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When kids are introduce to television shows they usually end up getting attached to a
show they seem to enjoy for a specific reason. Most kids would wait for the next episode or
marathon of their favorite cartoon or reality show. I was thatoddkidthatdidntwatchrerunsof
cartoons on Nickelodeon, Disney, or Cartoon Network. The television remotewasalwaysglued
to my hand whenever I watched dance shows on the television. It is cliche,but I will say this
anyways. Ever since I was little I watched dance shows or musicals any movie that included
dancing. EverytimeIwatchedthemoviesorshowsonadailyInevergottiredofthemIgoteven
more fascinated each time I rewatched them. pretty soonIfiguredoutIwantedtomovetheway
the dancers did and get so lost into the music and in my groove that I would forget all my
problems. So as I grew up I began to dance in my house, at the studio, and in the shower or
just anywhere there was music. As I decided which high school to go to, I ended up choosing
Santa Susana High School becauseofthedanceprograminthePerformingArtsAcademy.After
finally attending Santa Susana I decide to major in dance. Of course by senior year we all
students in Santa Susana High School are required to have figured out a senior project. It took


time to figure out,but sooner or later I did. I realized I loved working with kids whenever I did
volunteer work. Also when i spent time with them in church, babysitting, and vacation bible
school I came to a realization that I reallyenjoyedentertainingthemandorbeingentertainedby
them with silly jokes, silly dancing, and theyre creative minds. So for my senior projectIhave
decided to go to an elementary school and teach dance to the students ,that attend the school,
after school for a holiday program. This project isnt meant for me to expand my skills, but to
expand theirs as well. The purpose is for the children and I to grow our skills of performance/
creativity and also expand ourknowledgeofexpressionthroughdancewitheachother.Themain
focus is to expand leadership, problem solving, learning, teaching, and performing skills. When
it comes to dance many components may help people use the skills they have expanded into
situations they go through. Or they can take other experiences and connect it into something
related to a mood orstyleofdance.Theseskillsarenotonlyusedindance,butindifferentfields
First, the teacher must be educated in what type of learners there are.
Different types of
learners were referred to as Divergers, Assimilators, Convergers, and Accommodators in the
Jones Article. Divergers are learners that observe and reflect. Assimilators are learnersthattake
outside experience and draw a connection to the new material. Convergersarelearnerswhoself
reflect to create solutions to problems or new material that isnt understood. Last but not least,
Accommodators are the type of learners that learn hands on and or doing the steps with the
instructor. Once it is known the different types of learnerstheinstructormustselfevaluatewhat
type of learner they are. To know what type of learner you are you can take tests or surveys.
Other methods implied in the Flemings article is listing things you enjoy and in the past


methods you know have helped you remember and understand information. From the list you
can evaluate what most of the activities involve referring to auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and
learner they think I seem to resemble. Also I will be reviewing the past methods used for
Next, the teacher must know what type of learners the students are as stated in the Graf
article. In the same article ideas of figuring out the type of learners are giving the students a
questionnaire, have them write about activities they enjoy, and doanactivitythatrequiresusing
their learning skills. In my project I will be giving the kids a short questionnaireandanactivity
that requires using their learning skills for example a small dance routine or warm up. After, I
will have the students stand in a circle and tell me about themselves andorgivethema writing
activity where they explain activities they enjoy participating in. The Fleming article statedthat
once it is revealedwhattypeoflearnertheteacherandthestudentsare,theinstructorcanusethe
areas of strength to help your students build on the area of skills you are dominant in. Notonly
does the teacher/instructor have to focus on strength,but also focus on the area of weakness so

In the collaborative approach, the learners provide explicit feedback suchasfillingout

a learning style questionnaire to inform the teacher patterns in learning and their behavior or
habits that can help the teacher figure out the type of learner (Graf). This explains that
questionnaires will really help me find out what are their interest and hobbies. It has been


with others andshowtheirintereststoseeiftheyhaveanyincommonwithothers(Graf).

