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Individuals with Disabilities Education

Improvement Act (IDEIA)

Kennedy Wagner

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This essay is about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Throughout this
paper, the six main principles will be established. This essay shows different levels of the special
education law. The IDEA law was re-established in 2004 to be called Individuals with
Disabilities Education Improvement Act.

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There is no real understanding as to why students have struggles when it comes to

learning. Often, children seem to have a learning disability. A learning disability is a condition
where one does not acquire knowledge and skills as those of the same age. According to
statistics, more than 50% of students qualify for a learning disability. Learning disabilities are
also the largest category when it comes to special education. Students with learning disabilities
normally have bad social skills; about 75% have social skill deficits (Department of Education).
Educators need to be aware of the needs of each student; they must attend to that need and help
the student continue their way to being successful.
What is special education? Special education is individually planned, specialized,
intensive, and goal directed instruction (Monarch Teaching Technologies). Before special
education all started in 1975, students with learning disabilities were sent home due to the fact
educators did not want to take the time to educate students who had troubles with learning. At
this time, schools were not required to teach children who had disabilities. Looking forward,
special education became familiar in the United States as amendments were passed saying all
students are provided a free and appropriate education.
In 1997, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) came into play and this act
was to provide public school districts and other agencies information about special education.
When students who had special needs came to public schools, educators instantly sent them to
institutions that had students with similar needs as well. IDEA provided great news and
reassurance to families because all children could have a free and appropriate education. The
Free Appropriate Public Education act was announced in 1973. The United States guaranteed
individuals with disabilities to get a free education that met the needs of students. Many families
were reassured and pleased about this act.

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The first IDEA is the Zero Reject principle. It means, Schools must educate all students
with a disability. Educators cannot deny any child who has a disability, no matter how severe
the students condition is. When a child who is enrolled into a public school has a disability, the
school is responsible to identify their disability and evaluate the children from birth. It allows
students with disabilities to stay in the general education classroom with their classmates and
learn the same way as their classmates do. Sometimes educators do not understand the feelings
of a child with a disability.
The next principle of IDEA is the Nondiscriminatory Identification and Evaluation. This
principle tells us that schools must use nonbiased, multifactorial methods of evaluation. When
evaluating, educators cannot discriminate students race, culture, or native language (Heward
2009). In the Diana v. State Board of Education case, the principle states children may not be
placed in a classroom based on their test score. Students may have trouble focusing while taking
a test, get anxiety, or get nervous when it comes to test taking skills.
Another important principle is the Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). All
qualified people with a disability are capable of having a free and appropriate education. A child
who has a disability needs to have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). An Individualized
Educational Plan (IEP) includes a lot of informational background of the student. It includes the
childs short term and long-term goals. It provides information of their achievements and
functional performances. Individual Education Plans show documentation and recorded data of
the participation the student has done. An IEP should be very specific and not generalized with
many recorded data. Children on IEPs can receive help in different ways. Schools are held
responsible for meeting the needs of the student with the disability. The overall goal of an IEP
team is to agree on the placement for the student and the types of needs that need to be met for

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the student to achieve goals and succeed well in. An Individualized Educational Plan was
designed to have a personal plan for education for each individual student. Children may qualify
for a disability in many different ways such as, learning disabilities, cognitive disabilities, health
impaired, autism, or hearing loss.
The next principle is the Least Restrictive Environment, which means that students must
be educated like children without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate. Least
Restrictive Environment is a good way for students to feel like they are a part of the classroom as
well, just like other students who dont have special needs. If a child cannot focus and put forth
effort on their studies while being in the normal classroom, the educator must write an IEP to
have that child be put in a resource room, or elsewhere rather than the normal classroom.
Due process Safeguard is the fifth main IDEA principle. This process provides safety for
students and their education. It implies that all students with a disability stay confidential to the
school, educators, principles, and student aids. Parent and childrens rights will remain protected
and safe. Educators strictly cannot reveal any information discussed at IEP meetings, or any sort
of meeting due to the disability he or she may have.
The final principle is the Shared Decision Making. Schools must collaborate and discuss
information with parents. Without a parents approval, the school can no longer continue. Before
any educator must try something new with a child with a disability, he or she must get the
parents approval. As educators, it is our job to help students meet their goals together with the
help of parents and the student. Parents know their son or daughter better than educators do;
parents also improve their son or daughters education better than anyone else does.

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The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was re-written in 2004. The new
Individuals with Disabilities Education and Improvement Act (IDEIA) has improved the
education system intensely. Mainly, it is just better quality to help students, and parents
understand more effectively. Finally, the IDEIA has grown and improved laws to help students
improve their education. Students with disabilities should be given these opportunities so he or
she can achieve their goals in life. A student or a parent should not have to be worried about
getting an education due to a disability. The IDEIA goals help students and parents reassure one
another that their child will do great things. Making students feel like they can accomplish
anything and be confident about doing it, is a great feeling as an educator.

Works Cited
N.p., n.d. Web. <

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"Free Appropriate Public Education under Section 504." Free Appropriate Public Education
under Section 504. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
"IDEA/IDEIA: The Rights Your Child Has as One with a Disability." IDEA/IDEIA: The Rights
Your Child Has as One with a Disability. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
"Association for Behavior Analysis International." WilliamHeward -. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov.
2015. <>.

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