EIU3 AIO UT2-Level1

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Name: ..................................................... Mark: ....................

Reading 20 points

Read the texts and tick () the sentences T (true) or F (false). Then copy
the sentences that helped you decide. (10 points)
One of the most famous events in history is the tragic sinking of the ship, the
Titanic. It sank just four days after it started its first journey from Southampton
in England, killing over two-thirds of the passengers.
The building of the Titanic began in March 1909 in Belfast, Ireland. The ship
was famous because of its huge size and luxurious rooms. When it finally set
off from Southampton to New York on 10th April 1912, it had 2,228 passengers
and crew members on board. However, there were only 16 lifeboats on the ship
and these could only hold 1,178 people.
On 14th April, at 11.40 at night, while it was sailing in the Atlantic Ocean, the
Titanic hit an iceberg and icy water started filling the ship. The sailors took
about 45 minutes to get the first lifeboat ready to use. When the last lifeboat left
the Titanic, there were still about 1,500 passengers on it!
At 2.10 am, the ship broke into two and sank. There werent enough life jackets
for all the passengers. That night, more than 1,500 people drowned in the icy

Fourteen-year-old Lucille Carter and her family were travelling on the Titanic.
At about 11.30 at night, some people were sitting in the dining room and some
people were dancing. Lucille was sleeping in her room. Her parents went
outside their room to look at the sea. Suddenly, there was a loud noise and
Lucille woke up very frightened. She opened the door and saw water
everywhere. A man was shouting: To the lifeboats! The ship is sinking!
Someone carried Lucille into a lifeboat. Then she saw her parents. They
climbed in, too. Many people werent so lucky. Only 710 passengers on the
Titanic survived that night.

1. The Titanic sailed for a week before it sank.











2. Everyone knew about the Titanic because it was so large and elegant.
3. The Titanic had the accident while it was sailing in the Atlantic Ocean.
4. Lucille Carter sailed on the Titanic when she was a teenager.
5. Lucilles parents didnt survive the sinking of the Titanic.

Complete the sentences. (10 points)

1. The Titanic started sailing to New York on .
2. At the beginning of the journey, there were on board.
3. The Titanic didnt have enough on the ship.
4. At about 11.30 on the night of 14th April, some people were dancing in
of the Titanic.
5. Lucille woke up because

Vocabulary 20 points

Match the words in A to their meanings in B. (8 points)


1. survive

...... a. solve problems

2. thrilled

...... b. a long trip

3. journey

...... c. not friendly

4. enthusiastic

...... d. alone

5. overcome obstacles

...... e. learn about

6. antisocial

...... f. happy

7. on your own

...... g. continue living

8. explore

...... h. excited about

Choose the correct answer. (5 points)

1. Dan was irritable / delighted / upset when his favourite cousin invited him to visit.
2. The boys could ride their bikes for hours because they were feeling very shocked / confused /
3. I was so cheerful / enthusiastic / annoyed when the bus arrived an hour late.
4. We were miserable / cheerful / antisocial because we were touring Paris in heavy rain.
5. Ellen was really shocked / thrilled / delighted when someone stole her bag.

Complete the sentences with the phrases below. (7 points)

dream came true make our way feel lonely on the way set off ran out of reach our destination
1. The train trip was very long. It took us two days to .
2. Did you while you were travelling on your own?
3. They water as they were crossing the desert.
4. Sue wanted to visit Disney World. Last month her .
5. We went on a trip to Marbella and met our friends .
6. They from home early in the morning.
7. It took us a long time to through all the people in the streets of Delhi.

Grammar 30 points

Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple. (10 points)
1. It yesterday, so I to school. (not walk / snow)
2. I an e-mail to my grandma last night. I hope she it. (get / send)
3. We a good map, so we our way. (not lose / have)
4. you a lot of things when you to Mexico?
(buy / travel)
5. What interesting places Bill when he to
South Africa? (see / go)

Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous. (5 points)
not snow sit write begin set off
1. The explorers were making their way through the jungle when it raining.
2. While I on the bus, I heard the news about the tsunami.
3. It when the explorers started their journey to Alaska.
4. We were sleeping when the ship from the port at night.
5. Pam her travel blog when she got my message.

Complete the sentences with one word. (5 points)

1. Ron was reading a book Lisa was painting.
2. I have breakfast this morning because I wasnt hungry at all.
3. Were you wearing those shoes you fell?
4. Where your parents go last night?
5. My family and I travelled to Mexico three years .

Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous. (10 points)
For thousands of years, it was mans dream to fly. The first flight 1.
(take place) in 1903. Two American brothers, Orville and
Wilbur Wright, 2. (build) a plane and 3.
(take) it to a beach to try and fly it. While Orville 4. (take off ),
some men on the beach 5. (watch) him. The plane 6.
(not fly) very high three metres above the ground before it
(land) on the beach. The brothers 8. (try)
again. Finally, Wilbur 9. (fly) the plane for a whole minute!
That exciting day 10. (change) the lives of the Wright brothers
and the history of travel forever.

Writing 10 points
Imagine something really exciting happened to you while you were on holiday. Write a narrative.

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