Conference Schedule

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Mon. Apr 26
8:00 - 2:00PM Exhibitor set-up (all exhibitors must be finished setting up their booths by 2PM)
2:00 - 6:00PM Exhibits Open

3:00 - 3:15 PM Welcome: Mayor Elect Mitch Landrieu (Invited)

3:15 - 4:00PM Keynote Address:To be announced

4:00 - 5:30PM Opening General Counsel Panel

Moderated by Ted Banks, former Chief Counsel of Kraft Foods.
(Includes panelists from Kraft, DuPont, Method Products, Whole Foods and more)

6:00 - 9:00PM Welcome Reception

Tues. Apr 27
7:30 - 8:30 Breakfast
8AM - 5PM Exhibits Open
8:30 - 9:15 Keynote Address: “LEED, From Where I Sit”
Susan Dorn, General Counsel, US Green Building Council
ƒ Current changes in LEED and at USGBC/GBCI
ƒ Legal Trends affecting green buildings

9:15 -10:00 Industry Panel: Green Case Studies

Enviromental Demolitions: Simone Bruni, Demo Diva:
Energy Savings: Tracey Robinson, HLM Energy Saver:
Biodegradeable Burials: Luc Nadeau, Natures Casket

10:00 -10:30 Break

10:30 - 12:00 Legal: “Green Law for the Real Estate Practice”
-Jon Leyens, the Steeg Law Firm, Robert Newcomer, LEED AP, the Lang Legal Group

(concurrent) Green: “GreenWashing and Remediation”

Sarah Brehm, Jones Walker; Dr. Brad Droy, Toxicological &Environmental Associates, Inc.;
Boyd Bryan, Jones Walker
ƒ What is Green and Sustainable Remediation
ƒ Emerging Emphasis on Green and Sustainable Remediation
ƒ Alternative Green and Sustainable Remediation Technologies
ƒ Advantages of Green and Sustainable Remediation

(concurrent) Industry: “Working Smarter with Green: Less Carbon, Cost & Chaos”
-Michael Mills, Kraft Kennedy; David Bain, DataCert
Carbon footprints

12:00 - 1:30 (Working Lunch)

"Forest Certification: Much Ado About 1 LEED Credit?"- Moderated by Su K. Suh, Weyerhaeser
Cassie Phillips, Vice President of Sustainable Forestry, Weyerhaeuser Company
Kathy Abusow, President and CEO, SFI; Rosemary Daszkiewicz,Plum Creek Timber
ƒ What is forest certification?
ƒ Why forest certification matters
ƒ WY's approach to forest certification and sustainability
ƒ Wood and Green Building
ƒ Legal concerns regarding USGBC's approach to forestry certification

1:30 - 3:00 Legal: “Green Building Regulations and Codes De-mystified”

-Timothy Hughes, Bean Kinney; Shari Shapiro, Obermayer Rebman
ƒ Building codes and green building
ƒ Adopting updates of building codes to incorporate green principals (ICC, ASHRAE)
and anticipated future changes
ƒ Incorporation of sustainability into zoning ordinances, resulting issues and problems
ƒ Risk and liability associated with green buildings and codes

(concurrent) Industry: “LEEDigation- The Impact of LEED on the Practice of Law”

-Christopher Hill, Durrette Brandshaw; Scott Wolfe, Wolfe Law Group
ƒ This session will discuss the impact of LEED 3.0 on the world of construction
litigation. We will discuss LEED's impact on the probability of litigation, the types of
claims likely to be brought, the uncertainty of how any claims will be decided, and
potential methods of preparing for such litigation through contract drafting and risk
management processes

(concurrent) Green: “Greenhouse Gas Law/Alternatives, Regulation & Solar, Geothermal and Energy Districts”
-Stan Millan and Margorie McKeithen, Jones Walker
ƒ Trends in green regulations -- EPA, SEC, CEQ, etc.
ƒ Trends in green legislation -- Energy and Climate
ƒ Advances in renewable energy use.
ƒ What you should be preparing to do in this green age.

3:00 - 3:30 Break

3:30 - 5:00 Legal: “Green Building Construction Litigation”

  -William Tanenbaum, Kaye Scholer; Scott Wolfe, Wolfe Law Group
Building regulations can be confusing, even without the added complexity of environmental
sustainability. This session will focus on providing attendees with the tools to translate and
understand even the most complicated regulations. Topics include:
ƒ Adoption of updates of building codes to incorporate green principals (ICC, ASHRAE)
and anticipated future changes
ƒ Incorporation of sustainability into zoning ordinances, resulting issues and problems
ƒ Risk and liability associated with green buildings and codes

(concurrent) Green: “Sustainability-From the Board Room to the Break Room”

-Kathryn Pavolvsky, Deloitte; Fred Kipperman, The Rand Institute
ƒ The context for board decision-making
ƒ Extra-financial reporting considerations
ƒ Risks and opportunities
ƒ Vignettes and very short case studies

(concurrent) Industry: “When Green Goes Wrong-Liability, De-certification Litigation”

- Bruce Merwin and Bradley Carson, Haynes and Boone
ƒ Sustainable building practices and green rating systems are a boon to the real estate
industry, but like any new technology, things go wrong.
ƒ Hear the most pressing risks associated with green building for owners, tenants,
lenders, managers, and design & construction professionals.
ƒ Discover the inherent risks of LEED and other rating systems.
ƒ Learn contract drafting tips to address these new vulnerabilities in your practice and

6:00 - 10:00 Gala Dinner (off site)

Wed. Apr 28
7:30 - 8:30 Breakfast

8:00 - 12:00 Exhibits Open

8:30 - 9:15 Keynote: Steve Harmon, Cisco/Paul Lippe, LegalOnRamp

9:15 - 10:15 Closing Keynote Panel:

“Green Litigation: How to Manage E-Discovery Without Destroying the Planet”
-Moderated by Monica Bay of Legal Technology News
  Consultant Panel: Andrew Adkins, George Socha, Tom O’Connor, Ward Bower

10:15 -10:30  Break

10:30 -12:00  “Environmental and Health Impact of Green Building Construction”

-Max Swetman, Swetman Baxter; Patricia Algiers, Algiers & Associates
ƒ Regulatory compliance with green design
ƒ Indoor air quality
ƒ Impacts of energy and water savings
ƒ Costs and benefits
ƒ Evidence of impacts
ƒ Predictions

10:30 -12:00 “Green Claims and Consumer Protection: FTC Green Guides, Social Media, and Green Building”
Jennifer Taggert and Su Suh
ƒ Overview of sources of regulation for green certifications and marketing claims:
private actions, NGO's, regulation and more
ƒ Trips, traps and rules of the road for green marketing
ƒ Green Claims and Social Media
ƒ Green Building Case Study

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

1:00 - 5:00PM Optional Training: “Introduction to the LEED Rating System and Green Associate Study”
- Prisca Weems, J.O. Evans
(*This course can be taken for a fee, and offers a certificate that will fulfill the requirement to apply for the
LEED Green Associate Exam.)
ƒ This optional course will provide an introduction to green building concepts,
ƒ An introduction to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) concepts,
values and process for green building certification,
ƒ An introduction to Green Associate accreditation--addressing its importance and the GA's
responsibilities, and
ƒ An overview of resources available on green building for a more in-depth understanding.

1:00 - 5:00PM Greegal Golf Tourney, Audubon Golf Course (Shotgun start)

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