Reading Comprehension Questions - Life in Renaissance Italy

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Reading Comprehension Questions: Life in Renaissance Italy

Building Background for Shakespeare

Name ____________________________

Directions: Read the first three paragraphs (column 1 on page 1), and respond to the questions or prompts.
1. (Decoding Word Meaning) What is the literal definition of renaissance? ___________________________
2. (Drawing Conclusions) Why did some people think that civilization was being reborn in the Italian
Renaissance? _________________________________________________________________________
3. (Decoding Word Meaning) In the first sentence of the second paragraph, the author uses the word
antiquities. Based on the context, what does antiquities mean? __________________________________
4. (Supporting Claims) In the third paragraph, the writer claims, The Middle Ages werent nearly as dark as
theyre often made out to be. Which sentence in the paragraph provides the strongest support for that
claim? _______________________________________________________________________________
5. (Main Idea) Which statement best represents the main idea of this section of the article?

The Renaissance began in Italy though no one is sure when it actually started.


The Renaissance was time of renewed interest in art, poetry, and philosophy.


The Renaissance was a response to the people forgetting the great learning of the ancient
Greeks and Romans.


The Renaissance occurred after the Middle Ages.

Directions: Read the first two paragraphs in column 2 on page 199, and answer the questions that follow.
6. (Words with Multiple Meanings) In the first sentence if this section, the writer uses the word littered.
Which of the following definitions of littered is used in this context?

to give birth to several young


to strew with scattered articles


to be scattered in a random fashion


to lie about in disorder

7. (Cause and Effect) What was the effect of the city-states becoming more and more powerful? Write your
response in a complete sentence. _________________________________________________________

8. (Cause and Effect) What was one of the causes of the increased interest in learning? Write your
response in a complete sentence. _________________________________________________________

Directions: Read from the last paragraph on page 199 through the end of the third paragraph in column 1 on
page 200. This paragraph ends with the words Renaissance Man. Answer the questions that follow.

9. (Compare and Contrast) For laborers and peasants, how did life before the Italian Renaissance contrast
with life during the Italian Renaissance? ____________________________________________________
10. (Compare and Contrast) Complete the following chart to contrast the lives of young men from wealthy
families with the lives of young women from wealthy families during the Italian Renaissance.

Life During the Italian Renaissance

Young Men from Wealthy Families

Young Women from Wealthy Families

1. ____________________________________

1. ______________________________________

2. ____________________________________

2. ______________________________________

3. ____________________________________

3. ______________________________________

4. ____________________________________

4. ______________________________________

5. ____________________________________

5. ______________________________________
6. ______________________________________

11. (Compare and Contrast) Write a sentence in which you contrast the education of men and women listed
in the chart for question #10. Be sure to use a transition word that shows contrast.
12. (Compare and Contrast) Write a sentence in which you contrast the freedom of men and women listed in
the chart for question #10. Be sure to use a transition word that shows contrast.

13. (Decoding Word Meaning) What is the meaning of the phrase well-rounded individual in the text? How
did you determine the definition? Write your responses in complete sentences. ______________________
14. (Decoding Word Meaning) What is the meaning of the word nonchalance? How did you determine the
definition? Write your responses in complete sentences_________________________________________
15. (Drawing Conclusions) What is a Renaissance man? Answer in complete sentences.
16. (Main Idea) Which statement best represents the main idea of this section of the article?

The lives of men and women during the Renaissance were drastically different.


Men enjoyed many more freedoms than women during the Italian Renaissance.


Young men were expected to strive toward becoming a Renaissance man during the Italian


The type of life one lived during the Italian Renaissance was dictated by class and gender.

Directions: Read the rest of page 20, and answer the questions that follow, and answer the questions that

17. (Compare and Contrast) Complete the following chart to contrast family life in the Middle Ages with family
life in the Renaissance.

Middle Ages

Italian Renaissance

Sleeping Arrangements
Table Etiquette

18. (Decoding Word Meaning) What is the definition of etiquette? How did you determine the definition? Write
your responses in complete sentences. _____________________________________________________
19. (Cause and Effect) According to the article, etiquette became important during the Italian Renaissance.
What effect did this have on fighting? Write your response in complete sentences. ___________________
20. (Main Idea) Which statement best represents the main idea of this section of the article?

The focus on individualism had a strong impact on the life of the upper class during the Italian


The importance of etiquette changed the way people ate and fought during the Italian


Many of the eating utensils used today were developed during the Italian Renaissance.


Being and individual was important during the Italian Renaissance.

Directions: Read all of column 1 on page 201 and the rest of the paragraph that bleeds over into column 2.
Answer the questions that follow.

21. (Decoding Word Meaning) What is the definition of the word quacks as it is used in paragraph one? How
did you determine the definition? Write your responses in complete sentences. ________________________
22. (Supporting Claims) In paragraph one, the writer makes the claim, Out of ignorance, doctors killed more
people than they healed. Which detail in paragraph one offers the strongest support for this statement? Write
your response in a complete sentence. ________________________________________________________
23. (Cause and Effect) What effect did the Black Death have on the population of Europe? Write your
response in a complete sentence. ____________________________________________________________
24. (Cause and Effect) What was the effect of the people mistrusting water? Write your response in a
complete sentence. ________________________________________________________________________
25. (Supporting Claims) The writer claims, Renaissance Italy might make a great place to visit, but you
wouldn't want to live there. Paraphrase three details from the text to support this claim. Write your response in
complete sentences. _______________________________________________________________________
26. (Main Idea) Which statement best represents the main idea of this section of the article?

Even though some aspects of life during the Italian Renaissance were exciting, other aspects of

life were not.


Diseases were a major problem for the people of Europe during the Renaissance.


Living in the Italian Renaissance was filthy and smelly.


No one from today would want to actually live during the time of Italian Renaissance because it
was disgusting in many ways.

27. (Drawing Conclusions) What is misleading about the Italian Renaissance ending in the early 1500s?

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