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Exp Costs (As per Laws of Ascension)

Ability/background/trait - 1 per dot

New Arete - 4
New Rote - 1 per sphere level of the rote
Willpower - 3 per trait
New Sphere - 4 for Initiate and Apprentice, 8 for Disciple and Adept. 12 for Master. Those costs
increase by 1 point for non-specialty spheres to 5/9/13.
Buying off negative trait - 2

Exp Rewards (based on game every two months)

Game Attendance - 8 exp
Providing food/drink - 2 exp
Providing props / helping the game atmosphere - 2 exp
Narrator Exp - 2 exp
Golden Wand - roleplaying award - 1 exp
Golden Robe - costume award - 1 exp
Forum/email rp - 2 exp
Paradigm writeup - 2 exp
Downtime - 2 exp
(owbn rules has maximum exp every month is 8 exp)

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