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Comparison/Contrast & Cause/Effect- Big Troubles Lead to Big Changes NAME ___________________

Part I-Directions: Locate the article Big Troubles Lead to Big Changes in Achieve3000. After answering the
Before Reading Poll, complete the chart with the vocabulary words you have for the article. Write each
vocabulary word for your article, its part of speech, and its definition.
Vocabulary Word

Part of


Part II-Directions: Read the article and complete the cause and effect chart. Fill in the chart using the
sentences below the chart. Write the number of the sentence AND the sentence itself. Failure to write the
sentence will result in no credit being given. Your goal is to accurately show the cause- effect relationships in
the article.
What caused the information listed on the right
side of the chart to occur?

What was the effect of the information listed on
the left side of the chart?

The Constitution provided little guidance regarding

the election procedures.
The Federalist party fell apart.
The Federalist party fell apart.
Nominees were selected by a group of party
members in Congress.
Many citizens were opposed to the method being
used to select presidential candidates.
The concerns and interests of people living in the
West were very different from people living in the
Many members of Congress refused to participate in
the caucus system.
Democratic-Republican participants selected William
H. Crawford as their presidential nominee.

The Democratic-Republican party fractured.

Clay formed a group of representatives to support
Use the following sentences to complete the chart. No sentence will be used more than once.

Rival factions began to select their own nominees.

By 1824, many members of Congress opposed the caucus system.
The process of electing a president hit some major snags.
Only the Democratic-Republican party existed.
Henry Clays political beliefs were closely aligned to John Quincy Adams.
Nominees were selected by a group of party members in Congress.
Voters who lived far from Washington DC wanted to have input in the selection of presidential
8. Votes were infuriated by this choice because he had had a stroke, and many viewed him as unfit to
serve as president.
9. In-fighting, public disapproval of the partys position which included opposition to the War of 1824
10. Only a small group in Congress had the power to nominate presidential candidates.

Part III-Directions: Fill in the Venn diagram using the bulleted points beneath the diagram. Each point will only
go in one of the three options

Elections before 1824

use of primary elections

primary season
use of general elections
Democratic Party
Federalist Party
King Caucus system
Democratic-Republican Party
use of a national convention
use of caucuses
open primaries

Elections after 1824

use of caucus where delegates are chosen

to attend the national convention
election system not democratic enough
use of a caucus selected by party
members in Congress
after selection, candidates introduced to
Republican Party
too few voters involved in the voting
closed primaries

Part IV- Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. How are the caucuses used before 1824 different than the caucuses that are used today?
Identify three specific contrasts (Use appropriate signal words and transitions like one contrast
is, another contrast is, however, but, or on the other hand to construct the sentences.)
2. How are the election procedures prior to 1824 different than the elections procedures in use
today? (Use appropriate signal words and transitions like one contrast is, another contrast is,
however, but, or on the other hand to write the contrast.)

Part IV Directions: When you finish the chart, complete the activity questions for the article and record your
score on your February reading log which will be due Monday, February 29.

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