been pretty much stated in Graf article that students are likely to like communicating and
discussing with others and show their interests to see if they have any in common with others.
When I have the conversations with the students in a circle well talking about ourselves with
music in the background. it has been known when their is music people feel more comfortable
Atmosphere is important because the students shouldnt feellikeanyanswergivenisthe
wrong answer. They should feel that anything is an answer. The atmosphere set should be one
where the students feel comfortable enough to express their feelings and communicate. The
atmosphere should be one that is filled with positivity and not a lot ofexpectationandmakethe
dancer feel its okay to not be perfect and its okay to mess up. This will be doneinmyproject
by relating to the students and talking about past experiences when I was in their grade and
implying that its a free environment to be themselves. I will explain to them making errors is
fine because they are what helps a learner figureoutwhattodoandwhatnottodothenexttime
they practice. After setting the atmosphere
it is explained in the article by Hanna that for
someone to put effort and energy into a dance, a physical and emotional connection has to be
made with the music and dance. The learner must make a connection tobeabletoknowhowto
stylize thechoreographygivenwiththemusic.Forthelearnertoknowwhattheinstructorwants,
like emotion, energy, heavy or swift movement,theconceptofthedance mustbeexplained.For
the student to remember the meaning , reason why theyre dancing, and the dance they were
taught auditory, visual, and kinesthetic skills by both instructor and dancer must be used and


Music is key part to helping them remember certain energy or style they need to usefor
the dance. Studies show that[students]demonstrateverypositiveattitudestowardmanykinds
of music which will lead to the dancers being more expressive and open (
Beheshtis article implies music can helpeachtypeoflearnerbuildstrengthinalltypesofskills.
Also in Campobello's article states that routines can be set to music and help people learn new
material easier and faster. It implies that music can help many people memorize things better.
With musicapatterncanbemadeandsettohelpthebrainsolveproblemsandmakeconnections
with the new material and other information the learner contains. SoinmyprojectIwillbefirst
informing the students about the message and theme behind the dance. After it will be time to
start gettingthemwarmed up sotogivethemanideaofmovementthatwillbeusedinthedance,
similar movement and energy level will be used in a warm up and or combinationofstepswith
alike music to the music of thedancepiece.
Mostlearnersaswellhaveto haveorganizationora
routine to remember information because routines affect the learning process as well (Kim).
For example, a dance combo may help a dancer remember skills they will need to use in class.
This gives me an idea of setting a warm up that will help mystudentswarmupandgetafeel to
what the technique they are about to learn is like. Also with themusicandpatternsofthemusic
it is easier to set choreography they can remember at certain lyrics or rhythms.
This willleadto
an ideal time to capitalize on their open,acceptingresponsesand introducethemtomusicfrom
a wide range of genres, styles, and cultures (
.The students will be given a set of
able to stylize the movement to however they please. For example point on count two can be
stylized in any way a student can point upward downward or to the side. The steps willjustbe


so simple so they can add their own style to the movement which will give me a hint to what
they like and what type of dance. Also will give me a understanding if the dancer is confident,

Then, after observing the students during the warm up and combo I can observe if the
students work on their own or rely on observing others dancingtolearnthestepsandstylizethe
combination of choreography. This also will giveaninsighttowhattypeoflearnersthestudents
are. OnceIseewhichareaoflearningskillstheyarestrongand weakinasawholetheskillswill
be exercised to help them buildontheirareaofweakness.Thefocus willbe putonbothbecause
someone teaches exclusively in the students preferred modes, the student wont develop mental
dexterity as stated in Felder's article. They will exercise all skills mainly by routines that will
improve allskills.Sinceinmostofthearticlesreaditisimpliedthatstudentsliketovisualizethe
material and then be told how to use the material,Iwillbeshowingthemthedancetothemusic
a couple times before teaching. Once the teacher conveysthewaytheywanttodisplaythework
In most articles it was revealed that learning new material may be a fastorslow process
depending on the learner. Giving too much information and or material will almost all the time
make the learners confused so it is best to break down the new material and specify what is
required to be understood to be able to use the material and apply it to the class andoutsidethe
class. In my project the dance in sections and the sections into smaller sections. The
choreography will be taught by sections sothatstudentswillnot beoverwhelmedwithtoomuch


