Pokemon Learning League Coping With Change

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Pokemon Learning League

Coping with Change

Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with Misty and Cilan arriving in

Celadon City on a clear blue afternoon, with the
Sun beating down on the area and the air &
atmosphere enveloping is calm. The streets are
bustling with people going about their business, a
bunch of Pidgey, Pidove and Fletchling are perched
on the roofs of some buildings, and some trainers
are having fun with their Pokemon in some parts.
Misty stretches her arms out, sighs in relief and
speaks to Cilan.)
Misty: Boy, doesnt it feel great out today, Cilan?
Cilan: Yeah, it sure does.
(Misty turns over to the audience and casually
speaks to them.)
Misty (casually): Oh, hey guys. Hows it going?
Cilan (casually): Hello, there.
(They continue onward down the street. As they
do, they pass by a perfume & flower shop, an
outdoor restaurant serving French & Japanese
foods, a convenient store and a hotel.)
Misty: So, tell me, Cilan, do you have any siblings?
Cilan: Yes, I do. Back in Striaton City, Cress, Chili
and I run a restaurant and the gym at the same
time, and as you can imagine, wed get a lot of

customers & challengers. It wasnt easy, but we

always manage to pull through.
Misty: Oh, thats interesting.
Cilan: Indeed. How about you?
Misty: I have three sisters: Daisy, Violet and Lily.
Cilan: Ah-ha, and what are they like?
Misty: Well, they can be well-meaning at times, but
they can also be a bit careless & irresponsible in
others, like the time they had forgotten to stock up
on more Cascade badges before they went on their
two-week worldwide trip and I had to get them
myself, and when we had many trainers at the
gym, Daisy wanted to just give away the badges
without battling them.
Cilan (comprehending): Ahh.
Misty: Yep, and theyre sometimes almost never
around. However, when they are, they do help out
around the gym, take care of the Pokemon and put
on a lot of great water ballet shows.
Cilan: Thats good to know.
(As they finish talking, they stop outside of the sixstory high Celadon Department Store and take
notice of it.)
Misty: Hey, how about we go & get some supplies?

Cilan: Okay, sure.

(They head on inside of it. Once there, they go up
to the service counter, where a man named Garrett
awaits them. He has long, black hair, hazel-colored
eyes, and is wearing a store uniform, work pants
and loafers.)
Garrett: Good afternoon. How may I help you?
Cilan: Would you mind telling us where the potions
& medicines are sold?
Garrett: No problem.
(They look up at the stores directory & map, which
features images of the six floors & what they each
sell, and he points to the second floor.)
Cilan: Thanks.
Garrett: No problem. You two have a good day.
(They go over to the elevator and head up to the
second floor. Upon arriving on the floor & exiting
the elevator, they see the different kinds of
potions, balls and other items on the shelves.
Now, they go about the floor, selecting out what
potions & medicines they need. Misty picks up a
handful of Revives.)
Misty: Hmm. How about we get some of these?
Cilan: All right, sure.

(She gets a handful of them and puts them in a

plastic bag. Now, Cilan gets a couple of Hyper &
Max Potions, while Misty gets a few cans of
Pokemon food and a handful of PokeBalls. Cross
dissolve to four minutes later, where they go over
to checkout, where the cashier, Sigourney, sits
behind the desk. She has long, curly red hair,
grass green eyes and is wearing the store uniform,
jeans and work shoes. Misty & Cilan place their
items on the countertop.)
Sigourney: Is this all youll be getting today?
Cilan: Yes, it will be.
Sigourney: Very well, then.
(She scan each of the items and places them back
in bags.)
Misty: So, how long have you been working here?
Sigourney: Oh, for a couple of months now, and
everyone here is really friendly & helpful.
Misty: Thats very nice.
(She rings up the final price and, pay the exact
amount of PokeYen and take up their bags.)
Sigourney: All right, you both have a good day now.
Both: Thanks.

(They both head back over to the elevator.

Dissolve to two and a quarter minutes later, where
theyve exited the store.)
Cilan: So, where should we go to from here?
Misty: How about we head over to the park later
Cilan: All right, that sounds good.
(As they continue along, they stop to take notice of
the four-story Celadon condominium. Then, they
see a girl named Kaley standing outside next to
the entrance, looking up at the sky with worry &
uncertainty on her face and gives off a sigh. She
has long, honey-colored hair, brown eyes and is
wearing a navy blue t-shirt, shorts, white socks and
sneakers. She breaks off small pieces of a
PokePuff and feeds it to a couple of Pidove. Cilan
& Misty go over to her.)
Misty: Excuse us?
(Kaley hears them & turns over to them.)
Kaley: Um, yes?
Misty: Hi, my names Misty.
Cilan: And Im Cilan.
Kaley: Its nice to meet you both. Im Kaley.

