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AP Vocab Word

Mason Finnell
My vocabulary word for this chapter is centripetal. A centripetal is an attitude
that unifies people and enhances support for the state. A centripetal is
synonymous to nationalism. Nationalism has been used very frequently
throughout history. For example, nationalism was used to unify Nazi Germany
and the Soviet Union through various propaganda usages. This article
specifically focuses on how nationalism was used to fuel communism in
Soviet Russia. After the second half on the 1930s, Soviet leaders enhanced
the role of the Russian nation and diminished the relative importance of all
others. Russian superiority to other nations was expressed through movies,
paintings, and novels about the heroic Russian past.
As I stated before, nationalism is a prime example of a centripetal. Most
famously, it has been used in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and even the
United States. While nationalism does help to strengthen a nations pride, it
can also lead to racism against foreign cultures in that country. For example,
about 3.5 million people of 56 nationalities were deported from their
homelands to central Asia and Siberia under Stalin. Also, many Jewish people
were persecuted for being Pro-Western. As a result, many Jews lost their
jobs and were imprisoned. A centripetal isnt a bad thing, though. A good
example of a centripetal is the feeling of nationalism many Americans had
during World War 2. It arguably helped us to win the war by putting pride in
the soldiers about their country. Overall, I think a centripetal can be
beneficial to a country as long as it is used in moderation.

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