Worksheet - Lisa and Bart's State of Nature - Das Bus

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Period: 2 3 4 5 6 7

State of Nature – Simpson's Style

First, Review:
State of Nature -

Consent -

Social Contract -

During the Simpson's Episode (Season 9, “Das Bus”), answer:

1. When does a “state of nature” begin? How can you tell? What evidence do you have?

2. When does a “government” begin? Who takes charge? How? Is there consent? Does this
first attempt at governing succeed? Why/Why not?

3. List examples of the strong taking advantage of the weak. Does anyone protect those

4. When those are in charge fail, what happens? What do “the people” do?

5. What example of “social contract” is there? What – though brief – moment is there of a
social contract?

6. Does anyone have any civic virtue, or do anything for the “common good?”

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