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Photosynthesis and Respiration What isthe relationship beeween photosynthesis and cellular resptatio? Why? Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are important cell energy that are vital for the survival of almost all forms of life 07 earth. processes at the cellular level and explore their interdependence. connected in ways e I look at these two processes. They are 0 In this activity you Model 1 — Comparison of Photosynthesis and Respiration Photosynthesis 6CO, + GH,O + energy > C 11,0 + 602 Sunlight energy Chloroplast CO; + H,0 Glucose i . Respiration: CHO + 602 ~> 6CO, + 6H,O + enerBy energy (ATP) 1, Refer to Model 1 a. In what cell organelle does photosynthesis occur? Chloroplast. 4, What ate three reactants needed for photosynthesis? Sunlight energy, carbon dioxide, and water What are ovo products of photosynthesis? Glucose and oxygen. 105 Photosynthesis and Respiration 2. Refer to Model 1 4a. In what cell organelle does cellular respiration occur? Mitochondrion. 4 What are two reactants needed for cellular respiration? Glucose and oxygen. What are three products of cellular respiration? Carbon dioxide, water, and energy: 3. What four substances are recycled during photosynthesis and respiration? Carbon dioxide, water, glucose, and oxygen. 4, What is the one component in photosynthesis that is not recycled and must be constantly available? Sunlight energy. 5. Are chloroplasts found in most plant cells? Explain. Yes, because most plane cells carry out photosynthesis. 6. Are mitochondria found in most plant cells? Explain Yes, because all cells carry out cellular respiration. Are chloroplasts found in animal cells? Explain. ‘No, animals do not carry out photosynthesis. Animals use energy from nutrients they consume. 8. Are mitochondria found in animal cells? Explain, S Yes, because all animal cells carry out respiation Bo wives ‘grammatically correct sencence that compares the reactants and products of photosynthe- sis with the reactants and products of respiration, Be ready to share your sentence with the class. The reactants needed for cellular respiration are produced during photosynthesis while the products ‘from cellular respiration are used as reactants in photosynthesis. Sunlight energy is required for photo- ‘synthesis, while cellular respiration produces chemical energy in the form of ATR 10. As a group carefully consider and discuss the following statement: “Plants cam survive on their ‘own, because they make their own food. Animals can’ survive on their own but need plant for survival.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Can you come to a consensus as.a group? Be ready to discuss your group's response to this statement. Students should recognize shat animals need the oxygen and glucose that are produced during photo- -gnthesis, Plants however, also need to respire, but make their own glucose and oxygen. So in that sense, the statement is true. However, students could argue that plants need animals for pollination and for dispersal of their seeds, Animals help plants recycle nutrients in the soil. The most important aspect of this question isto derail the misconception that many students are taught in earlier grades that plants © ‘make oxygen and food for us and that we make carbon dioxide for plant. 106 POGIL™ Activities for High School Biology PRAAAARADADTTATATTTTATAAAAAATATTTTTTTITITIIITY Te rerees FFF FTISSSSFIFIIIIITTITIFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG Photosynthesis and Respiration 107 11. Asa group, make a quick list of the foods that you ate during your last meal. Hypothesize what would happen to the supply of those foods ifthe sun's energy was no longer available. Snudents should recognize that all foods find their source of origin in the energy captured in photosyn- thesis Foods thas are not plant products, suc as milk, meat, es, and cheese, abo have their energy af origin in phososynthesis as those animal products come from animal that ate plant products (or Srom other animals chat axe plants). Make sure that students understand that candy or sugar isa plant roduc. Arguments can be made tat fing (rnushrooms) also have their energy of origin in photosy- thesis, as they ave decomposers of plant and animal materials 12. Explain how the energy used by an athlete during a football game comes from the energy of sunlight. The energy that the football player ses comes from food and that energy is directly sourced to the energy of the sun.

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