exarnination [NB-5111[b]] may ornray not

required lor compliance to the Design Specification INCA-3252(c)).


33 SNT-TC-IA is a

Recommended Practice for Nondestructive Testing Personnel Quaiificarion and Certification

pttbiished by the American Sociely for Nondestructive'l'esting, 1711 Arlingate Lane, P.0. Box 28518, Columbus, 0H


Personnel qualified by examination and certifled to the previous editions of SNT-TC-1A are considered to be qualified
based on continuing satisfactory
performance. Ail reexanrinations and new exanrinations shall be in accordance with the edition referenced in Tabie
N CA-7 100-2.

to the editiotr referenced in Tabie NCA-7100-2 when the recertificatiorr is


Employer as used in this Articie shall include: N Certificdte Holders; Qualiry System Certificate Holdersj Ivlaterial
Organizalions who hre qualified in accordance with NCi\-3842; and organizations rvbo provide subcontracted
nondestructive exanrirration services to organizalions described above.



6,'f NL-ss //


tll, DwIS|ON 1 .NC

Adjacent points are defined as points that are spaced less than lhe distance z.fRT fronr each other, where R and t are
the mean radius and thickness, respectively, of the vessel, nozzle, flange, or dther part in which the points are located.

15 The head design curves have been developed considering membrane stress requirements, plastic collapse, ryclic load
conditions, and the effects of maximum allowable toierances in accordance lvith NC-4222, See A-4000 of Appendix A
lor the design formulas for the curyes ol Fig, NC-3224.6-1'

lb Heads having D/2h = 2 have equivalent torisphericai properties of a torisphere of


= 0,90 and


= 0.17,

minimum thickness for ali pipe materials is the nominal thict<ness listed in Table 2 of ASNIE 836.10lvl less 72120/a.
For diameters other than those listed in the tabie, the nrinimum thickness shall be that of the next iarger pipe size.

T7 The


fbrmulas provide safe construction as far as stress js concerned, Creater thicl$esses rnay be necessary if
deflection would cause leakage at threaded or gasketed ioints.


19 When axial compressive loadings occur in

addition to the external pressure, the combined axial loading shall meet the

requirements of NC-3245,

Sfress means the maximum normal srress'

2L Since H. ft" in some cases will suirtract from the total monrent, the nroment
pressure is zero may be the determining loading fot'the flange design'

in the fiange ring when the internal

22 The rules in NC.3329[f) apply to ligaments between rube holes and not to single openings, They may give lorver
efficiencies in some cases than those for syrnmetrical groups that extend a distance greater than the inside diameter
oF the shell as covered in NC-3329(cJ. When this occurs, the efficiencies compttted by the rules under NC'3329[b)
shall govern,

Communicating chambers are defined as appurtenances to the vessel that intersect the shell or heads of a vessel and
form an integral part of the pressure retaining enclosure, such as sumps,


Side plates of


defined as any of the flat plates forming an integral part of the pressure retaining

25 Written for fittings with internal threads but


also applicable to erternally threaded and socket- or butt'welded


yessei are



a frat-sided

25 AII dimensions

given are nominal.

It is recognized that other acceptable procedures may exist which also constitute adequate design methods, and it is
not the intenEion to rule out these alternative methods, provided they can be shown to have been safisfaclory by
a\tual service experience.

Certain types of double-seated valves lrave the capablllty of trapplng liquld ln the body or bonnet cavity ln the closed
Fittion]f "u.h a cavity accumulates liquid and is in the closed posltlon at a linre when adfacent system Piping ls increasing in
temperature, a substantial snd uncontrolled increase in pressure in the body or bonnet cavlty may resttlt. Where such a condltion
is posslble, lt is the responslbllity of the Orvner or his deslgnee to provide, or require to be provided, protection against lrarmful

overpressure in suclt valves.