choreography and new material. Breaks for water or just breaks in general will be given so the
In each section of new choreography given visual and auditory skills will be used
Strokes said in his article that
when it comes down to dance the students usually use
visual and auditoryskillstounderstandandmimicthemovement
mainly implied that visual skills is best assissted byauditoryskills.themainpointwasthatfora
visual learner or others to really understand the material you need auditory skills to describe
what you are trying to convey or explain.
While practicingtohelpthemrememberthestepsand
how to stylize the movement to the mood of the music I will be dancing along with them and
sayingaloudwhatthestepsare. Alsowewillberepeatingthemovementoverand overuntilitis
integrated into their memory with the music because the music will cuewhencertainmovesare
done and will help enhance the memory of the steps. Oncetherestofthestepsareshownitwill
be repeated along with the music so they see the patterns and how the beats go with the
choreography which will help them memorize the counts of music that go with the
choreography. While practicing there will be no marking each time it has to be full out so the
style, energy and emotion is shown or enforced by the instructor while they dance. Because to
fully get the bodyusedtoandgetcomfortablewiththemovementthedancerwillalwayshaveto
While teaching the choreography I will use other connections from other experiences to
explain how the choreography is supposed tolooklikewhichwillhelpthemvisualizehowtodo
do the movement a couple times to review and then have them do it along with me so they can


understand and remember the step and how it shall be executed. Afterusingvisualandauditory
skills in repeating the sections the dancers will be given time to evaluate their progress in the
dance. The point of this is so that they can problem solve independently and figure out a step
they dont understand. While this will help my students expand their thinking and drawing
connections from other experiences and applying them to the dance. Oncetheythink theyknow
what to do differentandIwillletthempracticethedancemore.Whilethestudentspracticeican
observe what they might have trouble with. After observing Icandothedancewiththemand re
explain some of thesteps.Switchingthelineswillhelpthestudentsinthebacktonotrelyonthe
people in front of them and rely on themselves. This way they will make their own
understanding of movement and be able to be confident in the movement. Within this process
For the last bitoftheprocess,oncethe wholedanceistaughtIwillpracticewithstudents
some more and then let them dance on their own. That way they rely on their own body and
minds understanding of the dance and choreography to perform the dance. Once they practice
the dance a couple times without me I will give them time to self evaluate what methods or
techniques they can use to fix something they think went wrong while dancing. Once they self
evaluate and problem solve they will practice againandapplytheideastheycameupwithtofix
any mistakes. After they will communicate with one another and help each other figure out
what is useful to executethechoreographyforthedance.Afterthey willpracticesomemoreand
then I will ask them if I need to go over any of the choreography and help them gain more


The quality of the dance is affected by many factors. These factors are energy, emotion,
and music. Facial expressions have a huge part and make a difference in the dance. After the
dance is all learned and explained and practiced I willhave toclarifywhatfacialexpressionand
emotion has to be used. Not only does facial expression have to be clarified but the costume or
clothing that has to be worn. The clothing usually affects how the dance is interpreted for
example heavy clothing or tight fittingwill makethedancesemashardandheavymovement.If
a dancer wears airy and flowyclothinglikeadressorbaggypantsthe movementmaylookmore
airy. The costume will then be clarified and since this dance is going to be hip hopand jazzthe
clothes will have to be tight fitting to make the movement look heavy. Finally when the dance
and costume is clarified the kids will havetoperformthedanceinfrontofan audience.Itisbest
to still practice and review the dance, but nottoomuchbecauseitislikelythedancerwillforget
the movement and build self doubt. When a dancer is nervous they tend to overthink anddoubt
their knowledge of the dance.Beforeanyperformanceitishelpfulto makethestudentreassured
that they will do great because that will boost the dancers confidence and moodwhichleadsto
the dancer be less nervous. In the end of theperformanceit isbesttoshowappreciationbecause
So finally in the process of executing this project I will have to use various techniques,
methods, and skills to make sure the students gain knowledge and understanding of the dance
and what its supposed to convey. The skills and etc. that are going to beusedincludeknowing
what type of learner I am and my strengths and weaknesses so that I can grow and help the
students grow in weakness and strengths. Making a connection with the students andlearntheir
style. Setting a warm up and routine that will allow the students to stylize the dance movesand


show me what type of learners they are.Then once I know what types of learnerstheyareIwill
use their strengths andbuildontheirweakness.Whendonewiththewarmupsandstretchingthe
students will be shown the dance. After I will be going in depth of how the movement, energy,
setting, and mood should be like for the dance. After they will practicewithmeandwithoutme
while together we repeat the dance while saying what dance move is being done. Once the
movement/choreography is taught it will be put to music and counts will be given so they
understand on what beats/ counts to go. After the students will use problem solving skills and
self reflection and each other tofixwhattheybelievetheyaredoingwrongandtrytoperfectthe















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