The Game of Life Effective Pedagogy

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The Game of Life

Pedagogical Overview

K.Christian, J.Bickford-Sturgiss,
R.Fahey & N.Kenny

it is the quality
of pedagogy that
most directly and
most powerfully
affects the quality
of learning

K.Christian, J.Bickford-Sturgiss,
R.Fahey & N.Kenny

There are THREE main ways in which our

program encompasses elements of
Effective Pedagogy:
Differentiation (Differing Abilities +
different learning styles)
Links to the Teaching Standards to ensure
educational outcomes are met
Links to the Quality Teaching Framework

K.Christian, J.Bickford-Sturgiss,
R.Fahey & N.Kenny

Expert teachers identify the most important ways
to represent the subjects they teach:

John Hattie in his Visible Learning states that Expert

teachers introduce new content knowledge in a way
that integrates it with students prior knowledge, they
can relate the current lesson to other subject areas
(including Life Experiences from outside of school),
and they can adapt the lessons according to students
needs. Expert teachers have a greater stock of
strategies to help students which in our program is
reflected through :
A wide range of
textual choices

Variety of
teaching and
learning tasks
to suit different
learning styles


K.Christian, J.Bickford-Sturgiss,
R.Fahey & N.Kenny

Other elements of differentiation within

our program:

Blooms Taxonomy (remembering through to


Gardners Eight Intelligences (a range of

activities to suit a range of learning styles)

Pirozzo Matrix (Not set up as a matrix as

such at this point but a variety of tasks and
options at different points in the program to
cater to Blooms and The Seven Ways to Be

K.Christian, J.Bickford-Sturgiss,
R.Fahey & N.Kenny

Teaching Standards and Links to

Why is this important?
- All teachers who have graduated since
2004 are New Scheme Teachers and
have had to undergo mandatory

Requirements for Accreditation can be

found at:
K.Christian, J.Bickford-Sturgiss,
R.Fahey & N.Kenny

Basically becoming accredited for the first time requires you to:

Collect samples of your work for accreditation:

Collecting samples of your work as evidence to support how you
meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
encourages you to think constructively about your teaching,
reflect on the Standards and develop your practice. Review
what kind of samples can be used, about annotating your
work, and how these play a role in the submission of your
Accreditation Report.
BOSTES recommends using
lesson plans and units of work or other planning documents
you have developed
examples of assessment strategies you have used
as evidence for your recommendation for Accreditation.
It is important to note that all samples then have to
annotated to reflect how it reflects upon the
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
K.Christian, J.Bickford-Sturgiss,
R.Fahey & N.Kenny

Note that from the 1st January 2018 as a part

of the Great Teachers, Inspired Learning
initiative accreditation through BOSTES will
be mandatory for ALL teachers in New South

Whilst teachers who have been working

BEFORE 2004 will become accredited at the
Proficient Level teachers wishing to
undertake Accreditation to become
acknowledged as a Highly Accomplished or
Lead Teacher will also have to go through
the process of collecting evidence and work

K.Christian, J.Bickford-Sturgiss,
R.Fahey & N.Kenny

How and why our programming strategies can

support teachers undertaking Accreditation:
As the program has been written, links to the
Teaching Standards and their focus areas have been
included. This makes the process of annotations more
streamlined, and encourages reflection on the
Standards in an explicit way.
To further support teachers we have used the Quality
Teaching to Support the NSW Professional Teaching
Standards document also linking relevant aspects
of the QTF to the teaching standards within our
program to deepen awareness of effective
pedagogical practices

K.Christian, J.Bickford-Sturgiss,
R.Fahey & N.Kenny

Over to You!

Q + A about The Game of Life Unit

Drop us a line with feedback:

K.Christian, J.Bickford-Sturgiss,
R.Fahey & N.Kenny


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