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Atmosphere/climate/weather control

Air Composition 1: The air composition could be the same air composition of that on earth
which is
-78.09% nitrogen
-20.95% oxygen
-0.93% argon
-0.039 carbon dioxide
-1% water vapor
Air Pressure: 14.7 psi
Quantity: The average person breathes in 11,000 L of air per day. With around 267 people living
in each mini settlement there will need to be 2,937,000 L of air in each settlement per day. As
for oxygen, we breath in around 550 L per day which would mean we will need 146,850 L of
pure oxygen in each settlement per day.


Residents do not have to
Air composition is prime for
normal amounts of physical activity

More air that needs to be

More machinery needed to
move the mass amounts of stored air

Air Composition 2:
-20.95% oxygen
-78.09% nitrogen
-0.039% carbon dioxide
-1% water vapor
Air Pressure: 12 psi
Quantity: The quantity would stay the same for the most part. although you would need 10,230L
less because you would get rid of argon. Total quantity 2,926,770L of air.


less material to transport
Air could be wider spread and
used more efficiently

more residents would

experience the effects of altitude


Weather Control: Weather could be regulated by temperature. The water vapor in the air
would react to the temperature change. The amount of water vapor in the air could also be
controlled by the amount of open water in the settlements. The open water and temperature
would create a water cycle and therefore the weather could be controlled by the temperature.
Electrical Power Generation:
Using average solar panels that produce roughly 200 watts per panel. An average U.S home
uses around 911 kWh per month. If we say that 4 people live in each house that would mean
there would be around 66.75 houses. 66.75 multiplied by the number of watts needed per
house would give you 60,809,250 watts which equals 60,809.25 kilowatts per settlement per
Solar: Using high powered solar panels that are putting out 5,000 watts per day well need
405.395 panels to produce 60,809.25 kilowatts in one month.


easy management
not a lot of need for human
Provides a good amount of
electricity for its size

Food management/production/delivery/storage
Waste management
Basic necessities

costs a lot
could be in the way depending
on installation
dependent on direction


Water Management: The average person in space is going to use 60 gallons of water per day
to live comfortably. This means that each mini settlement is going to use 16,020 gallons of
water per day. Much of this is going to go to hygiene and consumption.
Storage 1: Water can be stored in large containers within the structure. These large containers
would have to fit the shape of the settlement. 8 smaller storage tanks would be enough to store
water for 6 months if each container held 360,450 gallons. The number of tanks could decrease
depending on the space available.

7 tanks are safe if one is
contaminated of breached
access to water from every
water temp can be regulated
from the settlement

takes up a lot of space

may be hard to refill if there is
not a port connecting to the outside
more containers that need to
be filled =more labor

Storage 2: Water is in one big tank inside the settlement. All of the community is linked to it. It
allows for faster refilling and less maintenance. Having one major water storage would allow for
more of the public to have access.


Less maintenance
easier access
less complicated infrastructure

risk of infecting the entire

settlements water supply
Residents may begin to fight
over the amount of water they get
a lot more security needed if
fights began

Storage 3: This is similar to storage 1. Three storage containers are installed in the settlement.
One pipes to residential units. One pipes to industrial sections and the other is placed as a
backup in case one container is ruined.


Back up container
less risk of uprisings
fairly easy maintenance

Household and Industrial waste management:

the larger containers would

tale up more space
finding a location to maximize
the settlements use of space

Idea 1: All of the waste is incinerated. There is no mess and it does not require a lot of
management. By incinerating the waste the settlement does not need to worry about a space to
store the waste while they think of what they can use it for.

less management
easy clean up
saves room for the other
needs of the settlement
is less stinky and more
appealing to the residents

waste of material if crops are

being grown
could possibly eliminate jobs
that the residents need
requires more energy to

Idea 2: The settlement saves the waste and recycles it for fertilizer. If it was recycled the
settlement would have to come up with a way to collect the waste. Waste could be used as a
burnable stinky fuel.


could help with fertilization

requires less energy

could build up if the demand
for it is not enough
system is very dependent on
the residents and when they dispose
of their waste

Idea 3: Solid waste is packaged and launched into deep space. This solution requires more
work but would get rid of the waste with minimal energy usage.


waste disappears
no smell
minimal energy

Business Purposes of the secondary Settlements

5 could be used for mining on s and m type asteroids

polluting space
possibility of it turning to
dangerous space junk

4 could be used as storage

3 could be used for R&R
1 could be a communication control
1 could be a research lab

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