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Assuming Marthas Innocent

It is difficult for Martha to avoid the appearance of not
having insider knowledge since she was considered as
close friend to the CEO of ImClone itself. Moreover there
is a record that she called Waksal the day before she
sold her stocks. (although she argued that Waskal was
not answering the call)
The only thing the she could do is by being completely
transparent and act fully cooperative with the

8. Suggestions for Martha (1/2)

Instead of telling a lie, Martha should have just told the
SEC and FBI that shes not completely clueless about
what actually happened.
She could have said that since she shared the same
broker with Waksal, the CEO of ImClone, she knew that
something is wrong when Bacanovic notify her that
Waksal selling his stocks, and as a normal person who
wants to minimize losses.
She then decided to sell her stocks just like the CEO of
the company itself

8. Suggestions for Martha (2/2)

However, if Martha is really not guilty, what
she has done is already on the right track
by fighting back the SEC and FBI in order to
seek justice.

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