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Ecological Requirements
Maize can grow on a wide range of soils though it performs best in well drained and well aerated loam or silty
loams or alluvial soils with a pH of 5.5 7. It is intolerant of water logging.

It can grow in a wide range of agro-ecological zones in Kenya ranging from 0-2200 M Above Sea Level
depending on variety. Very low or high altitudes results in poor yields.

The optimum temperatures for good yields is 300C. Cold conditions extends the maturity period whereas high
temperatures lower the yields.

Maize grows well with 600 900mm of rainfall. The rainfall should be well distributed throughout the growing
period. The rainfall is most critical at flowering and silking stage. Drought at flowering time interferes with
pollination and drastically reduces yield. Towards harvesting, dry conditions are required to facilitate drying of the

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