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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

NED University of Engineering & Technology

Proposal / Application
Final Year Project
Computer & Information Systems Engineering Department



Muhammad Usman (CS-12108)

Syed Saad Ahmed (CS-12057)
Muhammad Yasir Junaid (CS-12033)
Erum Rizvi (CS-12032)

NED University of Engineering & Technology

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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering


NED University of Engineering & Technology

Project Identification

Reference Number(for office use only)



Project Title
Secured and optimized solution for accessing cloud


Project Internal Advisor



Dr. Muhammad Ali Ismail


Associate Professor

Project Internal Co-Advisor

Muhammad Faraz Haider


Project External Advisor




Mobile #


Roll No.





Muhammad Usman



Syed Saad Ahmed



Muhammad Yasir Junaid



Erum Rizvi

Sponsoring Organization


Student Team

S. No.




General purpose-Graphic processing unit (GP-GPU)

Data security
AES Algorithm
Cloud Computing

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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering


NED University of Engineering & Technology

Project Idea
to a previous project


Data security is a major challenge in cloud computing environment. In order to ensure the
secure transfer and retrieval of users data between user and the cloud, modern encryption
techniques are used. These encryption techniques will be established at user end as well
as in the GP-GPU. The GP-GPU will be deployed as a trusted third party security
provider. When the user shares his or her data, or transfers it on the cloud, it gets
encrypted immediately in order to prevent any side channel attacks that might occur
during the transfer. Once the data reaches the GP-GPU, it is re-encrypted using modern
cryptographic algorithm. This double encryption ensures the ultimate security of users
data. After that, the data is transferred from the GP-GPU to the cloud where it is kept
encrypted, keeping it safe from any possible harmful attacks.
When the user needs the data, it is retrieved from the cloud and the key for decryption of
that data is provided by a random key generator which is deployed along with GP-GPU.
The purpose of this key generator is to generate the keys which shall be used for reencrypting users data as well as for decrypting it. This key generator has access only to
the users re-encryption key, but it is unable to learn anything or get any information
about the cipher-text.
The re-encryption is basically done by using the combination of users public key and
private key which will generate another key that will allow the GP-GPU to do reencryption.


Project Background and Literature Review

GP-GPUs are used for General purpose computing i.e. to use the graphics processing unit
to perform the computational application that is done by CPU. Recently, many
researchers have been working on exploiting the use and application of GP-GPU
techniques to accelerate the cryptographic algorithms to provide security. The increase in
computational parameters impose a great challenge for the core processor, but the GPUs
provide a high performance environment for cryptography. For modern hardware,
making a single cryptographic computation is not a hard task, however in a different
scenario where there are endless number of users placing their data on cloud, and
demanding fast access to download or retrieve their data from the cloud, these hardware
might malfunction. As a result dedicated GP-GPUs can be deployed with AES encryption
algorithm which will provide fast access to user, while securing his or her data from
malicious users.

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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

NED University of Engineering & Technology

The challenges faced in order to ensure maximum security allow us to look towards the
GP-GPU for fast and optimized cryptographic solution to make users data secure on
cloud. We aim to provide this facility by implementing the core operations of GP-GPUs
for advanced encryption algorithms. We will be making use of Nvidias GPU series,
along with its new GP-GPU interface CUDA. The inherent parallel architecture of GPU
is the base of GPUs core computational power. For this, the thread is introduced by the
CUDA framework as the smallest unit of parallelism, a small piece of concurrent code
with associated state. Algorithms are designed to achieve optimal performance using
CUDA, by running in a multitude of parallel threads. It also takes advantage of the
presented hierarchical memory mode.

Motivation and Need

One of the most critical concerns in the deployment of public cloud is the security of
users private and important data, especially for big enterprises and government agencies
having sensitive data. Currently a large number of cloud service providers are unable to
provide maximum security to the user. However in the real world, it is very improbable
that the big companies like Amazon, MegaNZ, Google or Microsoft will try to penetrate
the users data without getting permission from them. But the main threat usually might
come from different users and administrators who might cross the boundary maliciously
in order to access other users data.'s wireless retail site experienced a cross-site scripting attack in April 2010
that allowed the attackers to hijack customer credentials as they came to the site.
In order to protect users data for simple data storage on cloud, we make use of this
highly encrypted system which will provide maximum security to protect the data from
such malicious attacks and threats, by making use of different encryption schemes and
General Purpose GPUs. Since GP-GPUs are powerful and fast computational devices,
our motivation is to develop a general security solution for cloud based service providers,
by using the high security algorithms with GP-GPUs.