The minimum thicknesses of straigiit pipe shown in Tabie NC-36a2,1[c]-1 should be sufficient to allorv the pipe to
meet the nrinimum wall thickness requirements of NC'3641 after having been bent on the radii showrt,

30 Expansion Joint lvlanufacturers Associatiotl,

31 See Appendix Il, Il-1520[g),

25 North Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591'


The pressure term in eqs. NC-3652[8), NC-3653.1[aJ(9aJ, NC-3653.1[bJ(9b)and NC-3653.2[c)[11) may not apply for'
bellows and exPansion joints,

Design pressure may be used lf the Design Specification states that peak pressure and earthquake need not be taken
as acting concurrentlY.


Socket welds should not be usecl where the existence ol crevices could accelerate corrosion.

3S Fillet and partial penetration lvelds should not be used where

severe vibration is expected,




"* N i: --3:,,



Side plates of a flat sided vessel are defined as any



olthe flat plates forming

an integral

part of the pressure retaining




19 Written for fittings with internal


tD is defined

threads but also applicabie to externally threaded and socket or bun welded fittings.

in XI-3130.

21 All dimensions given, for

size of vessel on which inspection openings are required, are nominal,

22 ltis recognized

that other acceptable procedures may existthar also conslilute adequate design methods, and it is nol
intention to rule out these a-lternafive methods provided they can be shown to have been satisfactory by a*ual
sqvrce expenence,

?. --r._th?


23 ICAUTION: pertain types of double seated valves have the capability of trapping liquid in the hody or bonnet carrity in
the closed position. If such a cavity accumulates liquid and is in the closed position at a time when adjacenl system
piping is increasing in tempera$re, a substantial and uncontrolled increase in pressure in the body or bonnet cavity
may result. Where such a condltion is possible, it is the responsibility of the Owner or his designee to provide, or
require to be provided, protection against harmful overpressure in such valves.


The minimum thicknesses of straight pipe shown in Table ND-3642.1(cJ-1 should be sufficient to allow the pipe to
meet the minlmum wall thickness requirements of ND-3641 after having been bent on the radii shown.


Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, 25 North Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591.




The pressure term in eqs. ND-3652[8), ND-3653.1(aJ(9ai, ND-3653.1[bJ(9bJ and ND-3553,2(c)[11) may not apply
tor bellows and expansion joints,


Appendix II, II-1520G),

Design Pressure nray be used lf the Design Specification states that peak pressure and earthquake need not be taken
as acting concurrently,


Socket welded joints should not be used where the existence of crevices qould result in accelerated corosion.

30 Fillet and partial


penerration welds should not be used where severe yibration is expected.

These rules do not limit storage fanks from being installed below grade or below ground, provided the tanks are not

subject to external pressure resulting from earth or fill,

32 The limitalion of the Design Pressure to

atmospheric is nol intended to preclude the use of these tanks at vapor

pressure slightly above or below atmospheric within the range normally required to operate vent valves. If these
pressures or vacuums exceed 12 ozf in.z, especially in combination with large diameter lank, the lorces involved may
require special consideration in the desigrr.

33 Any specified corrosion allowance for the shell plates shall be added to the calculated



The nominal thickness of shell plates refers to the tank shell as constructed. The thicknesses specified are based on
erection requirements.

35 API Standard 2000, L96B Edition, Venting Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage Tanks, American


lnstitute, 1220 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005-4070.


The decrease in yteld stress at Design Temperature shall be taken into accounL


The formulas appiying to self-supporting roofs provide for a unifornr live load of 25 lb/ftz (1.2 kPaJ.


a tank is to be operated with liquid levels that at no time reach the top of the rool but is to be filled to the
very top of the roof during the hydrostatic test, it shall be designed for both of these maximum liquid level conditions,
using in each case the density of the liquid employed. If a tank is not designed to be nlied to the very top of the roof,
overfili protection is required,

39 A suitable mat'gin shali be allowed between the pressure pormally existing in the gas or vapor space and the pressure
at which the reliefvalves are sel, so as to allow for the increases in pressure caused by variations in the temperature

or gravily of the liquid contents of the tank arrd other factors affecting the pressule in the gas or vapor space,

J!: plfi"lyi:uy'llill





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