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Tifani Hatcher 2658 Lemon Drive Simi Valley, CA 93063 (805) 583-2782 4 February 2016 Senior Project Panel Committee Senior Project 2016 Santa Susana High School 3570 Cochran Street Simi Valley, CA 93063 Dear Panel Member: The best experience of this project was definitely finishing it. | loved working on my short stories, but it was satisfying to finish and submit them into National Novel Writing ‘Month. When | was taken to the winner's page of the website, | was filled with relief and pride. The worst experience was one night when | was extremely frustrated. | was ‘struggling for inspiration, nothing | was writing sounded good, and | wasn't even halfway to my word goal. | had many moments like that during my project, but that night was the worst. However, I'm happy to say | always managed to overcome those negative feelings to meet my goal. This project greatly changed my attitude towards writing. | knew it was difficult, but not Until | did this project did | realize just how difficult itis. The experience was great writing practice and showed me a lot about the way | write. | learned that Ill definitely have to work on time management the next time I take on a project like this and that with my Personal writing style, | need more than a month to complete a project. | also learned that diving into a project with no plan or draft may not be the best idea, which surprised me. That's the way I've always written and it's always seemed to work for me. II did this project again, | would be better with managing time. Some days, I didn't write at all. There was a period of eight days where | wrote nothing. That left me writing thousands of words a day and | regretted that immensely. | also would have laid out a plan of what | wanted to write before starting , because that would have helped me write more efficiently. | would tell future seniors to manage their time and get started on their project early. | would also advise them to pick a project they enjoy and find interesting, even in the. Too ‘many other seniors who chose projects that made them miserable and it was sad to see what was supposed to be a positive learning experience become a burden to them. This project a learning experience for me, teaching me about the way archetypes function. Once | began researching, | was surprised to find they weren't as rigid as | thought they were. This project motivated me even more to become a writer and I'm more confident than I've ever been. | even shared my stories with my friends, whereas before | would never let anyone read my writing, | have to say that my fieldwork was the most challenging part ofthis project for, but I found keeping a log of my work the most difficult. | may be a good writer, but | am not Used to writing about myself and I'm not used to keeping track of what I do. Also, having @ project with such odd hours made it a difficult to total up my work. For example, some days | would write a few sentences and it would be three minutes of work, That left me with uneven numbers, which I found displeasing and difficult to work with. Despite difficulties | encountered along the way, I'm grateful for the experience of this project. | learned a lot, especially about myself, 'm proud of the product | created, and it has motivated me for my future even more. Sincerely, Vuljani, Hotepoen, Tifani Hatcher

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