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Lesson Plan

Group: 321
Date: February 9th, 2016
Duration: 75 minutes
Location: Ecole Sophe-Barat

Course: ESL
Competencies: Oral and written
Cycle/Year: 3


By the end of the class, the students should be able to verbally articulate their
current thoughts and opinions around racism/shadeism. They will have written a
100-150 words Reflection using both simple and compound sentences, on the
Shadeism Documentary, and have peer-corrected these reflections. To have begun
thinking about their own biases for their next journal entry.

Big Idea

Discuss issues of racism/shadeism, and biases.


Writing and speaking their opinions. Working on their spontaneous language use.
Practicing using a mix of compound and complex sentences.

Materials needed



EDTL 601

Charles Dickens Great Expectations

SmartBoard and Chalkboard
Youtube video on biases -
Ferguson Article - (to be
found on the class website

Summer 2012

15 minutes

*Quiet reading - Great Expectations
What the Teacher does: At this time, I will fill out the attendance sheet and go up to
individuals whose Homework/journals I have not yet received, find out the reasons
for this and remedy them if it is an electronic/internet malfunction. I will write out
the days lesson plan on the chalkboard.
What the student does: They must read quietly as much as they can and fill out a
character chart they have already obtained.
Rationale: This gives the students the opportunity to clam down after they break
between classes, and to gear up for the lesson

15 minutes

*Explanation of the days activities, grammar points, recap of last class, and give
What the Teacher does: At this time, I will explain the homework due for next class
and the plan for the class. I will then bring up common grammar mistakes they have
been making in their journals, i.e then vs than, too vs to, theyre vs their vs there.
After this we will do a quick recap of the documentary we watched lass class.
What the student does: They will listen to instructions and engage in conversation
regarding their thoughts on the documentary seen in the previous lesson.
Rationale: This provides the student with the expectations of the class, and to test
their understanding and retention of the previous lesson.

10 15 minutes

*Write a reflection on the Shadeism Documentary they watched and discussed the
previous class
What the Teacher does: I will roam around the room, available for questions, further
explanation, and as a sounding-board for reflection ideas.
What the student does: They will spend a few minutes quietly writing out their
reflections in a properly structured opinion text (which they have encountered
Rationale: To employ their understanding through Competency 3 Student writes
and produces texts
*Begin Peer corrections (to be continued in subsequent classes)
What the teacher does: I will continue to roam about the class, available to help with

EDTL 601

Summer 2012

any grammatical or vocabulary questions they may have.

15 minutes
What the student does: They will pair up with a peer, and take turns reading out-loud
the text of their partner and underlining anything that does not sound right. Then
they will read it again and try to fix the problems they think need to be fixed.
Rationale: To have the students learn to work in with a peer, and to identify
problems themselves, prior to the teachers input.
*Watch TEDtalk video on biases by Verna Myers
20 minutes

What the teacher does: Sets up the video and sits in the back of the class to watch
the students and the video.
What the student does: They sit quietly and listen to the video.
Rationale: To have the students engage in listening comprehension on a topic they
will be writing about in their Journal homework.
Note: The class has been engaging in a Unit on Oppression. Up until this lesson,
they have discussed their understanding, analysed articles and song lyrics, listenined
to perspective from youtube videos and documentaries on oppression, antioppression, various forms of privilege, and begun to delve into the specifics of
Shadeism is a form of discrimination based on the shade of a persons skin, not just
the difference between someone who is white and someone of colour, but the
varying tones of colour between people.
Oral participation throughout peer correction activity
Reflection writing and correction Use of Simple and Past tenses

References and
resources used

Verna Myers -

Targeted self-directed teaching skill Eg. Time Management, Classroom Management

EDTL 601

Summer 2012

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