Misty (wondering): We couldnt help but notice, is

there something on your mind?
Kaley (honestly): Well, Im just uncertain about the
Kanto region.
Misty: Whys that?
Kaley: My family & I just moved here from Floccesy
Town & I dont know a lot about the region as a
Misty (understanding): Ah-ha. How have you been
adapting to these changes so far?
Kaley: Not so well. I mean, the citys really nice,
but Im just not sure about the people & Pokemon
living here yet.
Cilan: Maybe Quinn can help you out.
(He pulls out the Pokepilot from his pocket,
switches it on, presses the button and calls Quinn,
who is working on a music video with Diana & the
Quinn: Oh, hey guys. Hows it going?
Misty: Were doing fine, Quinn. What kind of music
video are you working on there?
Quinn: Its a rock-and-roll one about a trainer who
wants to unleash the potential of certain Pokemon.
Misty: That sounds like fun.

Quinn: Indeed, it is. (He takes notice of Kaley.) Oh,

hello. Im Quinn.
Kaley: Hey. Im Kaley.
Quinn: Anyways, what are you guys up to?
Cilan: Sigourney moved here from Floccesy City.
Quinn (comprehending): I see.
Misty: The only thing is, shes having a tricky time
getting used to living here, so do you know any tips
that could help her out?
Quinn: Of course I do. One way thatll help is to
know that some changes will be challenging.
Whether its moving to a new place or losing
someone, theres one thing that very crucial &
important: your attitude towards it. If you
approach it with fear or uncertainty, youll be
nervous about everything & become a wreck, but if
you look forward towards it, youll go far in life,
even if you make mistakes at first.
Misty: All right, sounds good. What else?
Quinn: Another tip is to try to accept it as a new
chapter in your life. Changes sometimes should be
seen as a chance to gain new knowledge or
experience, meet new people or discover new
places & skills.
Cilan: Thats an interesting one there.

Quinn: Thats not all. Sometimes, it helps to have

an open mind and accept everything as its being
presented. Rather if its a subculture or an active
pursuit, youll have a strong & biased opinion about
them, which isnt a bad thing depending on the
approach. Also, know that certain people can
accept constructive criticism, while others will
reject it completely, so be sure that your criticisms
are constructive and presented in a nonjudgmental manner.
Kaley: All right, thats a good one. Now what?
Quinn: If youre part of subculture that others have
a hard time accepting, put forth your argument in a
coherent manner. Try to present your feelings &
explanations in a manner that doesnt sound like
youre reading it straight out of a passage.
Misty: Okay, thats good. Now what?
Quinn: This next ones a bit obvious & youve
probably heard a dozen times, but is still
important: be tolerant to others and their beliefs &
Kaley: Okay, anything else?
Quinn: Yes, theres one other thing: some changes
require you to accept certain things unfamiliar to
you, but youll get comfortable with them once
youve been exposed to or have experienced them.

Kaley: Those are some pretty helpful tips there,

Quinn: Yes, they are, which is why Im going to
show you something.
Cilan: Very well.
(Pan up to an upper panel, showing three people
trying to cope with certain changes in their lives.)
Quinn: All right, you guys ready to do it?
Misty: You bet.
Quinn: Then, lets get started. This trainer, Egon, is
starting off a new journey in the Kalos region after
coming over from Sinnoh. How do you think he
should handle it?
Cilan: He should see it as the next chapter in his
Quinn: Very well, Cilan. Now, this girl, Laura,
decides that after competing in many Contests, she
wants to try entering Pokemon Showcases. How do
you think she should handle it?
Kaley: She should be aware that some changes
ahead of her will be challenging.
Quinn: Okay, Kaley. Here, this guy, Arsenio, sees
that his hometown has started bringing in new
traditions. How do you think he should handle it?

Misty: He should have an open mind and accept

whats being presented to him.
Quinn: All right, Misty. Way to go, you guys.
Misty: Well, thanks Quinn.
Quinn: No problem, Misty.
Ada (calling out, O.S.): Quinn, were ready to go
Quinn (responds back): Okay! (He turns back to
the gang.) I better go guys. See you later. Oh,
and nice to have met you, Kaley.
Kaley: Thanks, Quinn. Same to you.
(Cilan turns the Pokepilot off and puts it back in his
Kaley: So, where are you guys going off to?
Misty: Oh, just over to the park.
Kaley: That sounds nice. Would you mind if I come
with you?
Misty (kindly): No, of course not.
Kaley: Okay, good.
(She puts her PokePuffs back in a plastic bag, puts
them back in her backpack and they start off.)
Misty: Say, Kaley, what are some of your favorite
Pokemon types?