Privacy is one of the critical concerns that hinder the adoption of public cloud. For simple
application, like storage of data, encryption can be used to protect user's data. But for big
data processing on cloud, there is no satisfying solution for the security of Data.
The objective of this project is to provide a secure and complete security solution for fast
processing of Data between user and cloud service provider. The hardware security
solution which we will be providing is a trusted hardware module which works as a third
party between cloud service provider and user. The main objective will be accomplished
using hardware and Different advanced cryptographic algorithms.
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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering


NED University of Engineering & Technology

Methodology and Equipment/Tools

Software tools and related hardware components will be required for this project.
Software tools will be utilized for implementing the cryptographic algorithms at user end
and at our third party processing unit.
The flow of working will be as follows;

Data will be submitted by user in encrypted form, encryption at user end will be done
using certain algorithm. This will be termed as Lighter-level Encryption.
The processing unit retrieves bulk of data from user end and it performs another layer
of encryption on the given data which is termed as Heavy-level Encryption.
After the double layer encryption of data from processing unit, it will store the
respective data onto the cloud.
After the data is stored onto the cloud, if the user requested the required data, the
processing unit will fetch the respective data from cloud and show it to user.

The encryption of data that will be done at user end and by the processing unit will be
done in an optimized and smart manner.
Expected Equipment that will be used in FYP:

GP-GPU (General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit): GPGPU applications do
General-Purpose computing on a GPU, where GPU is the processing unit of a video card.
Modern video cards can do much more than displaying graphics. They can perform
complex computations, much like an ordinary processor (CPU).

Open-Stack Based CIS Cloud (open source): Open source CIS cloud is a cloud that
uses freely available source code to build and manage a private cloud platform.

CUDA is an excellent framework to start with. It lets you write GPGPU kernels in C. The
compiler will produce GPU microcode from your code and send everything that runs on
the CPU to your regular compiler. You can call CUDA programs from C, C++,
FORTRAN, or Python. There are also many more language bindings to call CUDA
programs (or actually their kernels) from other languages.
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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

NED University of Engineering & Technology

OpenCL allows portability with some effort- across vendors, and even across widely
differing types of hardware, both current and future (HSA-enabled hardware for example
looks very promising). It runs well on NVIDIA & AMD GPUs. OpenCL only allows you
to write kernels (single functions that can be called from your regular code) in a C

Java (SOAP / RESTFUL API) Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a standard
protocol specification for message exchange based on XML. Communication between
the web service and client happens using XML messages.

Block Diagram:

Encrypted Data from User (Lighter-level Encryption)

Encryption/Decryption at GP-GPU (Higher-level Encryption)

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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

NED University of Engineering & Technology

Flow Diagram :

User Inputs Data in

Encrypted Form
(Lighter-level Encryption)

GP-GPU Based Processing for

(Higher-level Encryption)

Final Encrypted Data Storage

to Cloud by GP-GPU

Required Data
Retrieval from

Decryption of the user

requested Data and submission
of Data to User

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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering


Key Milestones and Deliverables


Elapsed time (in months)

from start of the project


1 month

Learning and exploring


Design Document


2 month

Configuration of first GP-GPU

based system.

Progress Report


3 month

Implementation of AES

Code Modules


5 month

Interface between User and

Encryption server.

Progress Report


6 month

Interface between Encryption

server and Cloud.

Mid-Year Presentation

7 month

Integration and Validation.

User Interface

8 month

Presentation and Preparation.

Security module

11 month

Final Documentation and


FYP Report and Research




NED University of Engineering & Technology



Expected Outcome
The GPUs uniquely integrates with re-encryption so that users can utilize the capabilities
of cloud computing while keeping the privacy of their data. The main approach here is to
leverage the usage of modern GP-GPU frameworks in providing an accelerated
cryptographic algorithm using the full capabilities of modern GP-GPUs. The processing
of users data to make it secure and optimized will be done by using numbers of GP-GPUs
and advanced encryption algorithms.


Direct Customers / Beneficiaries of the Project

This project is useful for:

CIS cloud users

Ecommerce applications
Intelligence and security sector
Organizations using public or even private cloud.

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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering



NED University of Engineering & Technology

Consent of Advisors
Consent of the Internal Advisor


Consent of the Co-Internal Advisor


Consent of the External Advisor (if any)


Reviewers Committees Comments

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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering


NED University of Engineering & Technology

Project Schedule / Milestone Chart

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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

NED University of Engineering & Technology

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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

NED University of Engineering & Technology

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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

NED University of Engineering & Technology

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Proposal for Final Year Project

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering


NED University of Engineering & Technology

Project Approval Certificate

Recommendation of FYP Coordinator


Approval by the Chairman


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