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Abdelrahman Faqieh, Mona Abu-Zahra and Adam Amad

Pioneers Baccalaureate School-Nablus, Palestine
February 18, 2016
The content following includes information about the geographical
location of grasslands in different places on Earth, weather and climate
of grasslands, the natural resources in grasslands, fauna and flora in
grasslands, social justice in grasslands, tourist attractions and where
Palestine fits in with grasslands.

Grasslands share many unique aspects. In grassland you can find
many extraordinary types of floras and faunas. The hot and wonderful
weather; despite the humidness, inspires people to go on wonderful
vacations full of tourism and fun. There are many different types of
Grasslands like Savannas, Prairies and much more that have different
landforms depending on the weather in the different geographical
locations in Grasslands. In grasslands many natural resources can also
be found, like soil and wheat.


1) Animals
2) Plants
3) Atificial grass
4) Glue

5) Plastic bottle
6) Rocks
7) Scissors
8) Styrofoam
9) Paint
10) Card board
11) Box cutter

Flora (Plants)
Abdelrahman Faqieh
Grass is the dominant vegetation in grasslands, but there are also a lot
of flowers like Gumweed, Spiderwort, Golden Rod, Coneflower, Rock Rose,
Blazing Rose and others. Because there are a lot of plants in the grasslands,
there should be something that brings soil into the plants, and thats why
worms and termites exist and live in the grassland biome. Deer, giraffes, and
zebras can help by eating plants, which then allows 1a chance for other plants
to grow.2
The plants that are in grasslands are known as producers because they
produce the food that the consumers like deer, giraffes, and zebras eat. When
animals or plants die, decomposers are there to break them into soil so the
cycle keeps going. The food chain is a very important part in grasslands,
without the food chain the grasslands will get destroyed, because food chains
protect animals from getting extinct.3

Fauna (Animals)
Abdelrahman Faqieh
The grasslands are home to many amazing animals,4 like aardvark,
aardwolf, beetle, brown bears, and many others.5 It doesnt care how big or
small the animal is, each one does its own job in the biome to keep the
grassland healthy. Some animals like rabbits and squirrels help to get the soil

out of the ground to make it easier for new plants to grow. Others like hawks,
and lions, eat animals so that one single specie doesnt dominate the whole
Each grassland has its own type of animal species. In North America the
animals that are dominating are bison, wolves, and pronghorn.7 Some of the
animals that are in African grasslands (Savannas) are giraffes, zebras,
buffaloes, kangaroos, mice, squirrels, snakes, worms, lions, hyenas, elephants,
and many others. 8 The animals that are dominating in South African
grasslands are: fox, jaguar, llama, puma, rhea, tapir, and many others.9

Abdelrahman Faqieh
Temperate Landforms:
This type of grassland contains mountains, steppes, and hills. Mountains
in this type of grasslands are covered with snow and they are found on the
edges of the grassland. Hills in the temperate grasslands are spread all over the
plain. The grass on steppes in the temperate grasslands is very short, dry, and
flat and they are spread on the field.

Savanna Landforms:
This type of grassland contains landforms like plateaus, Savannas are never
mountainous. Savannas are usually found near desserts, but they never
contain dessert. The grass is tall due to the amount of water they get. Though
they have tall grass, there are no trees. Savannas rain comes in the wet season
and the plants that grow are specialized to survive drought seasons.

Geographical locations
Adam Amad
Grasslands are found in places where it doesn't rain a lot, to prevent the
grass from growing in to long grass or trees. The temperature is warm in
grasslands, which makes the grass healthy and its high average. Grasslands
are mostly located between deserts and forests. One quarter of the earth is
covered with grassland. There are no grasslands in Antarctica (National
Grasslands have many different types depending on the location the
grassland is in. In South America theyre known as the Pampas, due to its
plain flatness, and Pampas comes from the Guarani Indian word for plain. In

North America theyre known as the Prairie Grassland, due to the French
calling it like that. The Steppe is mostly found in Eurasia. In Africa theyre
known as the Savanna. The Savanna has a tropical climate, which means it
rains more than it does in a temperate climate, and the raining affects the
different natural resource that temperate and tropical grassland could have.10

Natural resources
Adam Amad
Depending on the weather in the grassland it could have different
natural recourses than other grasslands would have11. The natural resources
in tropical grasslands like the Savanna are, water, lumber, and living animals.
Living animals are called livestock. Theyre defined as natural resources
because they give us food like meat, milk, etc. The natural resources in
temperate grassland are wheat, coal, oil, corn, livestock, gas, and oats.12
Soil has an important part in the grassland. When animals eat each
other or plants die, decomposers come and decompose the body of the dead
and which then turns into soul and another plant reborn.

Mona A.Z.
The general climate of grasslands is usually warm and humid in
summers13, but not as humid as deserts a bit wetter, depending on where the
grassland is located. Winters are cold but not extremely cold; it rains 250500mm per year, but it does not snow14

Mona A.Z.
The Savanna is known as one of the most tropical grassland. Its
temperature can change within twenty four hours, 30 . The weather is not
stable, but the summers are known for its very high temperature; hot. In
summer, a significant amount of warm- moist air moves in the Savanna which
makes the grass moist, along with other plants. The very hot season (summer),
in Savannas are followed by a cooler, dry season that lasts for above eight
months. The cooler and dry season is when hot air moves in from the Sahara

Fun... Tourist attractions

Mona A.Z.
Migration tours are well known in grasslands like the savanna. In a
migration tour you get a bus ride while you see the wild life around you. The
wild life, day action contains seeing zebras, cheetahs, along with wild animals.
In savannas you are most likely to see small waterfalls too! Night migration
tours provide you with living in the wild life night action. You are most likely to
see lions, leopards, and even elephants.
Balloon tours are also a big part of seen and tourism in grasslands. A
balloon tour provides you with seeing and capturing your favorite scenes and
memories of the grassland below you. You go up nearly one hundred feet in the
balloon which provides you with seeing all the wonderful beauty of grasslands
right bellow you. You can see all the grass, trees, and animal movement below

How and where do Grasslands fit in Palestine?

Mona A.Z.
In Palestine, Jenin in specific you can find many outstanding Grasslands
everywhere. Jenin has one of the highest rates of grasslands in the Middle
East; it also has the most significant and amazing nature views in Palestine.
Some grassland in Jenin has a small waterfall or river located next to it (this
means that it isnt as dry as other grasslands like: Prairies, Stepps, Pamapas
and others which are located in different locations in the world. Waterfalls and
small rivers or streams help in the planting of the crops in Jenin and in
grasslands in general.
Grasslands open an opportunity of jobs and living for Palestinians since
a big percentage of Palestinians work in farming, planting and cropping17
Social Justice
When grasslands lack a significant amount of water, droughts take
place. Droughts affect the flora and fauna of the grassland. When droughts
occur the food chain gets affected because some animals depend on water and
rain to keep healthy but when there is no rain, the food chain will be
interrupted and will get destroyed. Droughts also prevent other plants to grow,
which is a big problem for the ecosystem. The good news is that there is a
solution for this problem. This solution is that we can volunteer for a savanna
restoration project or respect and conserve grasslands where you live because
some people dont realize how important the grasslands are.18

Our group would like to thank our teacher, Miss. Meha and our classmates
along with our school witch provided us with this lovely building which we are
working in.



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