Kaley: Well, I love flying and electric types.

Misty: Oh, thats very nice.
Kaley: Mmm-hmm. How about you guys?
Cilan: Well, I personally like Grass and ground
Misty: For me, it will always be water types.
Kaley: Ah-ha.
(They continue onward. Fade into five and a half
minutes later, where they have arrived at the park.
Theres a small group of people & their Pokemon
either having fun, relaxing & hanging out with
some friends or having a battle just for fun. The
trio comes to a spot set right next to a flower bed.)
Cilan: This looks like a nice spot.
Misty: Yeah.
(Dissolve to moments later, where theyve gotten
themselves comfortable.)
Misty (contented): Ahh, this feels great.
Cilan (concurring): Yeah, you said it. (He turns
over to Kaley.) So, Kaley, what kind of trainer are
going to be when you start on your journey?
Kaley: I dont know yet, but whatever itll be, Ill be
ready for it.
Cilan: Oh, thats good to hear.

(They start to lay out on their backs & look up at

the sky. Just then, Kaley takes notice of a trainer
named Dan doing some training with his Helioptile.
He has long red hair, light brown eyes, and is
wearing a red-and-white striped t-shirt, blue jean
pants and white sneakers.)
Kaley: Excuse me, guys. I need to do something.
(She stands up, gets the bag of PokePuffs out from
her bag and goes over to him.)
Kaley: Excuse me, would you mind if I gave your
Pokemon some PokePuffs?
Dan: Um, okay.
(She hands him a couple of PokePuffs and he gives
them to Helioptile.)
Helioptile (contented): Heliop.
Dan (complimenting): Wow! She really likes them.
Kaley: No problem. Im Kaley.
Dan: My names Dan.
(They both shake each others hands & she gives
him a couple more PokePuffs. Now, she goes back
over to Misty & Cilan.)
Cilan: That was a very nice thing you did, Kaley.
Kaley: Thanks, Cilan.

(She lays back out on the grass. Now, Cilan turns

over to Misty.)
Cilan: So, Misty, what do you say we do another
session of what we did before?
Misty: All right, Cilan, but lets see if the audience is
up for this.
Cilan: All right. (He turns over to the audience.)
You guys want to do it? (He casually waits for an
answer from the audience for one second.) Okay,
(Cross fade to three more trainers in different
Misty (V.O): Okay, lets do it. Here, a trainer,
Raphael, arrives in Boyleland and sees the
residents getting ready for a snow-themed festival.
How do you think should he can cope with this?
(She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one and a half audience.) By
accepting the villages unfamiliar customs and
experiencing it. Sure, why not.
Cilan (V.O.): Now, this trainer, Medina, sees a group
that train their Pokemon in a different fashion than
normal. How do you think should she can cope
with it? (He casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one and a half audience.) Try to
tolerate them and their beliefs. Very well.

Misty (V.O.): Finally, this guy, Dashawn, is part of a

group of trainers that worship the legendary
Meloetta. How do you think should he can get the
others to cope with it? (She casually waits for an
answer from the audience for one and a half
audience.) By stating his argument in a coherent
manner. All right, then.
(Dissolve back to the gang and Cilan casually
speaks to the audience.)
Cilan (casually): Good job there, guys.
(Misty turns over to Kaley.)
Misty: Hey, Kaley. Would you like to see some of
our Pokemon?
Kaley: Sure.
Cilan: All right, then.
(He & Misty stand up and each get out one
Pokeball out.)
Both: Go!
(They toss them into the air and Starmie &
Pansage: Pan-sage.
Kaley (impressed): They look really good.
Misty: Well, thanks Kaley.
Kaley: Youre welcome.

(She gives a gentle stroke on Pansages head &

one of Starmies arms.)
Pansage (happily): Pan-sage.
Kaley: So, what else do you guys do on your
Misty: Well, Im the leader of the Cerulean City
Cilan: Im a connoisseur, as well as a co-owner of a
restaurant in Unova with my brothers, and we also
run the Striaton City Gym.
Kaley: Ahh, thats cool.
(Suddenly, Kaleys stomach gurgles.)
Kaley: Oh, I guess its time for lunch.
Cilan: Well, then lets go get some food.
Kaley: All right, then.
(They turn over to the audience.)
Both (casually): Thanks a lot, guys.
(Fade in to minutes later, where theyve returned
back to their spot, with the food theyre having for
Cilan: That was an interesting episode. Did you
guys enjoy it? (He casually wait for an answer
from the audience for one second.) All right, then.
Well see you next time.

(They casually wave goodbye to the audience and

they start taking out the food theyre going to
have, from onigiris & sandwiches, cheesy
breadsticks, fruit smoothies and sweet rolls. Then,
it fades to black, ending the episode.)

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