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The area between Manchester to Milan is densely populated.

This part of Europe is

called the core. Everything outside the core is the periphery. In the periphery,
conditions are less favourable to live in, e.g. mountains, drought, poor soils or
extreme climate.
The number of people living somewhere is constantly changing, people die, babies
are born, and people migrate. Europes population grew slowly until 1750. Medical
care and water supplies began to improve. In about 2000 the population stabilized. In
some European countries, the population has begun to decrease. People also live
longer. Here are some reasons why the birth rates and death rates have fallen:

Better health care

Better food
Pensions and sick pay
Better education
Family planning
Improved water supply.

A population pyramid is a graph that shows the population structure of an area,

country or region. See example.

More elderly
females than
A bulge might
mean a baby
boom or an
influx of

More boys than

girls are born. A
narrow base
means a low
birth rate.

Some people move to another country.

Moving into a country immigration
Moving out of a country emigration
There can be pull or push factors:
Pull factors pull the migrant with good things to offer: e.g. well paid jobs, education,
higher standard of living.
Push factors push the migrant out of their country because of the bad things that
happen there. E.g. civil war, unfavourable climate, natural disasters.

There are different types of reasons to migrate:

Economic reasons such as.


Political reasons such as:

Opposing government actions

Social reasons such as:


Environmental reasons such as:


Asylum-seekers are refugees who apply to stay in another country because they face
persecution and possibly death in their home country. Most of them are male and
under 30 years old.

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